The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. Allan Cunningham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Allan Cunningham
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066060787
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Wi’ Lizzie’s lass, three times I trow—

       But Lord, that Friday I was fou,

       When I came near her,

       Or else, thou kens, thy servant true

       Wad ne’er hae steer’d her.

      Maybe thou lets this fleshly thorn,

       Beset thy servant e’en and morn,

       Lest he owre high and proud should turn,

       ‘Cause he’s sae gifted;

       If sae, thy han’ maun e’en be borne

       Until thou lift it.

      Lord, bless thy chosen in this place,

       For here thou hast a chosen race:

       But God confound their stubborn face,

       And blast their name,

       Wha bring thy elders to disgrace

       And public shame.

      Lord, mind Gawn Hamilton’s deserts,

       He drinks, and swears, and plays at carts,

       Yet has sae mony takin’ arts,

       Wi’ grit and sma’,

       Frae God’s ain priests the people’s hearts

       He steals awa.

      An’ whan we chasten’d him therefore,

       Thou kens how he bred sic a splore,

       As set the warld in a roar

       O’ laughin’ at us;—

       Curse thou his basket and his store,

       Kail and potatoes.

      Lord, hear my earnest cry and pray’r,

       Against the presbyt’ry of Ayr;

       Thy strong right hand, Lord, mak it bare

       Upo’ their heads,

       Lord weigh it down, and dinna spare,

       For their misdeeds.

      O Lord my God, that glib-tongu’d Aiken,

       My very heart and saul are quakin’,

       To think how we stood groanin’, shakin’,

       And swat wi’ dread,

       While Auld wi’ hingin lips gaed sneakin’

       And hung his head.

      Lord, in the day of vengeance try him,

       Lord, visit them wha did employ him,

       And pass not in thy mercy by ’em,

       Nor hear their pray’r;

       But for thy people’s sake destroy ’em,

       And dinna spare.

      But, Lord, remember me an mine,

       Wi’ mercies temp’ral and divine,

       That I for gear and grace may shine,

       Excell’d by nane,

       And a’ the glory shall be thine,

       Amen, Amen!

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      [We are informed by Richmond of Mauchline, that when he was clerk in Gavin Hamilton’s office, Burns came in one morning and said, “I have just composed a poem, John, and if you will write it, I will repeat it.” He repeated Holy Willie’s Prayer and Epitaph; Hamilton came in at the moment, and having read them with delight, ran laughing with them in his hand to Robert Aiken. The end of Holy Willie was other than godly; in one of his visits to Mauchline, he drank more than was needful, fell into a ditch on his way home, and was found dead in the morning.]

      Here Holy Willie’s sair worn clay

       Takes up its last abode;

       His saul has ta’en some other way,

       I fear the left-hand road.

      Stop! there he is, as sure’s a gun,

       Poor, silly body, see him;

       Nae wonder he’s as black’s the grun,

       Observe wha’s standing wi’ him.

      Your brunstane devilship I see,

       Has got him there before ye;

       But hand your nine-tail cat a wee,

       Till ance you’ve heard my story.

      Your pity I will not implore,

       For pity ye hae nane;

       Justice, alas! has gi’en him o’er,

       And mercy’s day is gaen.

      But hear me, sir, deil as ye are,

       Look something to your credit;

       A coof like him wad stain your name,

       If it were kent ye did it.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents


      [We have heard of a poor play-actor who, by a humorous inventory of his effects, so moved the commissioners of the income tax, that they remitted all claim on him then and forever; we know not that this very humorous inventory of Burns had any such effect on Mr. Aiken, the surveyor of the taxes. It is dated “Mossgiel, February 22d, 1786,” and is remarkable for wit and sprightliness, and for the information which it gives us of the poet’s habits, household, and agricultural implements.]

      Sir, as your mandate did request,

       I send you here a faithfu’ list,

       O’ gudes, an’ gear, an’ a’ my graith,

       To which I’m clear to gi’e my aith.