CHAPTER 1 Insurance Is a Service, Not a Product
Putting Insights into Practice
Experience Prototyping the Service
CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Service Design
Why Do Services Need Designing?
How Services Differ from Products
Services Created in Silos Are Experienced in Bits
Services Are Co-produced by People
A New Technological Landscape: The Network
CHAPTER 3 Understanding People and Relationships
People Are the Heart of Services
CHAPTER 4 Turning Research into Insight and Action
Collating and Presenting Your Insights
CHAPTER 5 Describing the Service Ecology
Boxes versus Arrows—Finding the Invisible Connections
From Ecology Map to Service Blueprint
Start with Broad Phases and Activities
Low Fidelity versus High Fidelity
CHAPTER 6 Developing the Service Proposition
Basing the Service Proposition on Insights
Taking Slices through the Blueprint
CHAPTER 7 Prototyping Service Experiences
Expectations versus Experiences
Considering Time as an Object of Design
Service Experience Prototyping