Chimera. Wendy Lill. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Wendy Lill
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780889227712
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probably not bad either.


      True enough. (pulls out a hand-held TV) See that? That’s an eyeball. They’re doing an operation inside an eyeball.




      Nanotechnology. Capital University has pioneered techniques in nanotechnology that are used around the world. And they’re developing a method—get this—to create new body parts: legs, arms, teeth ...


      Have you got your order in for a bigger dick?


      That’s rich. Actually, no. Doing all right in that department. But they could probably make you up a new liver. Bottom line, Roy, science never sleeps. It never stops working. It’s not about meeting rinky-dink deadlines. It’s not about shilling for every two-bit interest group wanting face time on the Hill. It’s bigger than you and me, Roy. It’s working twenty-four seven. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year. It’s micro. It’s macro. It’s leapfrogging ahead five years, ten years, twenty years. It’s the long haul driver. It’s The Big Bopper. It’s the bop in the bop-she-bop and the ram in the ram-a-dam-a-ding-dong.


      You’re nuts.


      Hey, don’t knock it! You’d be surprised how stupid things like that can break the ice. Anyway, that’s The Pitch. I gotta shitload of info if you want it. (tips his glass) Cheers. It’s been a good day.


      So, what do you know about Nell Harrier?




      Harrier. The only scientist at Capital U. with a primate lab in Nepean.


      Nell Harrier? The monkey lady. Ornery as hell. Brilliant researcher. Taught for forty years.


      She’s gotta be ancient.


      Scientists don’t grow old—they just get younger grad students.


      I called the University. Harrier’s doing primate research but no mention of embryonic stem cells in gorillas. Any truth to it?


      (shrugs) Well, let’s just say sometimes work gets refocused. The road to knowledge takes many twists and turns. Nobody wants to stand in the way of a Nobel Prize. And the new Minister of Justice? Whaddya think of her?

      ROY shrugs, says nothing.


      She likes feathers. Think she must have been a bird in an earlier life.


      What were you? A skunk?


      Ms. McGuire’s progressive, presentable. A damn sight better looking than Duckworth. Doesn’t know the file, but how much damage can she do? Her Deputy Minister, Pierre Guy, keeps a tight lid on the department. Help me, Roy. It’s always good to know what you’re up against when you’re going to government.


      Sounds like you know it all. Why are you asking me?


      Heard you knew her way back when. Thought you might have some tales to tell out of school. (he sees ROY preparing to leave) Hey, I gave you stuff on Harrier. Don’t get all haughty. We’re here to help each other out. I mean we’re not that different. I package it, you shovel it. (enjoying this) Or vice versa. Where are you going?


      You’re the only guy in town who can drive me out of a bar.


      I’d say you were a porcupine! (turns back to the bar) Another soda water, please.

      1/10 GARDEN

      NELL HARRIER’S garden. May. Early evening. NELL is trying to move a heavy planter filled with earth. ROY opens the gate, enters, sees NELL, clears his throat. NELL, startled, lets out a gasp.


      I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m from the Mirror. I just wanted to—


      Get out of my garden. No one comes into my garden!


      Can we meet somewhere else then?




      The Member from White Cloud says you’re putting human cells in gorillas ...


      Then you’ve got your headline. From an ignoramus who believes the world is flat. Just get out of here.


      I just need to confirm some facts.


      The media don’t care about facts.


      Maybe I do.


      And maybe you don’t.


      Please, if you could spare me just a moment. I’m a great admirer of your work.


      Really? What do you admire about it?


      (hesitates) Your papers on leaf mould.


      You read them?


      I did.


      And what did you think of them?


      They were ... thorough.


      Get out of here. You’re all the same! You’ll do anything, say anything to get a story. And when you get it, it bears no resemblance to the truth.


      Please, just a couple of—


      No! It’s been a three-ring circus since yesterday. I’ve got university and government bureaucrats crawling all over my lab. I have no comment other than what I’ve told them: my work falls squarely within the ridiculous snarl of contradictory and unhelpful regulations and edicts that comes down from on high. Now get out.


      Okay. Sorry I bothered you. (points to the planter) Can I move that for you before I go? That’s the least I can do after almost scaring you to death. I won’t talk.


      (hesitates, then nods) Put it over there into the light.

      ROY starts moving the pot. NELL watches him.


      The name’s Ruggles, by the way. Roy Ruggles.


      You said you weren’t going to talk.


      I forgot.
