There is, as has been oft given, quite a difference—and much differentiation should be made—in mysticism and psychic, or occult science as termed today.
From that which has been given, it is seen that individuals in the beginning were more of thought forms than individual entities with personalities as seen in the present, and their projections into the realms of fields of thought that pertain to a developing or evolving world of matter, with the varied presentations about same, of the expressions or attributes in the various things about the entity or individual, or body, through which such science—as termed now, or such phenomena as would be termed—became manifest. Hence we find occult or psychic science, as would be called at the present, was rather the natural state of man in the beginning. Very much as (in illustration) when a baby, or babe, is born into the world and its appetite is first satisfied, and it lies sleeping. Of what is its dreams? That it expects to be, or that it has been? Of what are thoughts? That which is to be, or that which has been, or that which is? Now remember we are speaking—these were thought forms, and we are finding again the illustrations of same!
When the mental body (Now revert back to what you are calling science)—when the mental body, or mind, has had training, or has gone through a course of operations in certain directions, such individuals are called so-and-so minded; as one of an inventive turn, and trained; one of a statistician turn, and trained; one of a theologian turn, and trained; one of philosophical turn, and trained. Of what does the mind build? We have turned, then, to that that has become very material, for the mind constantly trained makes for itself mental pictures, or makes for that as is reasoned with from its own present dimensional viewpoints—but the babe, from whence its reasoning? from whence its dream? From that that has been taken in, or that that has been its experience from whence it came? Oft has it been said, and rightly, with a babe’s smile ‘Dreaming of angels’, and close in touch with them—but what has produced that dream? The contact with that upon which it has fed! Don’t forget our premise now from which we are reasoning! and we will find that we will have the premise from which those individuals, or the entities, reasoned within the beginning in this land. (We are speaking of Atlanteans, when they became as thought forces.) From whence did they reason? From the Creative Forces from which they had received their impetus, but acted upon by the thought forms as were in material forms about them, and given that power (will) to be one with that from what it sprang or was given its impetus, or force, yet with the ability to use that in the way that seemed, or seemeth, good or well, or pleasing, unto itself. Hence we find in this particular moulding or mouldive stage, that in which there was the greater development of, and use of, that as is termed or called psychic and occult forces, or science—in the present terminology, or age.
Illustrating, then, that as to how this was used by those entities, those beings, in the formative stage of their experience or sojourn among that as had been created in all of its splendor to supply every want or desire that might be called forth by that being, with all of its attributes physical, mental and spiritual at hand; for, as has been given, even unto the four hundred thousandth generation from the first creation was it prepared for man’s indwelling. As we today (turn to today), we find there the developments of those resources. How long have they remained? Since the beginning! How long has man been able to use them for his undoing, or his pleasure, or for his regeneration? Since the knowledge of some source has awakened within its psychic force, or source, of the apparatus, or the form that it takes, either in a physical or mental (for remember, Mind is the Builder—and it moves along those channels through which, and by which, it may bring into existence in whatever dimension or sphere from which it is reasoning, or reasoning toward—see)—and as these may be illustrated in the present:
When there is a manifestation of a psychic force, or an occult action, or phenomena, or activity in, upon, of or for, an individual, there is then the rolling back, as it were, or a portion of the physical consciousness—or that mental trained individual consciousness—has been rolled aside, or rolled back, and there is then a visioning—To what? That as from the beginning, a projection of that form that assumed its position or condition in the earth as from the beginning, and with those so endowed with that as may be called an insight into psychic sources there may be visioned about a body its astral (if chosen to be termed), rather its thought body, as is projected from same in such a state; especially so when there is the induction, or the inducing of, an unconsciousness of the normal brain, or normal mental body. Submerged—into what? Into the unconscious, or subconscious. Sub, in this instance, meaning below—not above normal; below—subjected to the higher consciousness, or to the higher thought, that has been builded—just as sure as has a physical body been builded, from what? That as has been given from its first nucleus as passed through in its experience. Then there may be visioned by such a body, as may be called with the second sight, or with a vision, that accompanying thought body of such an one, manifesting in much the way and manner as individuals in the Atlantean period of psychic and occult development brought about in their experience. Through such projections there came about that first necessity of the division of the body, to conform to those necessities of that as seen in its own mental vision as builded (mental now—Don’t confuse these terms, or else you will become very confused in what is being given!).
The mental vision by its action upon what body is being builded? On the mental body of the individual in a material world, out of Spirit, out of the ability to have all the attributes of the spiritual or unseen forces—but materialized forces, as is necessary from the mental body in a material world mentally trained to, or in, certain directions, or given directions, or following the natural bent of its threefold or threeply body, as is seen in every individual or every entity. As these projected themselves, then we find these developments were in this portion of the development in the Atlantean period. How were these used? In much as were from the beginning. Remember there was ever the instruction to those peoples that were to hold to that that would bring for the spiritual forces, rather than the abuses of the abilities—as those with familiar spirits, as those that spoke to or partook of the divinations of those that had passed from the earth’s plane, or those that partook of the animal magnetism—that came from the universal consciousness of animal matter as passed into its experience, in its interchange through those periods of integration and disintegration—and the spirit forces possessing those that would lay themselves open to such conditions, for these are as real as physical bodies if the attunements of the entity are such that it may vision them! and they are about you always, sure! These, then, are entities—sure; whether animal or those endowed with the soul—until they pass through those changes—as there ever has been, see? Also there are those that ever make for those channels in the psychic and occult (we are speaking of, through which man—as it reached that stage, or that position that it became farther and farther from its natural sources, through the same character of channel may it communicate with that from which it is a portion of, or the Creative Forces), and hence the terminology arose as ‘Good Spirits’ and ‘Bad Spirits’; for there are those that partake of the earth, or of the carnal forces, rather than of those forces that are of the spiritual or creative. Those that are destruction are of the Earth. Those that are constructive, then, are the good—or the divine and the devilish, bringing for those developments in their various phases. Hence the greater development of that called occult, or psychic forces, during the Atlantean period—and the use of same, and the abuse of same—was during its first thousand years, as we would call light years; not the light of the star, but the sun goes down and the sun goes down—years. That brought about those cycles, or those changes. Hence we have that which has been given through many of the sources of information, or the channels for individuals—and in those, these, the entity—as a voice upon waters, or as the wind that moved among the reeds and harkened, or again as when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God beheld the coming of man into his own, through the various realms as were brought by the magnifying of, or the deteriorating of, the use of those forces and powers as manifested themselves in a material