Global Residence and Citizenship Handbook. Christian H. Kälin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christian H. Kälin
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780992781866
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rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">32.2Requirements

       32.3Procedures and time frame

       32.4Grant of citizenship

       32.5Dual citizenship


       32.7Advantages of St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship

       32.8General information


       Useful Addresses and Websites

       List of Abbreviations



      About This Book

      This book, now in its fifth edition, presents in-depth yet practical information on the most important issues concerning residence and citizenship planning for private clients. It is designed as a guide for private client advisers such as law firms, tax consultants, private banks and family offices. It is also addressed directly to private individuals and families, business owners, entrepreneurs and investors who are interested in finding out more about the subject.

      The use of concise and precise language reflects its character as a handbook and reference source. In particular, the author has endeavoured to express the terms and concepts involved as transparently as possible in order to make them easily accessible even to those without a legal background. Footnotes are therefore avoided where possible for the sake of clarity.

      This book can in no way substitute legal or other professional advice. The publisher and author therefore unreservedly exclude any liability for losses or damages of any kind – be these direct, indirect or consequential – which may result from the use of this book or the information it contains. Although the publisher and author have undertaken great care in preparing this book, they obviously cannot guarantee its correctness and completeness, and the explanations and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation.

      Any comments and suggestions, praise and criticism will be gratefully received. If you as the reader feel that a particular topic should be added to this volume, please let us know. We will be happy to recompense any useful information with a complimentary copy of the next edition of this book.

      Christian H. Kälin is the Group Chairman of Henley & Partners. He is one of the pioneers and leading specialists in residence and citizenship programs and advises both private clients and governments.

      Marshall J. Langer is Professor Emeritus at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and is recognized as the most experienced US tax attorney specialized in expatriation and international taxation.

      Simon Anholt is the world’s leading authority on measuring and managing national identity and reputation. He was Vice-Chairman of the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s Public Diplomacy Board, and has advised more than 50 national, regional and city governments worldwide.

      Henley & Partners:

      The Global Leaders in Residence

      and Citizenship Planning

      The production of this book has been made possible by the generous sponsorship of Henley & Partners – the global leaders in residence and citizenship planning.

      The concept of residence and citizenship planning was created by Henley & Partners in the 1990s, at a time when most international lawyers and wealth planning professionals did not consider the subject to be of much relevance.

      Over the years, Henley & Partners has emerged as the world’s leading firm specialized and focused in this particular area of practice. International residence and citizenship planning has itself become a major topic among the increasing number of internationally mobile entrepreneurs, as well as many wealthy individuals and families, who are interested in looking at alternative residence and citizenship solutions.

      Lawyers such as Christian H. Kälin, as well as many others, further developed the discipline together with an entire group of specialists who now work at Henley & Partners. The firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Eric G. Major, who formerly built the most important Canadian immigrant investor business at HSBC, is another guiding light in the area of global residence and citizenship planning.

      Today, individual clients as well as advisors and law firms worldwide rely on Henley & Partners for specialized advice and assistance in this delicate area where its expertise and experience are second to none.

      The firm’s renowned Residence and Citizenship Practice Group advises private clients and their close advisors, as well as governments, on investor immigration and citizenship solutions. Henley & Partners works with the government authorities of all relevant countries and constantly monitors the worldwide situation. The firm also assists in designing, implementing and operating investor immigration programs and gives relevant advice to governments.

      Two of the most recent mandates are from Antigua and Barbuda, where Henley & Partners act as a special advisor to design, implement and administer the citizenship-by-investment program for this country; and Malta, where Henley & Partners won a public call for services and were awarded a Public Services Concession for the design, implementation and international promotion of the Malta Individual Investor Programme.

      Besides advising clients on the possibilities of acquiring resident status, permanent residence and citizenship-by-investment, members of the Planning Group advise them on the (re-)acquisition of citizenship based on ancestry as well as on residence planning for private clients with a view to tax optimization and/or post-immigration citizenship acquisition.

      Residence planning and related tax planning for private clients involves finding solutions for individuals and families who move internationally, own property in different countries and who often have complex international situations and requirements. In this regard, they work closely together with the firm’s Trust and Tax Planning Group, and our combined services cover not only tax, immigration and citizenship law, but also international private law, real estate structuring and more.

      For many years, Henley & Partners has organized the Global Residence and Citizenship Conference, which is the most important such event in the world. It is held annually in the first half of November in different locations each year. To check for the program of the next conference and to benefit from early registration discounts, please visit For more information about the firm please visit


      Besides governments and government agencies, Henley & Partners typically advises very wealthy individuals and families, successful entrepreneurs and investors, top-level managers, artists, and celebrities. Without a doubt, we and our clients are among the most privileged people in the world.

      An important distinguishing feature of our firm is our substantial commitment to help those who are less fortunate. This commitment dates back to its roots and is today expressed mainly through the Henley & Partners Foundation. It