In such an atmosphere much of those things that were a part of the experience through those periods of meditation may be brought back.
Then surround the self by thought, as well as by word, with the consciousness of the Christ-Presence. Then, and only under such, ye may open the centers for direction.
Reading 1861–18
With the periods set aside for meditation—don’t hurry yourself, don’t be anxious but closing the self, the conscious mind to anxieties from without—enter within thine own inner temple. There let the voice, the feeling direct; yea, let the spirit of the purpose of self be free in its direction to self.
Attune yourself almost in the same manner as you tune the violin for harmony. For when the body-mind and the soul-mind is attuned to the infinite, there will be brought harmony to the mind and those centers from which impulse arises will aid in the directing of the individual entity to become more sensitive and the material things about the entity may be the better enjoyed. There will not be brought just that we might call satisfaction.
There is much more in anticipation and hope and desire than in being satisfied or gratified. Always know that there is more, if the whole trust is in the Lord.
Reading 803–1
(Q) How can she best develop her intuitive ability?
(A) By meditation.
(Q) And for what purpose should she use it?
(A) In developing herself and aiding others.
(Q) Am I in the right work at present?
(A) This may lead to what will make for the greater development, but in the right work in the present.
Reading 257–87
(Q) Give body principle to follow for daily meditation as advised, so he will know how to do it.
(A) As has been given, when thou prayest enter into thine chamber, relax the physical body, repeat—not as rote, but as sincerity:
Let that be my attitude that Thou would have it be! May my thoughts, my acts, be in accord with the use Thou would have of me!
This repeat every few seconds for the first fifteen minute period. Then, if the body loses consciousness—all the better.
(Q) Reclining or sitting?
(A) Reclining will be the better, especially in the beginning. Shut out everything else as far as possible. This will be more and more possible as this is made in the inner being, to use me as Thou seest fit, not as I would—as Thou would have me go! Then, when there are presented those various contacts and associations, as was said of old, in the selfsame hour will there be given thee what should be said or done—but obtain this as from Him. The body then grows, physically, mentally, spiritually. The law is sure, the world may pass away—as He has given, “but my word, my promise, will not pass away!”
Reading 620–3
(Q) What is meant by the experiences I have had concerning […]?
(A) These may be better interpreted by self entering into the silence and answering from those experiences that will be had by this entering in. First, as is indicated in the affirmations and the lessons of that in Meditation, ask self consciously and get the answer Yes or No. Ask in such a manner as Is it this, Is it that? Then enter into the silence with the inner self and get the answer; ask in such a manner that the spirit of self, of self’s development, answers Yes or No.
Reading 599–1
It would be well if the body would train itself along the subliminal line.
Go into silence, that is sit for an hour, not so long at first, begin with ten or fifteen minutes, then increase to an hour, sit well up in the chair with both hands on the knees and relieve the mind of everything. Don’t think about anything, but leave the mind blank. Let the spiritual come in and take possession of the body. Then he will see and hear from those that he is attuned with. Sometime they will be at different places and different persons. Do not fool with those that are not of a spiritual nature. In this way he will develop himself along this line.
Reading 275–39
(Q) Outline a method of meditation which will help me the most in my psychic development, giving best time, and prayer.
(A) As has been indicated, in that manner as seemeth to thine own conscience purge thine body with pure water and with those influences whether in tones of color, of music, or of odors, as the conscience, as the desire of the heart is, so surround self—and with that blessing as He gave, that “May His peace and His blessings surround you as ye enter into that oneness with Him in the inner chamber.” And with such a meditation or prayer as: I Am Thine, O Lord. Use me now as Thou seest fit that I, even in my weakness, may claim thy strength in and through me. Purge me as thou seest I have need of, that I may be the better channel for the manifesting of the love of the Father through the Christ at this time.
(Q) What is the best time for meditation for this entity?
(A) Whenever there is the call, as it were, to prayer, to service, to aid another. Preferably in those hours when there is quiet, either in the evening or the early morning hours.
Reading 412–7
(Q) What is the meaning of the feeling which I have in meditation?
(A) More oft it is the fear of “letting go,” or at others the interference from without—from fear. Yet, as we have given, by the surrounding of self with the Christ, the loving Son’s Consciousness, this will be taken away; and the joy of knowing ye are a channel of blessing will enter in.
The Physical Body and Meditation
Reading 903–24
(Q) What is the proper posture for my meditations?
(A) As has been indicated before, each individual is an entity, each individual has had and is—not a law unto itself, but—a development unto the law!
That then becomes rather that which is to the entity the more expressive of that being sought to be attained in the experience. Thus as the entity has attained, as the entity has gained in itself, at times the pose or posture would be different. As these vary, meet same.
Remember, how was it given of old? (which may never, never be improved upon!) In the offering of that which would cleanse the body, in the offering of that which would roll away those influences in the experiences of an individual, varied forms and manners were given that they (the forms) might to the entity in its inner self find that response of doing and being in accord with the sources from which aid, help and understanding is sought.
Hence to each there comes a change. So to this entity. Do not let it become as a rote only, nor as form only; but as chord answering to chord, as the vibrations from each portion of the body to the one purpose in self of being in accord with the divine within, in body, in mind.
Thus it becomes the better.
In some periods it will be found that soft music would aid, though the music may be made by the very activity