Soulstice: Luna's Dream. Lance Jr. Dow. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lance Jr. Dow
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная драматургия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456607883
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far behind her. Tara is the youngest at fourteen. You would not believe she’s only fourteen. All three of them have been blessed by the body gods and those bodies of theirs show-off well in those cheerleader uniforms. The Bees seem to live in their cheer uniforms. I mean that’s all they wear at school, at the mall… maybe they sleep in them.

      The Bees can have any vamp boy, get away with anything, and they have all the perks a rich, powerful, and connected vampire family can provide-- in other words, so not me and my life. A limo with a personal driver drops them off at school. I love riding my sweet bike, but a limo driving me to school once in awhile would be nice.

       Just so you know, we can live amongst humans and we can put on a good act about being friendly and all; but we cannot fraternize with humans in a “feeling way.” We can’t become true friends of humans. We can’t bond with them or have feelings for them per the code. Our relationships with you are nothing more than a deception.

      Falling in love with a human is strictly forbidden. It’s the number two violation of the vampire code. It’s very, very, bad for the vampire in the equation and for that vampire’s family. The vamp and their entire family are relocated with new identities and are on a strict type of watch by special vampire teams. IF that vampire attempts any kind of contact, or makes any kind of contact with the human again, the vampire “disappears.” As in, bye-bye off the face-of-the-earth, never to be seen or heard from again. The problem is forever solved.

      As for the human in a vampire-human love equation-- if he or she has been revealed the truth about us they are killed. It is as simple as that.

      There is no hiding the truth of the matter. There are vampires that can get to the truth. Mindreaders. I don’t know how they do it. It’s supposed to be something like a Vulcan mind-meld. It also isn’t a pleasant experience. It’s allegedly extremely painful as they do like a Google search of your brain to get to the information they are seeking.

      These vampires have no problem reading human minds, but it’s more difficult to read a vampire’s mind. We are wired to lie and deceive. It’s in the DNA. Even within our family and closest vampire relationships you seriously have to work hard at building trust and even then there are lies. I told you, it’s complicated being a vampire.

      As far as falling in love with the opposite sex-- I don’t expect I’ll ever run into the problem. Boys-- vampire or human don’t seem to be attracted to me or Lily. Maybe they really do believe we’re in the all-girls club. Whatever the reasons, we’re “toxic.” And vamp boys have their own detractions that I’d rather not deal with right now in my life. If I’m lucky to ever find a vamp of the opposite sex I just pray he’s one like Daddy-- a kind, self-assured vampire. On the other hand, we obviously can’t have a relationship with a human boy - so what’s the use of going there.

      The run-up to the winter solstice is upon us. It’s when we need to feed the most. The sun’s rays have less intensity and the hours of darkness are much longer. We must take advantage of it to give us the sustenance we need for the summer days and months when the sun is out much longer and its UV rays more intense. UV rays are what are dangerous to vampires-- so during the summer months it is more difficult to take in all we need. We are very much like the hibernating animals but in the reverse. We store energy in the winter to make it through the summer.

      Yes, the fact that we have the sunscreen should allow us to do what we need to do year-round, but the evolution of our bodies; our organs and cells still require this heavy feeding in the winter months. If not, we lull and lull and lull, until our body reaches an equilibrium and then we finally come out of the lull. That is called an “equilibrium lull.” It’s a defense mechanism of our bodies. Going into “shock” or a “coma” would be the human equivalent. When we come out of an equilibrium lull we need to feed something fierce. If we don’t we feel intense hunger pains and we can die.

      It happened to me, last winter solstice. An entire month had passed. My parents and Christian we’re running out of excuses at school and Child Protective Services were ready to come when my Dad had one of our vampire doctors write a letter saying I had mono-- the kissing disease. Me? I don’t think so. But it worked.

      Another interesting vampire fact: there’s like a “NO VAMPIRE ZONE.” It’s in certain latitudes within the Tropics and has to do with something about the sun being at zenith. It’s very inhospitable to us vampires, sunscreen, or not. The sun penetrates there like X-rays.

      Luckily, the human race (our sustenance) keeps growing in places where we can live comfortably, and we are always learning to adapt to harsher climates just like the humans. Eventually we vampires will be everywhere humans are. When both of our species overtax the planet’s abilities to support us all is when worlds will collide. My Dad says it’s inevitable.

      Well, time to slip in the iPod buds and try to get psyched up for my food run. Don’t get me wrong, I love blood. But just a few more minutes of “me” time is what I’m craving right now because there are too many vampires in this house.

      I am glad I got my biology homework out of the way. It’s so hard to concentrate after a satisfying meal. I’m sure you’ve been through that. You just want to zone with some music, am I right?

      Oh, how do I decide on whom to snack on? I just look for someone healthy and fit over the age of thirteen. I tend to look for a long neck, just for convenience sake.

      Okay let’s get settle for a little “me” time. I've got my Glow Pod pillow in place. I love this thing. This thing is awesome. It's a kind of pillow case for your pillow and it has a pocket for your cell phone or iPod so you don't lose it somewhere on the floor or roll over on it. And it glows softly - like all night long. Best is… it doesn't bother my vamp eyes at all. It always welcomes me home after a night of feeding. Well generally it welcomes me home... Skyla keeps stealing it the little scamp.

      Okay, who should I listen to? The Con’s “Paradise” should do the trick. iPod ENGAGE!

      “All your life… livin’ in some small town like it’s paradise… Breaking the shop windows, thinkin’ all bricks are good… they do just what they should… aaaaaahhh.

      So please, please, give me somethin’ to believe in… Please, please ‘cause I got nothing now. Now you’re like…”


      “Luna, get up!”

      I didn’t hear my sister, Christian, while I was zoning out to the Cons and even if I did, I wouldn’t have responded. I don’t like my zone, my personal space, to be invaded by anybody-- especially, Christian-- and most especially during my “me” time.

      Even Lily knows better than to invade my “me” time. I’m not a happy vampire if you do this. You might see some fangs if you mess with my “me” time. I might even “flare” at you if I’m really ticked. Flaring is a fang display with the mouth opened; sometimes combined with hissing. If it’s a “full flare” the lower and upper jaws are extended to their maximum range and saliva injected with venom will be dripping down those fangs. That means “back off” or get ready to fight. A full flare will also be present when we strike a human. It’s our most primitive state.

      If it was Skyla that was interrupting me, I’d let it go. That smile of hers is so full of youthful innocence and those sparkly, inquisitive, puppy-like hazel eyes-- she totally melts me. My zone and personal space are always available to her. I love her whimsical, sandy blonde hair. I wish it were mine. I can’t do much with mine. It is what it is.

      Skyla, Christian, and my Dad, all have a shade of brown hair and green or hazel eyes. My mother and I are so different from them. Our hair is so black that in the right light it has a bluish sheen. We both have these natural waves. I guess you call them locks or something. They are spiral cords of wavy hair. All we have to do is wash it and it comes out like that. Mom and I both have brown eyes. We look so much alike despite the twenty-three year age difference. Even though my Mom looks like me, her overall presence and style is more like Christian’s.

      Christian at seventeen-years of age is a good