Every Cat Has A Story: True Stories Exploring the Spiritual Connection of Felines with Their Beloved Owners. Jasmine Kinnear. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jasmine Kinnear
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Every Story
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780978389390
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adoptee’s house.

      The problem is, as I’m sure you have noticed, that I haven’t come up with a name for her yet. This is where you come in. Please help! I need names, I need ideas. What do you think? I’m really having a tough time coming up with one.

      She has already changed my life but I really need a great name for her, and any other suggestions to help her in this transition. I’m hoping to get a photo soon, but until then she looks like a Siamese with chocolate and cafe au lait markings/colours, and her eyes are very deep blue.

      You can e-mail me for a further response if you want to make it brief here in this forum.

      Thanks in advance for your advice,


       Jasmine’s Reply…

      Dear Catherine,

      Thank you for submitting your question. I appreciate the opportunity to address several important issues that your situation presents.

      I believe that few are fortunate in finding their Feline Soul Mate during their lives. Even professional breeders encountering many cats are not subject to the fortune of discovering their own Feline Soul Mate despite having an extended breeding career.

      By trusting your instincts I believe that you and your Chocolate Point Siamese were reunited. A sure indication of this is the great joy that she displayed during your initial meeting. She simply recognized you, and with astute intuition you realized that she was meant to be in your life.

      Often a shy or reserved cat will become quite anxious to be held, with the chosen individual experiencing a ‘karmic’ feeling that this chance meeting was simply meant to be. This appears to have been your experience as well. The SPCA staff member was shocked at the female’s reaction to your presence as she had previously shown little desire to be held by anyone else.

      Shortly after posting your inquiry on the Feline Forum I received an e-mail indicating your selection of a name for your little girl. Your chosen name of ‘Mia’ for your queen is quite ideal. I will therefore use Mia’s new name as I continue your consultation.

      I believe that Mia is a soul whom you have loved before. Often these special felines are more sensitive to past life connections and are the first to recognize us. I truly envy the years ahead for your relationship to develop and mature. I believe you will find this relationship to be an especially close and rewarding one. Mia will understand you on a level that you may never have encountered before. There will be times when you may wonder if she could be telepathically reading your thoughts. Should you return home stressed from a difficult day she may become quite demanding, insisting that you relax and take time to pet her. When you are depressed or not feeling well she may shadow your movements and stay close by to provide her comfort and support. Her love will be constant, unconditional, and she will become a living blessing working within your life.

      Despite my great affinity for cats, I have experienced my own Feline Soul Mate but once during my life. As was the Universal plan, it was a matter of chance that I found her and precisely at a time when her presence was essential for my well-being. After 13 years of sharing our lives she crossed to the Rainbow Bridge on October 1st, 1998. Despite the number of felines I presently treasure and love, my relationship with my Feline Soul Mate could never be duplicated. I will always carry an emptiness within me that only she could fill.

      Years ago as a novice breeder, not following my inherited good senses, I purchased three felines sick with ringworm. One was a ten-month-old white Persian female. She had lived a totally caged existence and never experienced freedom. She attempted to show her desire for affection however became fearful whenever I interacted with her. I sensed her desire to respond and knew only too well the depth of her loneliness and sense of abandonment. I was totally drawn to her and slowly attempted to regain her trust. I began with changing her name from Danaluk to Dana. By working within her emotional restrictions she eventually trusted enough to leave the confinements of her self-imposed caged life. I was finally able to bond with her and she became one of the foundation queens in my cattery.


      I owned her for several years but always believed she deserved to become a beloved pet. It was during those years that my dear friend Judy was also passing through a difficult period in her own life. Instinctively, I knew that Judy was the right person for this lovely Persian queen. Now, years later, I believe my instincts were correct and Dana has brought Judy great contentment. With Judy’s loving care this little female is extremely affectionate and totally devoted to her mistress. She loves her mother’s lap and at times is demanding when she believes her dinner should be served. There is no greater reward than to watch a once fearful cat blossom and flourish within the right environment. You will also notice this gradual change in Mia’s personality with the passing of time. I am sure you are already sensing a natural rhythm and flow to your relationship.

      Maggie did not sense Mia to be just another cat as you both projected the same familiar flow of energy. As you and Maggie have an established and loving relationship, Mia was also not fearful in Maggie’s presence. The relationship between both your dog and cat was a comfortable transition as each accepted the other as a loving projection of their mistress.

      The importance of a feline’s name should never be underestimated. You were wise to provide Mia with some time in assisting you to select a comfortable name for her. My advice to owners is to never capitalize on a negative aspect of their cat’s personality when deciding on a name. A cat given a skittish name will surely remain skittish. A troublesome cat with a rambunctious name will likewise live up to the energy that name implies.

      A cat with a troubled past such as Mia’s will eventually rename themselves after living within a new environment. Many felines will completely accept a loving owner, thereby leaving the negative energy of their old life behind. The name Mia is a soft, endearing name indicating “Beloved cat of mine” and “My cat, a part of myself.” How appropriate, as now she is loved by you.

      Perhaps Mia’s first adoption was unsuccessful due to her inability to socialize. However I prefer to believe that it was Universal intervention. The “allergies” were simply a part of the Universal plan for Mia to be in the right place to claim you as her rightful owner at exactly the right time.

      I would be interested in learning how you selected her lovely name because it is most appropriate. I have a theory about such situations and I am curious as to whether it proves correct in your case. Will you please let me know?

      Once again, thank you Catherine for your wonderful story. It always warms my heart when an owner and cat are reunited as you have been with Mia.

      Best wishes,


       Another cat? Perhaps. For love there is also a season; its seeds must be re-sown. But a family cat is not replaceable like a worn out coat or a set of tires. Each new kitten becomes its own cat, and none is repeated. I am four cats old, measuring out my life in friends that have succeeded but not replaced one another.- Irving Townsend

       Catherine’s story continues…

      It’s now September 25th, and on October 8th it will be two months that Mia and I have been together.

      She is my fourth cat since I became an adult and the seventh cat in my life since I was 7 years old. What I didn’t tell you was that a couple of weeks before I found Mia, my beloved boy Dave passed away in my arms at 1:30 am on July 27th. He had just turned twenty. I found him at the Vancouver SPCA in November 1981, while looking for a lost dog that belonged to my boss.

      Mia is still very shy; however she has started to come out of the bedroom within the last week. I share my