Made for British Market with Pall Mall London address markings:
5B-142 | Values—Good $1,400 | Fine $5,000 |
44 rimfire series, individual serial range of from 1 to about 1800, 44 Henry caliber, made c. 1875-80, majority with 7-1/2" barrels:
5B-143 | Values—Good $4,750 | Fine $35,000 |
22 rimfire series, 7-1/2" barrel. Total 107 made (flat-top model not included); 90 of these utilized frames and some parts of the 44 r.f. series (q.v.) with serial numbers in the 44 r.f. special range 1 - 1800; others fall mostly in serial range 135000. 22 CAL marked on side of trigger guard:
5B-143.2 | Values—Good $4,500 | Fine $27,500 |
44-40 revolvers with etched COLT FRONTIER SIX SHOOTER barrel marking (left side); within serial range about 21000 to about 130000:
5B-144 | Values—Good $2,000 | Fine $10,500 |
Sheriff’s or Storekeeper’s Model. Made without ejector rod or ejector housing. Right forward side of frame made without provision for the ejector housing. 4" barrel most commonly encountered with majority of other barrel lengths from 2-1/2" to 4-3/4" and a small group with 7-1/2". Various calibers:
5B-145 | Values—Good $5,000 | Fine $30,000 |
Wells Fargo & Company revolvers, bearing the W.F. & Co. markings on the butt, and documented by Colt factory ledgers, 45 caliber, usually 5-1/2" barrels:
5B-146 | Values—Very Good $5,000 | Exc. $12,500 |
Long fluted cylinder model, made in the serial range 330001 -331480, to use up double action cylinders:
5B-147 | Values—Very Good $2,500 | Exc. $7,500 |
(Note: Among the important details affecting collector valuations are calibers, barrel lengths, special markings, variations in sights, frames, ejector rods, hammers, cylinder pin locking devices and grips. The number of variants catalogued by collectors is very extensive. Fortunately the Colt factory ledgers are nearly complete for this model. The collector should perform careful and thorough research on rare and/or high value pieces prior to acquisition.)
Colt Flattop Target Model Single Action Army
Flattop Target Model Single Action Army. Made c. 1888 to about 1896; a few in later years; total quantity approximately 925.
Values shown are for following calibers and quantities known made of each: 22 RF (107); 38 Colt (122); 41 (91); 45 (100); 450 Boxer (89); 450 Eley (84).
Premiums usually added to rarer calibers: 32 Colt (24); 32 S& W (30); 32-44 (9); 32-20 (30); 38 S& W (39); 38 Colt Special (7); 38-44 (11); 380 Eley (3); 38-40 (19); 44 Russian (51); 44 S& W (51); 44 S& W Special (51); 44-40 (21); 455 Eley (37); 476 Eley (2).
7-1/2" barrel standard. Variants known, most prominent being the mis-named “Buntline Specials.”
Grips of checkered hard rubber; checkered walnut also available. Metal parts blued, with casehardened hammers.
Serial number markings within the range of about 127000 -162000, with a few in higher ranges; numbered in the sequence of the Single Action Army. Barrel marking: COLT’S PT. F.A.MFG.CO HARTFORD, CT.U.S.A. Frame markings of 2-line 1871, 1872, and 1875 patent dates and the rampant colt were standard. Caliber markings on left side of the barrel for most of the production.
A highly prized variation of the Single Action Army, the identifying details are the flattop frame with rear sight dovetailed into position, the removable sight insert in the front sight post, and the lack of a groove in the topstrap. Colt serial ledgers indicate that a wide range of variation exists in the Flattop Single Action series, notably in sights, calibers, and—to a lesser extent—in barrel lengths.
Standard model, blued finish, 7-1/2" barrel:
5B-148 | Values—Very Good $4,250 | Exc. $11,500 |
Model for British market. Barrel has regular COLT/HARTFORD one line markings with addition of DEPOT 14, PALL MALL LONDON:
5B-148.5 | Values—Very Good $3,750 | Exc. $10,500 |
Rare calibers and variations: As with the standard single action, there are many calibers considered either scarce or rare. Prices can increase 50 percent to 500 percent depending on relative rarity and quantities produced of other calibers. Reference works should be consulted for verifying such facts. Variations in barrel lengths other than 7-1/2", unusual finishes, grips or London barrel markings will demand a premium value on this model.
Colt Bisley Model Single Action Army Revolver
Bisley Model Single Action Army Revolver. Made c. 1894-1915; the total production approximately 44,350 (not including an additional 976 in the Flattop Target model).
Values shown are for most often encountered calibers and respective quantities: 32-20 (13,291); 38-40 (12,163); 41(3,159); 44-40 (6,803); 45 (8,005).
Premiums usually added to rarer calibers: 32 Colt (160); 32 S& W (18); 32-44 (14); 38 Colt (412); 38 S& W (10); 38 S& W Special (2); 38-44 (6); 44 Smoothbore (1); 44 Russian (90); 44 S& W (29); 45 Smoothbore (2); 450 Eley (5); 455 Eley (180).
Standard barrel lengths 4-3/4", 5-1/2", 7-1/2"; also known with 3", 3-1/2", 4" lengths not fitted with ejector housing; rare; worth premium. Various custom lengths known; very rare.
Grips of checkered hard rubber with rampant colt decor. Metal parts blued, with casehardened frame and hammer.
Serial numbered within the range of 156300 - 331916, in the sequence of the Single Action Army. Barrel marking: COLT’S PT.F.A.MFG.CO. HARTFORD,CT.U.S.A. Frame markings of 2-line 1871, 1872, and 1875 patent dates and the rampant colt were standard. Caliber markings on left side of the barrel, accompanied by: (BISLEY MODEL).