<--- Score
123. What Organizational justice services do you require?
<--- Score
124. What are the Roles and Responsibilities for each team member and its leadership? Where is this documented?
<--- Score
125. What scope do you want your strategy to cover?
<--- Score
126. What intelligence can you gather?
<--- Score
127. What is the definition of success?
<--- Score
128. If substitutes have been appointed, have they been briefed on the Organizational justice goals and received regular communications as to the progress to date?
<--- Score
129. How do you catch Organizational justice definition inconsistencies?
<--- Score
130. Is Organizational justice required?
<--- Score
131. What specifically is the problem? Where does it occur? When does it occur? What is its extent?
<--- Score
132. What knowledge or experience is required?
<--- Score
133. Has/have the customer(s) been identified?
<--- Score
134. How have you defined all Organizational justice requirements first?
<--- Score
135. Does the team have regular meetings?
<--- Score
136. Is the Organizational justice scope manageable?
<--- Score
137. Is data collected and displayed to better understand customer(s) critical needs and requirements.
<--- Score
138. How does the Organizational justice manager ensure against scope creep?
<--- Score
139. Do you all define Organizational justice in the same way?
<--- Score
140. Do you have organizational privacy requirements?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Organizational justice Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Gather the correct data. Measure the current performance and evolution of the situation.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. What measurements are possible, practicable and meaningful?
<--- Score
2. Does a Organizational justice quantification method exist?
<--- Score
3. What are your operating costs?
<--- Score
4. What would it cost to replace your technology?
<--- Score
5. Do you aggressively reward and promote the people who have the biggest impact on creating excellent Organizational justice services/products?
<--- Score
6. Who should receive measurement reports?
<--- Score
7. Are you taking your company in the direction of better and revenue or cheaper and cost?
<--- Score
8. What is the total cost related to deploying Organizational justice, including any consulting or professional services?
<--- Score
9. What methods are feasible and acceptable to estimate the impact of reforms?
<--- Score
10. How will effects be measured?
<--- Score
11. What is the total fixed cost?
<--- Score
12. How do you control the overall costs of your work processes?
<--- Score
13. What is the cause of any Organizational justice gaps?
<--- Score
14. What does your operating model cost?
<--- Score
15. Which measures and indicators matter?
<--- Score
16. What are your primary costs, revenues, assets?
<--- Score
17. How frequently do you track Organizational justice measures?
<--- Score
18. When should you bother with diagrams?
<--- Score
19. How do you measure variability?
<--- Score
20. What do people want to verify?
<--- Score
21. What is the Organizational justice business impact?
<--- Score
22. Where can you go to verify the info?
<--- Score
23. What potential environmental factors impact the Organizational justice effort?
<--- Score
24. Are the units of measure consistent?
<--- Score
25. How do you verify if Organizational justice is built right?
<--- Score
26. What tests verify requirements?
<--- Score
27. Are there any easy-to-implement alternatives to Organizational justice? Sometimes other solutions are available that do not require the cost implications of a full-blown project?
<--- Score
28. What are hidden Organizational justice quality costs?
<--- Score
29. What is measured? Why?
<--- Score
30. How will you measure your Organizational justice effectiveness?
<--- Score
31. What causes investor action?
<--- Score
32. Are there measurements based on task performance?
<--- Score
33. How will costs be allocated?
<--- Score
34. What measurements are being captured?