Loves' Conqueror. Renee Hand. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Renee Hand
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781938768576
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Good luck on your journey.” Lord Havenor bowed his head to Lord Hammil in farewell. Lord Hammil stood, grabbed all the papers he acquired during his meeting and held them underneath his arm.

      “There is one more thing before you go. Who is the woman you chose for your bride? The queen wishes to bless you with many gifts upon your vows.” Lord Hammil smiled at the advisor and replied, “Her name is Miranda Smyth. She is a charming and beautiful woman. Her father is a traveler. I believe you have met her before, at Somerby’s affair a couple of weeks ago?” The advisor only smiled and nodded his head.

      “I remember it quite well. She’s an enchanting creature indeed, a real beauty. Well, here is my wedding gift to you ahead of time. I believe you will find it most useful.” Lord Hammil grabbed the parchment wrapped with a pretty red ribbon from the advisor and thanked him profusely for his kindness. He then turned away from the advisor to face the door, and after making sure that he had all of his papers, left the room. Lord Havenor was smiling evilly upon Lord Hammil’s exit as if he were a cat eagerly awaiting his prey.

      CHAPTER 2

      Sounds of steel could be heard from the living room as Davy trained Miranda in the ways of swordplay. Daily, the furniture was removed from the room and the pair would practice for a few hours at a time. The servants would occasionally watch this tradition, and today was no different. Some of the men and women were gathered in the doorways watching with smiles on their faces as Davy and Miranda moved from one side of the room to the other. The fight between the two was getting heated, and Miranda was being aggressive. They would determine the winner by seeing which one could slash at the others clothing first. The skill between both was exceptional, though it wasn’t always so. When Miranda was a child, Davy would end up with scars on his arms and legs. Even though he took special precautions by wearing protective covering, it never seemed to save him from her blade. Now though, the protective shields remained on his chest but nowhere else.

      Miranda had her hair back into a braid while she moved around the room stealthily. Davy never took his eyes away from her for fear she would beat him again. Over the years, she had moved faster with a blade than any man had, including her father. Miranda was told to strike with her fists when she felt confident enough, and today she had her confidence. Davy swung at her head, but Miranda smoothly ducked from the blow. Instead, she punched him in the stomach. When she saw Davy hunch over in pain, she hastily went to him. She lowered her sword to her side and placed her hand on his back.

      “Are you all right, Davy?” As she bent over to check on him, Davy moved his foot and brought it by her ankles, tripping her in one fluid motion. With his hand he pushed her to the floor and straddled her hips, his sword at her throat. Miranda cursed loudly as she felt Davy’s cold blade. Davy’s eyebrows rose arrogantly as he touched her nose with his finger.

      “How many times have I told you never to let your guard down? If I was another man fighting you, I would have killed you.”

      “If you were another man, I never would have checked to see if you were hurt.” Miranda punched Davy’s thigh as he removed his sword and rose off of her. “You are getting up there in age you know.” Miranda crawled away quickly, but not before Davy smacked her on the backside with his hand.

      “If I am so old, than how come I can beat you?” Davy gave Miranda a crooked smile as he put their swords away along with his chest pad. Miranda rubbed her backside as she stood from the floor.

      “You have to admit that I’m improving,” returned Miranda arrogantly.

      “The only way I will admit that is if you admit that I beat you fair and square.” Miranda rolled her eyes as she placed her hands upon her hips.

      “Oh, all right, you beat me fair and square. Unlike the last time, and the time before that when I beat you soundly.” Miranda gave Davy a sassy smile as he started to chase her around the room. Her screams could be heard throughout the house, the servants only shook their heads in response. One servant, in particular, walked into the room and interrupted the pair.

      “Excuse me, Miss Mayne, but Lord Hammil’s ball is in a few hours and you need to be getting ready if you want to make it there on time. His note requested for you to arrive earlier than his guests so he could speak with you privately.” The servant was a small, thin girl with curly brown hair and a round face. Her name was Melissa. “Also, I am to remind you that Madam Fairaday will be arriving shortly to assist you in your preparations. She will also be attending.”

      “I forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me, Melissa.” Melissa bowed her head and smiled at her flush-faced mistress before turning away. “I better hurry before she arrives and sees me like this. The wonderful woman would faint if she saw me wearing men’s breeches.” Miranda placed her hand to her chest, her heart racing from her exertions. Her cheeks were flushed, and a smile was evident upon her face. “I don’t see why you don’t ask her over for supper some evening? She is a kind woman who could probably make you happy.” Davy rolled his eyes dramatically.

      “She is out of my league, love. Don’t worry about my happiness. When I find a woman that I’m interested in, I will let you know.” Miranda slowly walked up to Davy, whose heart was also racing, and embraced him. They held each other for several seconds, then as Miranda pulled away she kissed him upon the cheek.

      “Do you know how much I love you my faithful friend? I couldn’t imagine my life without you by my side.” Davy caressed her cheek as he smiled from her comment.

      “Yes, my child, you love me as much as I love you. You are like a daughter to me. Now, go and get ready, and you might want to consider a bath with some of those scented oils your father brought you from France.”

      “Why? You won’t let Lord Hammil close enough to me to notice.” Miranda glanced back at Davy as she walked from the room to the stairs and winked. Davy moved to stand in the doorway the servants once occupied, who were now returning the furniture to its rightful place.

      “If you desire for him to touch you or more, all you have to do is say the word and I will leave your side and let him.” Miranda looked down at Davy from the stairs, her eyes narrowing.

      “No!” Miranda spoke sharply.

      “I thought as much. The look you gave me the last time Lord Hammil attempted to kiss you, begged for me to stop him.” Davy folded his arms in front of his chest. His weight pressed up against the doorframe. Miranda played with the red sash at her waist. Whenever her and Davy practiced with the sword, she would wear breeches with a white shirt and sash pretending she were a pirate.

      “I have never been kissed by a man, Davy. I am unsure of what I am supposed to do.” Miranda looked down at the steps, averting her eyes from meeting Davy’s.

      “There is no shame in that, Miry. Your father and I are grateful for it. However, if you become Lord Hammil’s wife, he will want you to show him affection. You cannot avoid it forever.” Miranda glanced back at Davy, then proceeded up the stairs.

      “I will think about it,” and with that said Miranda walked the rest of the way up the stairs, Davy watching her go. He began to walk down the hallway toward the kitchen when he heard a knock on the door. He saw a servant walk toward the door and answer it. It was Madam Fairaday.

      Madam Fairaday was an extremely wealthy woman with a full bodice and thinning figure. Her features were pleasing to the eye. She was at least in her early fifties, but one would never know it for her appearance never revealed her age. She had slightly graying black hair with beautiful hazel green eyes. Her skin was pale with a slight hint of red upon her cheeks. Her hair was wrapped delicately upon her head and her gown was of a dark green that flattered her figure. It had a low neckline and thinning waist but the skirt billowed out around her almost preventing her from walking through the door without help. Davy instantly hastened to her side and kissed her hand in greeting.

      “Madam Fairaday, how nice it is to see you again.”

      “It is always nice to be seen, Davy.”

      “Miranda is upstairs getting ready if you would like to join