The State of the World Atlas [ff]. Dan Smith. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dan Smith
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Справочники
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781780261355
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      EQ. GUINEA







       SÃO TOME

      & PRINCIPE















      There are over


      separate Christian




















      World faiths

      Estimated number of followers

      latest available data





      78 Religious Rights R

      Copyright © Myriad Editions Limited 29




      Literacy & Education

      Literacy is simultaneously a functional need for modern societies, a basic tool

      for individual advancement, and a personal source of knowledge, access to the

      world and satisfaction. Thanks to a major international effort, trends in the last

      decade have been positive. Although there remain places where adult illiteracy

      rates are still over 50 per cent of the population, and in Africa and some other

      areas, progress in secondary and tertiary education remains slow, primary

      education, where the foundations are laid, has registered real forward movement.

      Nonetheless, the challenge remains steep. The UN estimates that the world

      needs 8 million more primary school teachers by 2015 in order to achieve its

      Millennium Development Goal for education. Of these, 6 million are required

      simply to replace others who will leave the teaching profession, while 2 million

      are necessary extra teachers. And of those 2 million, more than half are needed

      in Sub-Saharan Africa.



      Africa 65%


      Oceania 73%



      Asia 60%


      Northern Africa 68%


      Youth literacy rate

      1990 and 2009

      World 83%


      Western Asia 87%


      Latin America & the Caribbean 92%


      South-Eastern Asia 94%


      Eastern Asia 95%


      Enrolment in education

      2010 or latest available data



      Percentage of children of the correct age

      enrolled in primary school



      90% or more

      70% – 89%

      50% – 69%

      30% – 49%

      10% – 29%

      fewer than 10%

      no data


      Adult illiteracy

      As percentage of adult population

      2010 or latest available data

      70% or more

      50% – 69%

      35% – 49%


























