Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity. Edgar Cayce. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Edgar Cayce
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876046838
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information, advice and guidance as to her work, her domestic and material affairs. You will answer the questions, as I ask them:

      Edgar Cayce: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [2071]; this we have had before.

      Many changes have come in the relationships and the activities of the entity since last we had these conditions here. Some have been, for a time, most pleasing—in a material sense. Some have become very disappointing. Others have brought fear and confusion in the experience of this entity.

      As we find, it might be well given, “I told you so”—if the entity would analyze conditions, not merely from the material angle or the material success, or the material disappointments, but from the intent and purpose which has been at time the promptings of the entity in its dealings with and in its relationships to others.

      This should be taken into consideration with that advice, that counsel which has been and was indicated in those suggestions through this channel—when there was the analyzing of promptings in the experience of the entity from its sojourns through this material plane.

      From the experiences it is evidenced that the entity finds self in the present with abilities that have not, to the entity's manner of analysis, produced the material results in the present experience. Yet those abilities to bring harmony and peace in the experiences of others, through the use of faculties in voice, in harmony, in such activities, are evidenced.

      Is the fault, then, in the manner in which these abilities have been presented to those who are longing for such harmony in their own life? Or is it the fault of the entity's attempting to present that which is nonexistent in its own experience?

      Remember, God is not mocked. This is an unfailing, an indisputable law—a fact. For if the promptings are from the heart, the mind, the soul—not that self may be exalted, not that self may be in the limelight in fame or in fortune, but wholly, unreservedly trusting in Him and acting in that way and manner towards thy fellow man—His promises are sure, that ye shall succeed in whatsoever ye undertake!

      This success, then, is not as the world looks on success—such as bringing others to thy feet, that they may do thee honor. Rather it is such that he that is the servant of all is the greatest among his fellow men.

      The fault here, as we find, lies greatly—then—in the direction to which the abilities have been put.

      Those who have been in the position to make contact with the various offices through which the services might be rendered, or through which the abilities might be expressed, or through which the love of its fellow men might be made manifest—whether in the radio work or the skits, or the acting in parts, or in any activity in which there might be brought notice—these have been rather working with the key purpose for material gain.

      Hence we would give, first: Consider well thy contact agent, or the one in whom ye have put confidence as to the channels for expressing thy abilities, or the one who is thy agent for such activities.

      For the world, the public, the individual, still seeks, longs for, desires earnestly, that ye are capable of giving, and have the ability to give to others through such channels.

      Ready for questions.

       (Q) What would be the most important move to make at this time?

      (A) Get a good agent! and one that considers the abilities for the love of expressing same, as well as for material gains! for these—the gains—should be the result of such love shown in thy activity!

       (Q) Is there one you would suggest, or through whom my work should be presented?

      (A) Hunt—hunt—hunt—hunt ‘em!

      These will not be laid down as definite individuals from here! Do you gain a voice by wishing for one? Do you gain association and love by wishing for it, or by showing same in thine own experience?

      Those who would have success mustn't flit it away upon those who care only for the moment!

       (Q) Should I remain in professional work? If so, what branch?

      (A) The radio is the better—those skits that combine both the voice and the partial acting.

       (Q) How can I further the publication of my songs?

      (A) Make them popular in the minds of individuals by the manner in which ye are capable of expressing them, in voice, through the mediums for reaching the people.

       (Q) How can I make contacts to meet the right people?

      (A) Through the proper kind of contact person.

       (Q) Did I do right by moving out to my place in Connecticut?

      (A) As we find, if those activities are set in motion that have first been given through this channel—as to that to be met in self, and then the proper presentation of the abilities, though they are long before the public—yes. But these should or must be kept burning, even as the home fires where harmony and peace may abide. One may not rest upon what has been, but must be ready to show—each and every day, in each and every contact—that self is one willing to give an answer for the faith that is within.

      Thus there may be brought friends, love, success, happiness, joy—as a result of something given by self!

       (Q) Under present circumstances, what should I do about my house?

      (A) Prepare those ways and means to take care of same.

       (Q) How can I reduce my blood pressure?

      (A) This also has been indicated in the information previously given through this channel, and if adhered to will keep same in a normal manner.

      We are through for the present.

       (Q) (Left out of original copy) Will my present husband ever amount to anything, or do you see a change for the better in the future?

      (A) This depends upon who is to judge.

      These as we find are some of thy disappointments.

      If there will be the setting of self's house in order, in relationships to that which is the motivative purpose and influence within self, there will be brought harmonious relationships—if not here, in others.

       Reading 3976-14

       “World Affairs” Reading on the Depression and the Economy

      Hugh Lynn Cayce: You will give at this time that which will aid each individual present in understanding the reason and comprehensibility of that through which we as individuals are passing and experiencing in the situation economically at this time.

      Edgar Cayce: Yes, we have conditions economically as they exist in this land at the present time. In giving, then, an analysis of such in a manner that may be helpful for those that would seek to know themselves and the causes for the present general conditions:

      To be sure, these have been approached from many varied angles by those who have sought, are seeking, to find the answers to such conditions in their own experiences; and by many that are seeking, and have sought, that there might be aid, understanding, comprehension, in the experience of others.

      In the very nature, though, of a nation, a people, there are some fundamental principles upon which the economic and the soul life of a nation must be founded, if such a people, such a nation, is to remain true to that which is the birthright of every soul; to pursue that which will give it as an individual the right to manifest that it would worship in its Creator.

      For, the first law that has been given to man from the beginning is: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” And when man has faltered, has altered that, which has deprived others from giving expression to that birthright, that command that has come to man throughout the ages, then there arises that which creates those things that are the fruits of the evil influences that