Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete - The Original Classic Edition. Rabelais François. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rabelais François
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781486410804
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Chapter 3.XV.--Panurge's excuse and exposition of the monastic mystery

       concerning powdered beef

       Chapter 3.XVI.--How Pantagruel adviseth Panurge to consult with the Sibyl of Panzoust

       Chapter 3.XVII.--How Panurge spoke to the Sibyl of Panzoust

       Chapter 3.XVIII.--How Pantagruel and Panurge did diversely expound the verses of the Sibyl of Panzoust

       Chapter 3.XIX.--How Pantagruel praiseth the counsel of dumb men

       Chapter 3.XX.--How Goatsnose by signs maketh answer to Panurge

       Chapter 3.XXI.--How Panurge consulteth with an old French poet, named



       Chapter 3.XXII.--How Panurge patrocinates and defendeth the Order of the

       Begging Friars

       Chapter 3.XXIII.--How Panurge maketh the motion of a return to Raminagrobis

       Chapter 3.XXIV.--How Panurge consulteth with Epistemon

       Chapter 3.XXV.--How Panurge consulteth with Herr Trippa

       Chapter 3.XXVI.--How Panurge consulteth with Friar John of the Funnels Chapter 3.XXVII.--How Friar John merrily and sportingly counselleth Panurge Chapter 3.XXVIII.--How Friar John comforteth Panurge in the doubtful matter

       of cuckoldry

       Chapter 3.XXIX.--How Pantagruel convocated together a theologian, physician, lawyer, and philosopher, for extricating Panurge out of the perplexity wherein he was

       Chapter 3.XXX.--How the theologue, Hippothadee, giveth counsel to Panurge

       in the matter and business of his nuptial enterprise

       Chapter 3.XXXI.--How the physician Rondibilis counselleth Panurge

       Chapter 3.XXXII.--How Rondibilis declareth cuckoldry to be naturally one of

       the appendances of marriage


       Chapter 3.XXXIII.--Rondibilis the physician's cure of cuckoldry

       Chapter 3.XXXIV.--How women ordinarily have the greatest longing after

       things prohibited

       Chapter 3.XXXV.--How the philosopher Trouillogan handleth the difficulty of


       Chapter 3.XXXVI.--A continuation of the answer of the Ephectic and

       Pyrrhonian philosopher Trouillogan

       Chapter 3.XXXVII.--How Pantagruel persuaded Panurge to take counsel of a


       Chapter 3.XXXVIII.--How Triboulet is set forth and blazed by Pantagruel and


       Chapter 3.XXXIX.--How Pantagruel was present at the trial of Judge Bridlegoose, who decided causes and controversies in law by the chance and fortune of the dice

       Chapter 3.XL.--How Bridlegoose giveth reasons why he looked upon those law-

       actions which he decided by the chance of the dice

       Chapter 3.XLI.--How Bridlegoose relateth the history of the reconcilers of

       parties at variance in matters of law

       Chapter 3.XLII.--How suits at law are bred at first, and how they come


       afterwards to their perfect growth

       Chapter 3.XLIII.--How Pantagruel excuseth Bridlegoose in the matter of

       sentencing actions at law by the chance of the dice

       Chapter 3.XLIV.--How Pantagruel relateth a strange history of the

       perplexity of human judgment

       Chapter 3.XLV.--How Panurge taketh advice of Triboulet

       Chapter 3.XLVI.--How Pantagruel and Panurge diversely interpret the words

       of Triboulet

       Chapter 3.XLVII.--How Pantagruel and Panurge resolved to make a visit to

       the Oracle of the Holy Bottle

       Chapter 3.XLVIII.--How Gargantua showeth that the children ought not to

       marry without the special knowledge and advice of their fathers and mothers

       Chapter 3.XLIX.--How Pantagruel did put himself in a readiness to go to sea; and of the herb named Pantagruelion

       Chapter 3.L.--How the famous Pantagruelion ought to be prepared and wrought

       Chapter 3.LI.--Why it is called Pantagruelion, and of the admirable virtues


       Chapter 3.LII.--How a certain kind of Pantagruelion is of that nature that

       the fire is not able to consume it



       The Translator's Preface

       The Author's Epistle Dedicatory

       The Author's Prologue

       Chapter 4.I.--How Pantagruel went to sea to visit the oracle of Bacbuc, alias the Holy Bottle

       Chapter 4.II.--How Pantagruel bought many rarities in the island of


       Chapter 4.III.--How Pantagruel received a letter from his father Gargantua, and of the strange way to have speedy news from far distant places

       Chapter 4.IV.--How Pantagruel writ to his father Gargantua, and sent him several curiosities

       Chapter 4.V.--How Pantagruel met a ship with passengers returning from


       Chapter 4.VI.--How, the fray being over, Panurge cheapened one of

       Dingdong's sheep


       Chapter 4.VII.--Which if you read you'll find how Panurge bargained with


       Chapter 4.VIII.--How Panurge caused Dingdong and his sheep to be drowned in the sea

       Chapter 4.IX.--How Pantagruel arrived at the island of Ennasin, and of the strange ways of being akin in that country

       Chapter 4.X.--How Pantagruel went ashore at the island of Chely, where he saw King St. Panigon

       Chapter 4.XI.--Why monks love to be in kitchens

       Chapter 4.XII.--How Pantagruel passed by the land of Pettifogging, and of the strange way of living among the Catchpoles

       Chapter 4.XIII.--How, like Master Francis Villon, the Lord of Basche commended his servants

       Chapter 4.XIV.--A further account of catchpoles who were drubbed at

       Basche's house

       Chapter 4.XV.--How the ancient custom at nuptials is renewed by the catchpole

       Chapter 4.XVI.--How Friar John made trial of the nature of the catchpoles

       Chapter 4.XVII.--How Pantagruel came to the islands of Tohu and Bohu; and


       of the strange death of Wide-nostrils, the swallower of windmills

       Chapter 4.XVIII.--How Pantagruel met with a great storm at sea

       Chapter 4.XIX.--What countenances Panurge and Friar John kept during the storm

       Chapter 4.XX.--How the pilots were forsaking their ships in the greatest stress of weather

       Chapter 4.XXI.--A continuation of the storm, with a short discourse on the subject of making testaments at sea

       Chapter 4.XXII.--An end of the storm

       Chapter 4.XXIII.--How Panurge played the good fellow when the storm was over

       Chapter 4.XXIV.--How Panurge was said to have been afraid without reason during the storm
