Canine and Feline Epilepsy. Luisa De Risio. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Luisa De Risio
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781789243857
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of each condition.


      Diagnosis of hypocalcaemia is based on characteristic clinical signs and serum-ionized calcium concentration equal or lower than 0.8 mmol/l (3.2 mg/dl). Decreased serum total calcium should prompt assessment of serum ionized calcium. The use of corrective formulae to estimate ionized calcium concentration based on serum total calcium and total protein or albumin concentration is not recommended. These formulae do not accurately predict ionized calcium concentration and should not be used to make therapeutic decisions. Serum ionized calcium concentration is typically higher than ionized calcium concentration in heparinized plasma or whole blood (measured by means of a blood gas analyser) due to dilution with heparin (Schenck and Chew, 2008). Calcium concentrations should not be assessed on EDTA plasma as EDTA chelates calcium, giving artificially low calcium concentrations. Additional laboratory investigations (such as measurement of plasma PTH, magnesium, vitamin D metabolites, urinalysis) and diagnostic imaging are indicated depending on the suspected underlying cause of hypocalcaemia in individual patients.


      • Puerperal tetany (eclampsia);

      • Renal failure (acute and chronic);

      • Protein-losing enteropathies (hypoalbuminaemia);

      • Acute pancreatitis;

      • Ethylene glycol toxicity;

      • Phosphate enema;

      • Hypoparathyroidism:

      • Primary;

      • Idiopathic or spontaneous;

      • Post-operative bilateral thyroidectomy;

      • After sudden reversal of chronic hypercalcaemia;

      • Secondary to magnesium depletion or excess;

      • Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism;

      • Citrate anticoagulant overdose with blood transfusion;

      • Hypovitaminosis D.


      Diazepam (0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg intravenously, up to a maximum total dose of 20 mg, in dogs and cats, repeated to effect or twice within 2 h; see Chapters 21 and 24) can be used to control the tetany and seizures initially while the diagnosis of hypocalcaemia is confirmed. Hypocalcaemia is treated with 10% calcium gluconate at a dose of 0.5–1.5 ml/kg (providing 5–15 mg/kg of calcium) administered slowly IV (over 10 to 30 min) to effect as individual requirements vary. Clinical improvement is generally obvious within minutes of initiating the infusion. Electrocardiographic monitoring is advisable because of the risk of cardiotoxicity. If bradycardia, premature ventricular complexes, increased P-R interval, prolonged QRS complex or shortening of the Q-T interval is observed, the IV infusion should be briefly discontinued. Maintenance therapy of hypocalcaemia involves calcium gluco-nate (at a dosage equal to the one used IV for the control of tetany), diluted in an equal volume of saline, administered SC every 6 to 8 h. Serum calcium concentration should be monitored every 1–3 days to adjust the calcium gluconate dose. Generally, after serum calcium concentrations have been maintained within reference range for 48 h, the administration of calcium gluconate can be gradually tapered off to every 8–12 h. Long-term maintenance treatment with oral calcium (25 mg/kg every 8–12 h) and vitamin D supplementation may be required. Specific treatment for the underlying aetiology of hypocalcaemia should be instituted as promptly as possible.

       Nutritional Disorders Causing Seizures

       Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency


      Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency has been reported in dogs and cats fed thiamine-deficient diets including commercial canned pet food (Marks et al., 2011; Markovich et al., 2014). Thiamine can be destroyed by heat during cooking or processing, preservatives such as sulfur dioxide, sulfate trace minerals, ultraviolet and gamma irradiation, and thiaminase enzyme activity, which is found predominantly in shellfish, fish viscera and some bacteria. In addition, thiamine deficiency can result from decreased intake due to anorexia or vomiting, decreased intestinal absorption (e.g. diarrhoea), abnormal utilization (e.g. liver dysfunction) or increased requirements (e.g. fever, infection). The metabolically active form of thiamine, thiamine pyrophosphate, plays an essential role in three enzyme systems (pyruvate dehydrogenase, alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, and transketolase), which are essential for complete oxidation of glucose through the Krebs cycle. Tissues dependent on glucose or lactatepyruvate for energy, such as the brain and heart, are particularly compromised in thia-mine deficiency.



      Fig. 4.4. Transverse T2-weighted (a and c) and FLAIR (b and d) and paramedian T2-weighted (e) MR images of the brain of a 4-year-old dachshund with thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. Note the bilaterally symmetrical hyperintensities localized to the caudal colliculi (a, b) and vestibular nuclei (c, d). The paramedian T2-weighted image (e) shows hyperintensity of the caudal colliculi and brainstem nuclei located ventrally to the fourth ventricle.

      Fig. 4.5. Transverse T2-weighted MR image of the brain of a domestic short hair cat with thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. Note the bilaterally symmetrical hyperintensities localized to the lateral geniculate nuclei. See plate 2 for the histology showing focal haemorrhagic necrotic lesions localized to the lateral geniculate nuclei.

       Clinical presentation

      Clinical signs include anorexia, vomiting, abnormal mentation, seizures, dilated and unresponsive pupils, absent menace response bilaterally, opisthotonos with increased extensor tone of all four limbs, ataxia, tetraparesis, postural reaction deficits and vestibular dys-function (Garosi et al., 2003; Penderis et al., 2007; Palus et al., 2010). In addition, cervical ventroflexion and hyperesthesia to stimuli have been reported in thiamine-deficient cats. Seizures can progress to coma and death if the thiamine deficiency is not treated.


      A presumptive diagnosis of thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is based on dietary history, clinical and MRI findings and response to therapy. MRI findings include bilaterally symmetrical hyperintensity on T2-weighted and FLAIR images localized to the red nuclei, caudal colliculi, vestibular nuclei and cerebellar nodulus in dogs (Figs 4.4a–e) (Garosi, 2003) and to the lateral geniculate nuclei, caudal colliculi, periaqueductal grey matter, medial vestibular nuclei, cerebellar nodulus and facial nuclei in cats (Fig. 4.5; plate 2) (Penderis et al., 2007; Palus et al., 2010). These MRI changes have been reported to resolve following thiamine supplementation (Garosi et al., 2003; Palus et al., 2010). Bilaterally symmetrical hyperintense lesions on T2-weighted and FLAIR images have been reported to affect also the cerebral cortex (parietal, occipital, hippocampal lobe) in cats with thiamine deficiency (Marks et al., 2011). Diagnosis can be confirmed by determining