Earth, ground, Saturday
Three (3) strokes A person standing on the ground
■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.
■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.
つち | tsuchi | earth, soil |
どようび | doyōbi | Saturday | |
どそく | dosoku | with one’s shoes on | |
おみやげ * | omiyage | present, souvenir |
* An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.
Haruyasumi ni Yūki san wa himeji jō ni ikimashita. Himeji jō niwa, sakura no ki ga takusan arimashita. Yūki san wa sakura no hana ga totemo kirei da to omoimashita. Himeji jō no naka niwa dosoku de haitte wa ikemasen dakara. Yūki san wa, surippa o hakanakereba narimasen deshita. Omiyage ni, osenbei o katte kaerimashita.
Questions 2-C
1. When did Yūki visit Himeji Castle? (A. spring break, B. summer vacation, C. fall holiday, D. winter vacation)
2. What did Yūki see at Himeji Castle? (A. tourists, B. school children, C. cherry blossoms, D. museums)
3. What is not allowed inside the castle? (A. taking pictures, B. eating food, C. purchasing souvenirs, D. wearing shoes)
4. What did Yūki buy for a souvenir? (A. candy, B. postcards, C. rice crackers, D. buckwheat noodles)
Four (4) strokes The king is just a person on the ground, with a crown
■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.
■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.
おう | ō | king |
おうじ | ōji | prince | |
おうじょ | ōjo | princess | |
じょおう | joō | queen |
Gold, money, metal, Friday
Eight (8) strokes A king counting money in his house
■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.
■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.
おかね | okane | money |
かねもち | kanemochi | rich person | |
かなもの | kanamono | hardware | |
きん | kin | gold | |
きんいろ | kiniro | gold color | |
きんぎょ | kingyo | goldfish |
* An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.
Ayaka san wa igirisu ni ryokō shimashita. Bakkingamu kyūden dewa igirisu joō no hata ga miemashita. Sore wa, naka ni joō ga irassharu to iu imi desu. Ayaka san wa, Bakkingamu kyūden wa totemo hiroi to omoimashita. Dakara joō wa igirisu de mottomo kanemochi kamoshirenai to kangaemashita.
Questions 2-D
1. What palace did Ayaka visit in England? (A. Kensington Palace, B. Buckingham Palace, C. Hampton Court Palace, D. Kew Palace)
2. What did Ayaka see at the palace? (A. the Changing of the Guard, B. the Crown Prince, C. the Crown Jewels, D. the Queen’s flag)
3. What did Ayaka think about the palace? (A. it is spacious, B. it is richly decorated, C. it is busy with visitors, D. it is filled with artwork)
4. What did Ayaka think about the Queen of England? (A. she is the richest person in England, B. she might be the richest person in England, C. she is the richest person in the world, D. she might be the richest queen in the world)
Three (3) strokes A three-peaked mountain
■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.
■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.