So You're New to Sales. Bryan Flanagan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bryan Flanagan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Маркетинг, PR, реклама
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781613398586
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of the P.O.G.O. Profile

       The Obstacles in the P.O.G.O. Profile

       What to Do After P.O.G.O.?

       A Sales Call Using the P.O.G.O. Profile

       Motivational Message: The Fourth Step in Taking PRIDE in Your Profession

       Chapter 6: Open a Dialogue to Uncover Needs

       Questions Are the Answer — Questioning Skills

       What Are You Trying to Uncover?

       C.O.R.D. Questions

       Closed-Ended Questions

       Examples of Closed-Ended Questions

       Open-Ended Questions

       Examples of Open-Ended Questions

       Reflective Questions

       Examples of Reflective Questions

       Direct Agreement Questions

       Examples of Direct Agreement Questions

       Replacement Selling Questions

       Practice Specific Questions

       Chapter 7: Confirm Needs

       Where Is Your Focus?

       Ache Versus Pain

       Homeostatic Balance

       Illuminating Two Light Bulbs

       Light Bulb 1 - Salesperson Awareness

       Light Bulb 2 - Prospect Awareness

       How Do You Recognize the Prospect’s Need?

       Answer These Questions

       Assisting Your Prospect in Recognizing a Need

       Questions to Create Prospect Awareness

       Confirm the Prospect Has a Recognized Need

       Motivational Message: The Fifth Step in Taking PRIDE in Your Profession

       Chapter 8: Explain Your Recommendation


       Practice Your B IC

       Motivational Message: The Sixth Step in Taking PRIDE in Your Profession

       Chapter 9: Sell the VALUE

       Computers Are a FAD!

       Where Are You in the P.R.O.C.E.S.S.?

       Features – Functions – Bridge – Benefits


       Examples of Features

       Examples of Functions

       An Everyday Example

       Creating Bridge Statements

       An Example of Communicating Benefits

       Putting the Components Together

       Communicating Your Value

       Success Hint: There Are Some Guarantees in Life!

       Chapter 10: Simply Ask for the Objective

       Your Closing Attitude Versus Your Closing Skills

       The Purposes of the Simply Ask for the Objective Step

       Why Do You Ask the Prospect to Buy from You?

       What Happens When the Answer is No?

       Separate Rejection from Refusal – Revisited

       Closing Strategies

       ‘Does it Fit?’ Close

       The Comfortable Close

       Sense of Urgency Close

       The Simple Close

       If-there-are-no-more-questions Close

       The Summary Close

       Success Hint: Don’t Quote Price Until You’ve Established Value176

       Chapter 11: Managing Customer Resistance and Objections

       Objections - Friend or Foe?

       Points to Ponder About Objections

       When to Answer Objections

       Managing Objections Using L.C.E.T.A.A

       Listen … and Listen

       Clarify by Asking Questions


       Test the Objection

       Answer the Objection

       Ask for Agreement

       Providing Evidence

       Practice Providing Evidence

       Examples of L.C.E.T.A.A. in Action

       Success Hint: Your Competition is Getting Keener all the Time… Are You?

       Chapter 12: The Beginning . . . of Your Career

       Sales Slumps

       Hope for Success Versus Expect Success

       Two Success Elements

       Fear Versus Faith — Choose Faith


      Sales Script to Illustrate the Steps within the Sales P.R.O.C.E.S.S

      Every sales professional risks hearing “no” at each point of contact with prospects. These men and women are