Global Residence & Citizenship Handbook. Christian H. Kälin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christian H. Kälin
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780957436213
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or clinic for a particular medical problem. Indeed, one of the first steps in a planned change of residence should be to obtain worldwide health cover which ensures the necessary international flexibility.

       Check list: moving to another country

      The following table provides an overview of some of the questions to ask when moving to another country.


Transport and accessibility How good is general accessibility in the country including public transportation, train connections, domestic air travel, and condition of the roads? How good are the travel connections by road, air, rail or sea to other countries?
Utilities Are the cost, access, quality and reliability of electricity, gas, water and waste services satisfactory? Is public water clean/safe to drink?
Telecommunications, IT, Internet Are the telephone systems, mobile phone networks, broadband internet access up to date? Are the quality and availability of IT-support services acceptable?
Access to services How good is access to standard services such as local banks, post office, grocery stores, shopping malls, etc.?
Medical facilities Are there reliable and modern hospital facilities? Is there free access to medical services? Are there any waiting times? What is the access to medical specialists? Are private medical facilities available and is access restricted?
Social security Is there a mandatory social insurance scheme? What is the contribution level and is it in fact an additional tax? Is there a mandatory health insurance scheme?
Civic facilities Are there civic facilities such as parks, playgrounds, city halls or public libraries available?
Entertainment What entertainment, cultural, sport and outdoor activities are available? Is there a good choice of cinemas, restaurants, bars, clubs etc.? Are there recreational clubs such as golf, sailing, polo and tennis?
Education What is the reputation of local schools and universities? Is private education readily available? Are there international schools? How do the education system and the schools rank globally?
Child care Are there good public day nurseries/after-school care facilities? Are private nannies and au-pairs easily available?


Geographic location Is your new home centrally located in the region; is there a larger city in the vicinity? If your home is in a large city, are green spaces and recreational areas easily accessible? Are there any issues/problems with neighboring countries that could lead to conflict or war?
Climate Is the climate to your liking? Number of sunshine hours per year? Average temperatures (summer/winter)? Is the area prone to winds and changeable weather?
Pollution How clean is the environment and what are the levels of pollution of air, water, soil etc.?
Natural hazards Is the place susceptible to flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes or other storms, earthquakes, heat waves, avalanches, landslides or heavy snow?
Industrial hazards Are there any nuclear power or chemical plants in your area? Are there other factories or production sites that may affect you? (Industrial smells, dust, hazardous products etc.) Is your new home located in the flight paths of nearby airports?


Currency and capital restrictions Stability of local currency, exchange controls? Are there export of capital restrictions?
Government and political stability Is there a stable government and political environment? What is the political culture like? Are there frequent protests? Strikes?
Cost of living What is the cost of living? Are import duty exemptions possible?
Banking and financial services Are high-level banking services easily available? Can the local banking and financial services industry support your personal investment and business requirements?
Trade restrictions Are there trade restrictions that could hamper international business dealings (i.e. repatriation of capital restrictions)?
Copyrights and patents Is there a robust protection for copyrights and patents?
Company governance Is it easy to incorporate and operate a company? Are corporate laws, regulations, taxes etc. mature and efficient? Are minority shareholders’ rights protected?
Public and private corruption Is there any public or private corruption? Is it difficult to do business legally without having to bribe or use other illegal means?


Language What is the local language? Do people speak English, or which other languages?
People Are you moving to an open and liberal society? Are the people friendly and welcoming, non-discriminatory? Are there social tensions or harmony between different ethnic or other groups in the society?
Culture and religion Is there uniformity or diversity in the community with regard to religion, ethnicity? Are there places of worship particular to your religion in the country? Is there discrimination against your own culture/religion?
Gender and minority issues What is the status of women in society? Are there restrictions in public life for women or for people of certain ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc?

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