What Business Should I Start?. Rhonda Abrams. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rhonda Abrams
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781933895239
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think of as an “entertainer” but who thrive when they create a positive, entertaining, or diverting experience for customers, especially entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry, and certain service industries. These fall into the “Host” side of the Entertainer/Host E-Type.

       Options for this E-Type

      Performers: Curtain up! Light the lights! You’re ready to take center stage. Someone’s going to be a “star,” why not you?

      Of course, when you said you wanted to be a movie star—or rock star—or Broadway star, your parents warned you that you weren’t being realistic. And let’s face it, making a living in one of those fields is tough.

      But those aren’t your only options. In a society where people have a great deal of leisure time, there are many other opportunities for performers. Many leisure-time situations include “performers.” For instance, every weekend in every community, people put on weddings, proms, bar mitzvahs, anniversary parties, high school reunions. Many of them hire performers—disc jockey/party hosts, bands, singers. Others have parties for their kids’ birthdays and hire clowns, magicians, balloon artists, animal handlers. Even funeral parlors hire musicians.

      Don’t forget the business world. Someone has to stand up at trade shows, department stores, and grocery stores to show how the latest gizmo works or newest frying pan fries without sticking. For an actor, being a product demonstrator can be a way to get an audience and a pay check!

      You can be a “star” without moving to Hollywood.

      Hospitality businesses: Many Entertainer/Host E-Type entrepreneurs are drawn to hospitality-related businesses. They’re the type who would love people to drop over to their home for dinner or a drink every night, but instead—more realistically—open a restaurant, bar, or coffee house.

      Remember, hospitality centers around making people feel welcome. That involves creating an atmosphere—an experience—a diversion from real life. The best hosts often embody a measure of “performance.”

      Fortunately, the hospitality industry is growing and appears to be headed for continued growth. Business opportunities, especially opportunities for small businesses, abound. These include restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs, hotels, bed & breakfasts, catering or push-cart espresso businesses. Since hospitality businesses are needed just about everywhere in the world, you can go anywhere you want to start your business.

      Services and retail: Entertainer/Host E-Types may also be drawn to the possibility of operating an entertainment-related venue—anything from a bowling alley to a driving range to a dance club. Another service option is to run events with a strong entertainment component—anything from street fairs to non-profit fundraising events to school proms. Many independent businesses specialize in organizing and running such events.

      Likewise, some Entertainer/Host E-Types flourish operating certain service businesses (such as hair salons or spas). They bring an outgoing personality and certain flair—a panache—to their work that provides customers with an “experience” as well as a good hair cut.

      Many hairdressers, in particular, are Entertainer/Host E-Types. They interact with customers all day long, often learning their most intimate secrets. And hairdressers get to talk, talk, talk—all the while having a captive audience. (No one competes with someone who’s got a pair of scissors in their hands.) Many hairdressers become “stars,” at least in their own communities.

      Even some retail businesses (such as fashion boutiques, music stores, or unique gift shops) might be appropriate fits for E-Type entrepreneurs who understand the advantage of transforming hum-drum shopping activities into entertainment experiences.

       You may be this E-Type if . . .

      1.You’re a very social person. You always prefer to work with people rather than things.

      2.You have talents that can only be effectively expressed in front of others (e.g., acting, singing, performance dance).

      3.You’re outgoing. Shy? You don’t know the meaning of the word. (While you may be shy inside, you cover it up by being the most extroverted person in the room.) You don’t wait for someone else to say “hello” first.

      4.You’re a social butterfly. You don’t mind having lots of short-term interactions with lots and lots of people. You are comfortable with people coming in and out of your life.

      5.People respond to you. While you crave attention, you also genuinely like people; you’re able to connect with others in a way that helps them relax.

      6.You would love fame and fortune, but you’re willing to sacrifice consistent financial security if that’s what it takes to express yourself and use your talents.

      7.You’re comfortable being the center of attention. You thrive on it!

       This E-Type’s secrets & strategies


Look for a “steady gig.” Many businesses suitable for this E-Type are financially unstable. Try to find consistent income sources. It may be more glamorous to headline at a nightclub than to sing at a wedding, but remember, on the way to stardom, you still have to pay the rent. And if you’re good, guests at the wedding still applaud.


If you’re a performer, you may need to start by doing unpaid performances to get public exposure (as well as experience). Seek out opportunities that can give you visibility with potential customers. And don’t forget to have business cards made up ahead of time to hand out.


If you’re a host, remember to let some other people shine too. If you’re going to be the maitre ‘d, then someone else has to be the chef. After all, you can’t be everywhere at once.


If yours is a hospitality business, location is critical. No matter how great you cook, or how charmingly you decorate, people won’t come to your restaurant or bed & breakfast unless they like the location.

       Obvious (and Not-So-Obvious) Business Choices for This E-Type


Musician for weddings, parties, fundraisers, funerals


Product demonstrator




Miniature golf course/family entertainment complex


Wedding planner


Bed & Breakfast


Party DJ



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