How Schools Thrive. Susan K. Sparks. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Susan K. Sparks
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781947604605
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SIG and Pathways Tools

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       CHAPTER 5

       Being Urgent—The Value of an Action Orientation

       Connecting Learning to the Work

       Doing Action Research

       Understanding the Action Research Process

       Step 1: Identify the Problem and Create a Vision

       Step 2: Learn, Research, and Explore the Literature

       Step 3: Develop and Implement an Action Plan

       Step 4: Observe and Collect Data

       Step 5: Reflect and Share Results

       Applying Findings

       Using the Action-Orientation SIG and Pathways Tools

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       CHAPTER 6

       Getting Better—The Significance of a Results Orientation

       Creating a Results-Oriented Culture

       Measuring Progress

       Broadening the Definition of Results

       Using the Results-Orientation SIG and Pathways Tools

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       PART III

       CHAPTER 7

       Assessing a Team’s Current Reality

       Using the Four Stages of Competence

       Coaching Unconsciously Incompetent Teams

       Coaching Consciously Incompetent Teams

       Coaching Consciously Competent Teams

       Coaching Unconsciously Competent Teams

       Coaching the Essential Elements as Teams Move Through the Quadrants

       Moving Through the Quadrants for Collective Inquiry

       Moving Through the Quadrants for Continuous Improvement

       Moving Through the Quadrants for Action Orientation

       Moving Through the Quadrants for Results Orientation

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       CHAPTER 8

       Believing in Your Team—Creating Collective Efficacy

       Collective Efficacy

       Collective Efficacy and PLCs

       How to Build Collective Teacher Efficacy

       Mastery Experiences

       Vicarious Experiences

       Social Persuasion

       Affective States

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       CHAPTER 9

       Creating an Action Plan for Coaching Collaborative Teams

       Stage 1: Building Shared Knowledge

       Stage 2: Generating Collective Commitments

       Stage 3: Providing Opportunities for Learning About the Work (Guided Practice)

       Stage 4: Providing Opportunities for Doing the Work (Independent Practice)

       Stage 5: Encouraging Conscious Innovation

       Stage 6: Ensuring Systemic Sustainability

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions


       Stages of Learning and Essential Elements of a Highly Effective PLC

       Collective Inquiry

       Quadrant 1: Teams Don’t Know What They Don’t Know

       Quadrant 2: Teams Know What They Don’t Know

       Quadrant 3: Teams Know What They Know

       Quadrant 4: Teams Don’t Just Know It, They Live It!

       Continuous Improvement

       Quadrant 1: Teams Don’t Know What They Don’t Know

       Quadrant 2: Teams Know What They Don’t Know

       Quadrant 3: Teams Know What They Know

       Quadrant 4: Teams Don’t Just Know It, They Live It!

       Action Orientation

       Quadrant 1: Teams Don’t Know What They Don’t Know

       Quadrant 2: Teams Know What They Don’t Know

       Quadrant 3: Teams Know What They Know

       Quadrant 4: Teams Don’t Just Know It, They Live It!

       Results Orientation

       Quadrant 1: Teams Don’t Know What They Don’t Know

       Quadrant 2: Teams Know What They Don’t Know

       Quadrant 3: Teams Know What They Know

       Quadrant 4: Teams Don’t Just Know It, They Live It!



       Action-Planning Template

       Coaching Collaborative Teams in a PLC at Work: PLC 100-Day Plan Implementation Checkpoints