Edgar Cayce's Twelve Lessons in Personal Spirituality. Kevin J Todeschi. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kevin J Todeschi
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781938838682
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of perfection which is whole and is in harmony with our spiritual essence. Through a process of both attunement and application, we begin to manifest that spiritual consciousness. In addition to meditation and prayer, working with our dreams can be an integral part of personal discovery and inner attunement. There are many books available on the subject, but one of the most important first steps is to simply begin writing them down each morning. In terms of application, overall progress is perhaps best seen through our ongoing interactions with others.

      As we come to know our true individuality, we will discover our connectedness with one another. We’ll begin to recognize the fact that with God as our Parent, we are all children of the same family. We will discover that part of us that has always been whole:

      . . . the first awareness of which each soul should become cognizant or seek earnestly, is that God is conscious of thee. And the very fact of your own awareness should ever remind thee of this. If each soul would or could become aware of that, how much difference there might be in the choices made day by day! 2650-1

      More and more frequently we awaken to our true spiritual self as we become conscious of the fact that God is aware of us, that He is mindful of our activities, and that His Spirit is within us as well as without. This is the essential purpose for coming to know oneself.


      Each of us is a manifestation of all that we have ever been. As we come to know ourselves, we will discover that who and where we are right now is simply the end result of our previous thoughts, desires, and actions. And yet, in spite of any challenges, disappointments, or shortcomings we may face, we each possess a pattern for wholeness which is our birthright. Every aspect of our lives: physically, mentally, and spiritually, has the potential to contribute toward the realization and manifestation of this pattern. All experiences have the potential, ultimately, to be for our own growth and good, for they assist us in coming to know ourselves. As we become attuned to our true inner selves, our daily lives will exemplify the best that is within us and we will finally be worthy to call ourselves Children of God:

      Know thyself first. Look within thine own heart. What is it ye would purpose to do? Satisfy thine own appetites? Satisfy thine own desire for power or glory, for fame or fortune? These, as ye have experienced and as ye know within thy deeper self, easily take wings and fly away. Only those things that are just, those things that are beautiful, those things that are harmonious, that arise from brotherly kindness, brotherly love, patience, hope and graciousness, live. 1776-1

      In order to be true to others, we must first be true to that inner part of ourselves. We can’t say one thing and yet be and think something entirely differently. As we cultivate this ability to discriminate between right and wrong, good and bad, what we really believe versus what we let others think we believe, even where we want to be versus where we are, we become more completely aware of the motivation of our thoughts, our desires, and our activities. We become aware of where it is our life is leading us and whether or not we need to make a change. But most importantly, we become aware of the potential for wholeness simply waiting to be awakened within ourselves.

      We are co-creators with God. Only the application of spiritual principles such as patience, cooperation, tolerance, and love will lead to this awareness and our own spiritual awakening. Through our interactions with others we come to know ourselves, our relationship with one another, and our relationship with our God:

      Would ye act before thy God in the manner ye act before thine brother? Love one another. “A new commandment I give, that ye love one another.” In this manner may each see themselves as others see them. Let not thy words and thy actions be so different that they are not children of the same family. Let thy deeds, let thy words, be in keeping with that others see in thee. 262-9

      We must challenge ourselves to be willing to begin measuring ourselves against that standard of love. We must begin treating others just as we ourselves would wish to be treated. It is our duty, even our obligation, to discipline ourselves so that our every word, thought, and action begins to reflects the very best that we have within us.



       Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus . . .

      Philippians 2:5


      God, be merciful to me! Help Thou my unbelief! Let me see in Him that Thou would have me see in my fellow man. Let me see in my brother that I see in Him whom I worship! 262-11



      Then, the more important, the most important experience of this or any individual entity is to first know what is the ideal — spiritually. 357-13

      All of us, at different periods in our lives, struggle with what we should be doing, where we should be going, or how we might possibly fill that special niche which God has in mind for us. We find ourselves searching for something, although we often remain unsure as to what it is. Since this state of inner confusion is something we all have in common, you would think that any practical solution that provided insights or addressed an answer to this dilemma would be heralded from the highest mountain peak. Yet, perhaps one of the most frequently overlooked principles in the Edgar Cayce readings is the concept of working with “ideals,” and it’s that very same principle that can provide us with an approach to answering this inner call.

      For, mental and spiritual guidance should be related to what an individual entity chooses as its ideal, and what it will or should do about that ideal, not ideas but ideals. In choosing and in analyzing self and the ideal, do not merely carry these in mind but put them, as it were, upon the paper in a manifested form. 5091-3

      Because the readings recommend writing down our ideals, physically, mentally, and spiritually, we may be tempted to believe this approach is one in which we complete a one-time assignment, filling in columns or jotting down notes that are never again wrestled with once set on paper. And yet, Cayce made it clear that the importance of working with ideals should become a frequent activity in our lives—one in which we’re challenged, encouraged, even prodded to begin a personal masterpiece at a soul level. From this approach, the readings’ insights on ideals can provide much assistance in helping us to manifest in our lives the very best we have to offer our world, our God, and ourselves.

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