Energy Medicine. C. Norman Shealy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: C. Norman Shealy
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047088
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statement is, “Mind is the builder.” (2269–1) But he also said that an individual, “. . . builds or retards according to the choices of the ideals.” (2326–1) Thus, the aura is the result of the whole physical/mental/spiritual being. According to Cayce, the aura reflects the character of the individual. Another way of looking at the individual is the relationship of the mind to the soul, but ultimately it is the relationship of the mind, body, and soul to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health balance that influence the aura or energy bodies.

      Talented intuitives who see the various and sundry colors in the energy surrounding the human body associate these colors with various mental thoughts or emotions. Emotions are actually physical feelings that result from mental beliefs. Thus, unusual colors and activity observed in the aura are interpreted as healthy or unhealthy. When I see what appears to be heat waves rising off the body; most of the time I see only a couple of inches of energy with some slight movement. Sometimes, however, it is very narrow and gray or dark and I associate that primarily with low life forces, depression, or focal disease. Occasionally I see splotches of black or brown, which I also associate with disease. Very rarely, I see lighter colors such as pink, violet, or green, and I cannot unequivocally determine what these mean.

      The Seven Chakras

      In addition to the energy layers around the entire body, of course, there are also other subtle energy factors, primarily the energy centers called chakras in Hinduism. Chakras are wheel-like energy vortices existing on the surface of the Etheric Body that connect, among other things, with particular areas of the physical body. These “force centers” are additionally associated with the energies of color and musical tones.

      Although there is significant variation in the description of the chakras by some authors, I personally prefer those Caroline Myss and I have used over the past twenty-seven years. Caroline is the most accurate medical intuitive I know. She and I collaborated on a book, The Creation of Health, and we have conducted scores of workshops over the years. Her book Sacred Contracts discusses not only the chakras but their relation to many other aspects of life.

      While Hinduism identifies many more than seven chakras, here is some basic information on the seven main chakras, from the base of the spine to the top of the head, with their corresponding colors and musical notes:

      First Chakra: The Root

      Color: Red

      Note: C

      Leadbetter and Besant associated the Root with the ovaries or the prostate, but I personally think of it as being primarily the legs right up through the hips. Caroline Myss associates the Root with one’s groundedness or connection to the earth, family, and nation.

      Second Chakra: The Sacral

      Color: Orange

      Note: D

      To me, the Sacral Chakra encompasses the area from the coccyx up to the navel and, therefore, would include the physical parts of the body, low back, pelvis, and lower abdomen. Caroline Myss considers the Sacral Chakra to be that involved with finances, security, and sexuality. I have seen thousands of patients with low back pain, and virtually all of them have financial and sexual difficulties.

      Third Chakra: The Solar Plexus

      Color: Yellow

      Note: E

      Also its anatomical name, I associate the Third Chakra area from the navel up to the rib cage, with the majority of abdominal organs. Caroline’s description of the Third Chakra includes one’s relationship to self-esteem and responsibility either of self or of others. It is interesting that diabetes, one of the most common modern illnesses, is often associated with obesity and other issues of self-esteem.

      Fourth Chakra: The Heart

      Color: Green

      Note: F

      The Heart Chakra includes the thymus gland and actually the entire chest, breasts, heart, lungs, aorta, esophagus, and thymus. It is associated with love and forgiveness by virtually all experts in the field of subtle energy.

      Fifth Chakra: The Throat

      Color: Blue

      Note: G

      Though it is called the Throat Chakra, to me it includes everything from the nose down through the arms and hands. Its primary function is an expression of will. We express our basic will by speaking, but also with use of our hands and arms. Once again, my clinical experience reveals that physical problems in this area are associated with over or under expression of needs, desires, and basic will.

      Sixth Chakra: The Third Eye

      Color: Blue/purple/indigo

      Note: A

      This chakra is sometimes associated with the pineal gland. To me, it includes the eyes, ears, and everything in the brain. It is the center of wisdom—or lack thereof! Thus all disorders of the brain and these related organs appear to result from issues of unwise choices.

      Seventh Chakra: The Crown

      Color: Violet

      Note: B

      The Crown Chakra is at the top of the head and is the connection with the Soul and God—our connection with Spirit and the Divine. Here, again, virtually all experts associate the Seventh Chakra with Soul, God, and the Divine.

      Below is a modern sketch of the general location of the chakras, taken from Wikipedia:


      It’s interesting that the great physiologist, Irvin Korr, showed circles of complex energy activity in these areas in the nervous system. Thus, the First Chakra would essentially be the sciatic plexus; the Second Chakra the pelvic plexus; the Third Chakra the true solar plexus (even in anatomical terms); the Fourth Chakra the energy of the heart or cardiac plexus itself; the Fifth Chakra the energy of the entire cervical spine, thyroid, and plexus; and the Sixth Chakra the brain. Admittedly, there are significant differences in various descriptions of the physiological, anatomical, and glandular connections of each of these energy centers.

      Clearly, a great deal of the work of Energy Medicine involves both the energy bodies around the body and the chakras. However, let us not forget that everything is energy. Ultimately, Energy Medicine must include all the physical, mental, psychological, spiritual, and energetic approaches to the evaluation of health and the treatment of disease.

      Nutrition and Energy Medicine

      Obviously, many aspects of nutrition are a major part of Energy Medicine. There are certain nutrients, without which we cannot live healthily. These include all of the B vitamins, at least the carotenoids of the vitamin A family, vitamin E, vitamin D3, a variety of minerals ranging from lithium to calcium to magnesium, boron and iodine, among others; and, of course, the essential amino acids:

      • Arginine

      • Isoleucine

      • Histidine

      • Leucine

      • Methionine

      • Lysine

      • Phenylalanine

      • Tryptophan

      • Threonine

      • Valine

      This list should almost certainly include Taurine. A deficiency of any one of these can cause remarkable symptoms and even ultimately death.
