Customs and Culture of Vietnam. Ann Caddell Crawford. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ann Caddell Crawford
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462913169
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suggested that they should entertain the visitors for awhile and try to learn their real intentions.

      There was a dissenter, however. The Vice-President of the Cabinet, Hoang-Quynh, warned, "Their country is cunning and crafty, and we should not comply with their requests. If we commit ourselves without due consideration, we shall have much trouble in the future. Our ancestors used to close off the frontiers and refuse contact with the West; it was a good policy."

      Nevertheless, the Emperor declared, "They have come from many leagues beyond the seas, thus proving their admiration for our virtue and the prestige of our court. How can we reject them? If we do, we would display a lack of magnanimity."

      Unfortunately for both sides, when the high ranking mission went to see the Americans on board ship, they were told that there was illness on board and they could not be received. Later, the Americans suddenly left without advising the court. Dao-Tri-Phu, the Vice-President of the Ministry of Finance, reported back to the Emperor stating, "These fugitives have proved how uncivil they are."

      The Emperor, Minh Mang, wrote in his report, "They came to us without our rejecting them; they left without our sending them; we have conducted ourselves in accordance with Chinese courtesy. We do not need to take offense when we are dealing with foreign barbarians."

      It is unfortunate that the Vietnamese were not acquainted with the reason for the sudden departure of the Americans. Roberts had been taken acutely ill and was deteriorating rapidly. His assistant, a US Navy surgeon, made a hasty departure to find additional medical help for Roberts. It was in vain as Roberts died in Macao on June 12, 1836.

      Despite the fact that both the Vietnamese and the Americans had good intentions, a misunderstanding caused the second mission from the United States to Vietnam to end in a sad manner for both countries.

      The First Vietnamese Envoy to the United States

      In 1837, Vietnam was disputing the right of France to control all of Vietnam. The Vietnamese Emperor hoped to get help from the United States and sent their country's first envoy to the United States. He chose Bui-Vien for the important post. Bui-Vien was a scholar and well respected in Vietnam. Before his departure, he was personally received by the Emperor Tu Due, who impressed upon him the grave importance of his mission.

      After a lot of red tape, Bui-Vien was received in the United States by President Ulysses S. Grant. The President assured the Vietnamese envoy of American interest and assistance, but stated that he must have credentials which would enable him to justify any action he might present to the American Congress. Bui-Vien left for Vietnam to get the Emperor to provide him with the important diplomatic documents.

      On his way home, he received news that President Grant could not honor his offer to help, because of new political circumstances. Bui-Vien was bitterly disappointed to see his hopes of American aid for Vietnam fade away.

      On reaching Japan, Bui-Vien met with a friend of his, the American consul. They exchanged poems with each other, one of which is indicative of Bui-Vien's feelings. He said in part:

      "We pour our wine into glasses at Yokohama in the ninth month of autumn.

      Turning my head towards the clouds of Vietnam

      I feel extremely anxious about my country.

      Sea and land, memory and emotion remind me of my former journeys.

      Enjoying myself with you, I regret all the more that we must part,

      Spiritual companion! In what year will we be together in the same sampan?"

      In the Same Sampan

      Today, Bui-Vien's question has at last received an answer. The United States and a few other countries of the Western world, are now in the same sampan with South Vietnam. The new question for modern-day poets may well be, "Can understanding be achieved, and can the sampan be kept afloat?"

      The answer, in my opinion, now depends on the ordinary Vietnamese villager, not the big politicians or even the leader of the country. It also depends on understanding between the Americans and their allies and the Vietnamese.

      Americans working at the "ground level" with Vietnamese have an important impact on understanding. In the eyes of the Vietnamese villager, each American represents the United States.

      Another saying goes, "There is a great wall between the Orient and the Occident; it is not the wall of China, but rather the wall of misunderstanding." Seldom, if ever, do two diverse cultures meet on a common ground. The road to understanding is a two-way street. Here's hoping that this book will help bridge that gap of lack of understanding on our side of the road. We can only go so far, however. The Vietnamese must meet us somewhere along the way.

      CHAPTER 2



      Vietnam lies between 8°33' and 23°22' north latitude. It is bordered on the north by China; on the south by the Gulf of Siam; on the east by the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea for more than 1400 miles; and on the west by Cambodia and Laos.

      The Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) are divided at approximately the 17th parallel by a narrow demilitarized zone along the Song Ben Hai river. At this point of division, the country is only 39 miles wide.

      This distance gradually widens in the south until it reaches approximately 100 miles across at the Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam border. The widest point in the south is along an east-west line between the port town of Phan Rang on the South China Sea and near Hoa Hiep on the Cambodian border where the distance is 210 miles.

      The widest point in the north is approximately 350 miles from the Laos border to the Gulf of Tonkin at the base of South China.

      The shape of North and South Vietnam together is like a big "S." South Vietnam is similar to the reverse shape of California and is smaller than that state.

      Total land area of the whole country, north and south, is approximately 127,000 square miles. South Vietnam is about 65,000 square miles, a little smaller than the state of Washington. North Vietnam makes up the remaining 62,000 square miles.


      Vietnam is a land of diversity. In this beautiful country, one may find mountains; plains alternating with deep valleys; cultivated green fields; and sparsely settled savanna lands. Even small areas of land resembling deserts are found in Vietnam. About half of the country is jungle, with 80 per cent of the land covered with trees and bushes.

      Central Vietnam is characterized by a chain of mountains, ranging in height from 3,500 to 10,000 feet.

      One of the most common Vietnamese descriptions of their country, is that it looks like a bamboo pole holding a bucket of rice on each end.

      Lush rice lands are found both in the delta of South Vietnam along the Mekong river, and in North Vietnam along the delta of the Red River. Consequently, this is why it is described as a bamboo pole with two big rice bowls on each end of the country. The pole is the long, slender part of Vietnam characterized by the mountain ranges.

      Central Vietnam does not enjoy the fertile lands that are found in the north and south. It is like a long irregular corridor joining the north and south. Made up of small hill plains and mountains, it is drained by relatively short streams.

      There are many picturesque scenes and enjoyable cities in Central Vietnam including the most important city of the south, Saigon.

      In sharp contrast with the deltas displaying seasonal crops are the tropical forests, providing a natural habitat for countless wild animals.

      In the central area of the country, which is not suitable for agriculture, rubber plantations abound in the rich volcanic soil.
