Rituals for Magic and Meaning. Cerridwen Greenleaf. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cerridwen Greenleaf
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Старинная литература: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633535367
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Moon Herbal Potpourri

      This flower-infused potpourri is wonderful for clearing the way for the new in your life and planting “seeds” for new moon beginnings. You can also create a wreath with garlic bulbs for self-protection and insurance that your newly laid plans won’t go awry.

      Flower Ingredients:

      Rose, Marigold, Cyclamen, Snapdragon, Carnation

      Place the flowers in a bowl and then sprinkle them with a few drops of geranium, clove, and cinnamon oil. Place the mixture on the south point of your altar for the duration of a full lunar cycle, from new moon to new moon. A wreath of these same flowers with garlic cloves woven in will protect you from harm and illness. If you want to remain calm at your place of work, place a small, sweet-smelling bowl of your sanctuary incense on your desk for constant comfort.

      Inspiration Altar: Unleash Your Creative Powers

      Your personal altar is the ideal environment to incubate your ideas and can be a touchstone for daily conjuring and contemplation. By preparing your home and sparking your inner flames, you can clear away personal blocks and invite in friendly spirits who will aid you in personal pursuits, no matter what your line of work is.

      On a low table or chest, place an orange or gold scarf and the following elements: yellow, orange, and gold candles for stimulating intelligence and clarity; bergamot oil for energy; and vanilla incense for mental power.

      In an amber or clear glass bowl on the altar, place cloves and sage leaves or bundles. Next, add items that symbolize your personal creativity—perhaps a poem you wrote, a figure you sculpted, or a photograph you took of the altar.

      Place benzoin, an herb for all-around mental strength and clarity, in your incense burner; it will bring inspiration from the psychic realm. Add any gifts from nature that inspire you—luminous shells, chunks of quartz, or feathers. Arrange your altar in a way that pleases you and stimulates your senses. Now, anoint the candle with bergamot essential oil while you meditate to clear your mind of any distractions. This is an essential step in opening the mental and spiritual space necessary to create, whether your intention is to create a ritual of your own design or an art project. Once you feel focused, light a sage leaf and wave it gently around so the cleansing smoke permeates your altar space. Light the anointed candles and the incense with a candle. Now set and speak your intention:

      By my hand,

      And by the blessing of the spirits,

      The fire of my creativity

      Burns bright,

      Burns long,

      Burns eternal.

      Blessings to me and all who create!

      Banishing Creative Blocks: Nature as Altar

      To overcome any blocks of fear obstructing your creative output, you can dispel the negative energy by going for a walk in the nearest park. Find a round, flat rock, six to ten inches wide. This will become an altar supplied directly to you by Mother Nature, and it will have the purest energy. Begin by charging this stone on the full moon at your home altar. Light a white candle for purification, and then place your hand on the stone and chant three times:

      Goddess of Night, moon of tonight,

      Fill this stone with your light,

      Imbue it with all your magic and might,

      Surround it with your protective sight.

      So mote it be.

      Ideally, you’ll want to perform this spell three times on three consecutive full moons before you begin drawing upon its energy. Like your altar, your stone will be a reservoir you can turn to any time you feel stuck or uninspired. Make a pilgrimage to it when you require creative rejuvenation.

      Aphrodisiacal Altar: Sacred Space for Love

      To prepare for new relationships and deepen the expression of feeling and intensity to your lovemaking, create a center from which to renew your erotic spirit. Here you can concentrate your energy, clarify your intentions, and make wishes come true. If you already have an altar, incorporate some special elements, such as red candles or red crystals, or anything associated with Venus, like copper or a seashell to enhance your sex life. Your altar can sit on a low table, a big box, or any flat surface dedicated to magic. One friend of mine has her sex altar at the head or her bed. Begin by purifying the space with a sage smudge stick—a bundle of sage that you burn as your pass it through the space. Then cover your altar with a large red silk or silk-like fabric. Place two red candles at the center of your altar and place a soul mate crystal—two crystals naturally fused together—at the far right corner of the altar. These are available at metaphysical stores. Anoint your candles with jasmine and neroli oil. Also keep the incense you think is sexiest on your altar. Your sex altar is also a place where you can keep sex toys that you want to imbue with magic. Place fresh Casablanca lilies in a vase and change them the minute they begin to fade. Lilies are heralded as exotic and erotic flowers prized for their seductive scent.

      Love Altar Dedication

      Light candles and incense and dab the jasmine and essential oils above your heart. Speak aloud:

      I light the flame,

      I fan the flame,

      Each candle I burn is a wish.

      My lust will never wane.

      I desire and I will be desired.

      Harm to none, so mote it be.

      Sacred Aztec Animal Altar: Become Conscious of Your Nagual

      In Central Mexico, the Nahuatl Indians believe we all have at least one “animal soul.” Like your natal chart, the animal soul, or nagual, is born exactly when you are. It is tied to your destiny. Legend tells us that our soul animals are kept and cared for in the underworld by the Aztec Lord of Animals. If you care for your nagual, you will also be under the safekeeping of the Lord of the Underworld. One excellent way to take care of your nagual is to create and altar to honor and work with it. Place photos and mementos of living loved ones and pets on an altar table in a circle to represent the world in which you live. Hang symbols or illustrations of protective presences on the wall behind your nagual altar—gods, goddesses, saints, orishas, or whoever you feel is benevolent. These deities connect you to the realm of the sky. Beneath your altar, place a treasure box of photos, gifts, or keepsakes in honor of your ancestors to please the spirits of the underworld and their realm, known as Talocan.

      Place fresh flowers upon your altar every day and “feed” you soul animal, the Lord of the Underworld, and his throng. They will feel well served if each day you share with them water, food that you have cooked for yourself, freshly baked bread, and sweets. While it might seem surprising, the spirits of the nether realm like the earthly pleasures of tobacco and alcohol, so provide them with these offerings as well. Light a candle on your altar each and every day as homage. Obtain a feather, a horn, a bone, and another animal relic to place on your altar; it is important that you get this sacred object without harming any beasts. Your altar is a blessing to the animals of this world and the next.

      You now have a way to discover your personal soul animal. The dream world is where we can encounter such spirits. Sleep in front of your Aztec altar, and pray to the Lord of the Underworld to care for you and reveal your nagual to you. Keep a dream journal and pay close attention to any animals that show up in your life. As you go about your day, take time to pet and commune with these animals if it is safe or possible to do so. Taking care of animals is our sacred duty and is pleasing to the spirits of Talocan.

      Magical Animal Correspondences:

      Canary: harmony, joy, love, luck

      Chameleon: mutability, color, invisibility, protection, and power over weather

      Fish: wealth, family,