Информация о произведении:
Identify types of competition
Identify your specific competitors
Determine your competitors’ market share
Determine competitive positions
Highlight your competitive edge
Evaluate barriers to entry and potential future competition
Pulling it all together: The Competition
Step 5 Marketing and Sales Plan
Summarize your marketing message
Describe your offline marketing vehicles
Outline your online and social media marketing vehicles
Identify any additional marketing and sales strategies
Describe your sales team
Step 6 Operations
Determine key operations elements
Outline your technology plan
Highlight your operational advantages
Address current—or potential—operational challenges
Describe your commitment to social responsibility
Pulling it all together: Operations
Step 7 Management Structure
Highlight your key team members
Predict future management needs
Describe your staffing structure
Identify your board members, advisors, and consultants
Pulling it all together: Management Structure
Step 8 Future Development
Define your long-term goals
Establish future milestones
Assess the risks
Explore exit strategies
Pulling it all together: Future Development
Step 9 Financials
Produce your Income Statement
Develop your Cash Flow Projection
Generate your Balance Sheet
Show your Sources and Use of Funds
Consider preparing additional supporting financial statements
Presentation Pointers