Get the Vibe. Melissa Perry Moraja. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Melissa Perry Moraja
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Get the Vibe
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780984239436
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ask someone else to perform her task out of fear that it may cause birth defects. It’s the energy emitted by power lines that detours people from building a residential community nearby. It’s the energy emitted by the color blue that has encouraged fitness centers to paint their walls that color because it has been proven that people can lift a larger quantity of weight. Everything in your surroundings emits energy, even you!

      Get the Vibe! gives you the knowledge and tools to take this thing called an energy vibe and use it to get the most out of your life. The energy vibe that this experiential book focuses on is learning how to use three common everyday tools—color, music and the power of the mind—to achieve your goals, improve your productivity, increase your morale, enhance your relationships, and create your own personal brand image.

      Since I was a child, I’ve used color and music to vibe my life—that is create an energy system around me to enable and promote the change that I desire. Color and sound, like microwaves, x-rays, gamma rays, and cellular waves, are made up of energy frequencies that can affect you at an emotional, mental and physical level. It’s this energy that I’ve successfully used to lift my spirit, become more confident, achieve a sense of balance, enhance my concentration, and stay motivated to accomplish my goals.

      When I was attaining my undergraduate degree, it was music that actually helped me stay focused and on track. Like most students, I was scared, alone, and missing my family. I also didn’t have the luxury of a full paid scholarship, so was forced to have to work two jobs a semester to fund my education. It would have been easy for me to get caught up in that vibe of dropping out of school. But instead I found a tool—music—to help me stay on track.

      Music has always motivated me. So it was easy for me to realize that music was the tool that could help me get and stay motivated. During this time period, I began reviewing the music I was listening to, one thing that stood out like a sore thumb was that I spent many hours of my day listening to love songs by artists such as the Carpenters, Boys to Men, Tiffany, and Chicago. Listening to love songs filled that void of not having someone special in my life to share it with. It also reinforced how much I missed my family and how single I was. Listening to love songs kept me in that I’m alone vibe, allowing me to continue feeling sorry for myself. It wasn’t healthy, and I intuitively knew it. So I switched my music to hip hop and disco music during school and working hours, and classical music when I studied. Hip hop and disco music gave me that extra boost of energy to get up early for classes and stay up late for work. When it was time for me to wind down and study, I played Enya, Beethoven, Mozart, and various other forms of classical music. Why classical? Because it has been found that students who play classical music while studying test better on exams, and I did!

      Today, I still use music as a tool to get my vibe going. Like the rest of the population, when I wake up at 5:30 am, I’m tired and unmotivated. The first thought that usually enters my mind is, “Just 10 more minutes.” The second thought typically is, “If I could only have 10 more minutes of sleep, I’d feel better.” Then my conscious mind takes control and I immediately change those thoughts to, “Today is a great day!” I say these words in my mind several times. I then put a smile on my face and head to the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. What I do next really depends on if my three young children are up. If they aren’t up, I hurry downstairs to make a pot of coffee. Just hearing the sound of the coffee brewing brings the biggest smile to my face and gets my blood circulating throughout my body. I then turn on the television and change the channel to the pop hits channel to give me that extra boost of positive energy to get my body moving. If my children are up, they are all the energy I need to get me going—and many times more than I need. My children wake up singing, smiling, telling jokes, and laughing almost every morning. The only time that they don’t wake up full of kid spirit is when they are sick. I have to admit, it’s a perfect way to start the day.

      Music and my children are not the only source that helps me get my energy vibe moving in a certain direction. Nature is one of my greatest sources, and can be yours, too! Did you know the Earth was designed to continuously reinforce who you are?

      In looking at the color scheme of the Earth, it was designed to create balance and to provide humanity with the ability to have balance—this is a reflection of the color greens and browns that exist throughout the Earth’s surface. Green and brown are grounding colors. These two colors create an energy vibe of balance. Now imagine if the grass and trees were the color red? How do you think you will feel after a week of living in a red world? Most likely your blood pressure will start to rise. You will start to get fidgety, then grumpy, and in the end angry. In time, you will find yourself becoming animalistic versus spiritualistic. Why? Because it’s been proven that the color red increases one’s heart rate, promotes action, and stimulates aggression.

      Let’s take the above example one step further. Now imagine the sky, grass, trees, and water are the color purple, a color that you rarely see in nature. How do you think you would feel then? Most likely you will have a very difficult time taking action. Purple isn’t a color of action. It’s a color that allows you to relax, clear your mind, and connect with your inner self.

      Like your energy and the energy around you, the Earth’s vibe also ebbs and flows bringing with it on one end of the spectrum vitality and on the other end destruction. The Earth is a living thing just like you and me. And my children are the ones who remind me of that every time it rains and thunders. When it rains, they tell me the Earth is crying again. Of course our conversation doesn’t end there. They go on to ask me who hurt the Earth and how can we give it a hug so it will smile again. When it thunders, they ask me why the Earth is so angry. They intuitively know the planet is a living thing and they want to do something to make it better.

      So where is the Earth’s vibe today? Presently, the Earth’s energy vibe is slowly moving into the vibration of the color green which again will have tremendous affect on our psyche. Let me explain. Looking back over the past two hundred years, we have had an explosion of technical innovation—the energy vibe of the color yellow. Yellow is the color of the mind, thinking, and innovation. As we entered the millennium, our focus has changed. We now are more concerned with what is happening with the natural rhythms of the planet Earth—Go Green! We are experiencing a global warming that we are all contributing to. These climate changes will continue to bring destruction until we make changes that are not only the best for us, but also the Earth as a whole.

      We have been given a home on the Earth which we have neglected. It’s time for us to appreciate, love, and respect our home. In doing so, we need to do our part on conserving energy, recycling, and keeping our neighborhoods clean.

      Since you are here to experience a physical life, you need all the colors of the rainbow to bring balance into your life. You need the color purple to give you vision. You need the color blue to help you communicate your vision. You need the color green to unite with others to share your vision. You need the color yellow to understand and intellectualize your vision. You need the color orange to create a plan for your vision. And lastly, you need the color red to implement and build your vision.

      Each color has a purpose, as does each sound. Get the Vibe! will give you the knowledge and tools to improve your personal and professional relationships, increase your productivity, enhance your personal brand image, and achieve your goals by simply changing your vibe.

      How to Use This Book

      Through this experiential book, you will learn the fundamentals of how energy works and the power behind color, music, and your mind’s vibe. Once you have mastered the fundamentals, you will begin your journey of discovering your personal color and music vibe. From there, you will learn how to use them to begin shifting your personal energy and the energy of your surroundings to set the stage for creating the positive change(s) you desire.

      In addition, Get the Vibe! goes one step beyond just learning about how to use color and music to shift your personal vibe and the vibe of your surroundings. It also shares how to take care of your personal vibe—the invisible energy that every living creature, object, and thing emits.
