Christian Prayers, 1578
Today we are far from home
and have lost the key to the door.
But you call us to go in
and find ourselves again.
Your invitation is to the interior life.
Your experience is that of persons
who regain a sense of themselves.
Benedict, teach us the way back to the heart,
in Christ our Lord.
Prayer on the shrine of St. Benedict at Fleury,
Teach us, O God,
to view our life here on earth
as a pilgrim’s path to heaven,
and give us grace to tread it courageously
in the company of your faithful people.
Help us to set our affections on things above,
not on the passing vanities of this world,
and grant that as we journey on
in the way of holiness
we may bear a good witness to our Lord,
and serve all who need our help along the way,
for the glory of your name.
Hereford Cathedral
God the Sender, send us.
God the Sent, come with us.
God the Strengthener of those who go, empower us,
that we may go forever and wherever with you
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Pilgrim God, there is an exodus going on in my life: desert stretches, a vast land of questions. Inside my head your promises tumble and turn. No pillar of cloud by day or fire by night that I can see. My heart hurts at leaving loved ones and so much of the security I have known. I try to give in to the stretching and the pain. It is hard, God, and I want to be settled, secure, safe and sure. And here I am feeling so full of pilgrim’s fear and anxiety. O God of the journey, lift me up, press me against your cheek. Let your great love hold me and create a deep trust in me. Then set me down, God of the journey; take my hand in yours, and guide me ever so gently across the new territory of my life.
Joyce Rupp
God of glory,
the end of our searching,
help us to lay aside
all that prevents us from seeking your kingdom,
and to give all that we have
to gain the pearl beyond all price,
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Common Worship, Additional Collects
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