Life, Love & God. Justin C. Hart. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Justin C. Hart
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780985496869
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will be right beside you

      Your last days are approaching

      They are sooner than you think

      Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth are in need

      You have one life to live, so do with it all you can

      You can either run with me, or I will be

      Looking down on you from heaven


      Mommy, Daddy

      Mommy, Daddy, Me

      Mommy, Me

      Mommy, where did Daddy go?

      He's working all this week…

      Daddy, Mommy

      Daddy, Mommy, Me

      Daddy, Me

      Daddy, where did Mommy go?

      She's playing hide and seek…

      ~ 6 SENSES ~

      All I Know is the Lord, family, school, girls, my true friends, jewelry, sports, and this small, small world. All I See is love, hate, crimes, dimes, and nudity, backstabbers, liars, criers, and people looking down on me. All I Hear is voices with fear and cheer. Folks talking about alcohol, beer, weed, and cuss words that start fatal dares. I can't bear knowing that All I Feel is God's presence and His chills up my spine, like a girl's soft touch – Yo, what's the deal? I know all the hate and love I feel is real, because once something good happens I want seconds just like a good meal. And when something bad happens, I can mentally and physically feel it, just like braille. All I Smell is backyard cookouts and food from down south, bad breath coming from the mouth, perfume, and herbal smoke. I must have a good snout. All I Taste is rice and chicken, toothpaste, and Mistics; dryness, never mind this, because everything I've spoken is realistic. While you have the fortune, remember I'm keeping the fame. When negative things happen, God isn't the one to blame. I have five senses; the sixth one has been sought. The more I pursue after it, the more I am taught. It's called discernment.

      It took us four years to get through it

      And we got through it together

      Same days different weather

      Same jeans different sweaters, whatever

      We went from knowing no one, to everyone knowing us

      Going down together when one of us would get caught cussing

      I'm not fussing at y'all/ Y'all were my crew

      And you can't get mad if there were more than you

      My other crew, my teammates, my unprofessional sports figures

      We posted along that hallway wall like no one was bigger

      From September to June, morning to noon

      We stuck together through the years as we watched

      ourselves bloom

      Both of my crews had their own wall

      That's called territory/ We had to own it all

      Girls, would go out of their way just to get their backs on it

      Whoever was hot at the time/ Yeah, they wanted their hands on

      him/ Girls would come and go, and I'd remain saying, “Hi.” But

      when one of my partners would come and go…I'd go out of my

      way just to say, “Bye. Catch you later. Take it easy. Stay up.”

      Until the next day comes…



      My Buds were light

      Crazy college kid

      My hugs were tight

      I used to go party hoppin'

      My nights were late

      Sippin’ to get it poppin'

      A large crew, no dates

      Acting wild to the music

      No home training

      Teaching others how we do it

      Our dance steps were amazing

      Once upon a time

      The club life was it

      But once I started growing up

      I had to call it quits

      First Corinthians - Eleven: Thirteen

       “When I was a child, I spoke as a child; I thought as a child; I did childish things. But when I became a man, I put my childish ways behind me.”

      That lil’ boy who once threw tantrums when his way wasn't granted…Now stands as a man, fully responsible for controlling his moods.

      That lil’ boy who once played for hours with his toys…

      Now stands as a man, working hard to pay bills on time.

      That lil’ boy who once was so innocent and pure…

      Now stands as a man, continuously having to renew his tainted mind.

      That lil’ boy who once ran when he was fearful…

      Now stands as a man, fully embracing the word courage.

      That lil’ boy who once stuttered when he spoke…

      Now stands as a man, testifying with fluency before churches.

      That lil’ boy who wanted to run away from home…

      Now stands as a man, being the head of his own.

      That lil’ boy who once thought about committing suicide…

      Now stands as a man, telling others don't.


      Looking for love in all the wrong places led me down a path of lies and lukewarm lovers that couldn't satisfy my longing to be loved like I had longed to be - before my birth I lustfully laid in my mother's womb so comfortably living without the leeches of the world latching onto my soul, laughing out loud would ultimately distract my knowledge of being lost, yet I was.

      Obviously I was oblivious to my circumstances while others noticed overtly that I opted to walk around foolishly speaking omitted words from my empty heart that had only repeated bias objections which created offenses due to my lack of understanding of being lost, yet I was.

      Sorry Mom and Dad for silently and sinfully slaughtering the hope that you instilled inside of this mind of mine while I was sitting under your sugar coated ginger bread roof slothfully making sudden moves to better my situation so now I shamefully sit here and shrink within my shell doubting myself wondering why I can't remain sober while being lost, yet I do.

      There were times when the second-hand of time struck like terrible lightning and taunted me like a ticking time bomb touching the texture of my skin that I hated so much which somehow destined me to throw text onto torn paper in lieu of tantrums while all along my true identity that I always knew existed awaited to be found and thank You, Jesus, it was.