Applied Oral Physiology. Robin Wilding. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robin Wilding
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781684201808
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       8.3.3 Other Compensatory Mechanisms for Continued Eruption

       9. The Temporomandibular Joint

       9.1 The Mechanics of the Temporomandibular Joint

       9.1.1 A Load-Bearing Joint

       9.1.2 Variable Forces at the Teeth

       9.1.3 Joint Stability

       9.1.4 Joint Instability and Muscle Fatigue

       9.2 The Structure of the Temporomandibular Joint

       9.3 Movement at the Temporomandibular Joint

       9.3.1 Constraints of Jaw Movements

       9.3.2 Disk Displacement

       9.3.3 Condyle Position

       9.4 Temporomandibular Dysfunction

       9.4.1 Diagnosis

       9.4.2 General Description of Temporomandibular Dysfunction

       9.4.3 Research Diagnostic Criteria

       9.4.4 Axis I—Physical Factors (Signs)

       9.4.5 Axis II—Psychosocial Factors (Symptoms)

       9.4.6 Evidence-Based Etiology

       9.4.7 Diagnostic Tests

       9.4.8 Illness Behavior

       9.4.9 Management of Temporomandibular Dysfunction

       10. Oral Sensations and Functions

       10.1 The Nature of Pain

       10.1.1 Injury without Pain

       10.1.2 Pain without Injury

       10.1.3 Chronic Pain

       10.1.4 Measuring Pain

       10.2 Psychological Factors and Pain

       10.2.1 Culture

       10.2.2 Past Experience

       10.2.3 The Meaning of Pain

       10.2.4 Control over Pain

       10.2.5 Suggestion and Placebo

       10.2.6 Hypnosis

       10.2.7 “Psychological” Pain

       10.2.8 Pain at Death

       10.3 Some Types of Clinical Pain

       10.4 Pain Mechanisms

       10.4.1 Pain Pathways

       10.4.2 Nerve Synapses

       10.4.3 Innervation of the Pulp–Dentin

       10.4.4 Dentin Sensitivity

       10.4.5 Pulp–Dentin Pain

       10.4.6 Neurogenic Inflammation of the Pulp Tissue

       10.4.7 Facial Pain of Muscular Origin

       10.4.8 Trigger Points in Muscles

       10.4.9 Referred Pain

       10.4.10 Nerve Injury

       10.4.11 The Gate Theory

       10.4.12 Pain and Stress

       10.5 Oral Pain Control

       10.5.1 Controlling Sensations

       10.5.2 Controlling Emotions

       10.5.3 Chronic Pain Management

       10.5.4 Pain Control Mechanisms

       10.6 Taste

       10.6.1 General Features of Taste

       10.6.2 Modalities and Distribution

       10.6.3 Taste Buds

       10.7 Oral Proprioception

       10.7.1 Skin and Mucosa