The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. Allan Cunningham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Allan Cunningham
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066060787
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Because they are Thy will!

       Then all I want (O, do thou grant

       This one request of mine!)

       Since to enjoy Thou dost deny,

       Assist me to resign!


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      [1] Dr. Young.

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      [This tale is partly true; the poet’s pet ewe got entangled in her tether, and tumbled into a ditch; the face of ludicrous and awkward sorrow with which this was related by Hughoc, the herd-boy, amused Burns so much, who was on his way to the plough, that he immediately composed the poem, and repeated it to his brother Gilbert when they met in the evening; the field where the poet held the plough, and the ditch into which poor Mailie fell, are still pointed out.]

      As Mailie, an’ her lambs thegither,

       Were ae day nibbling on the tether,

       Upon her cloot she coost a hitch,

       An’ owre she warsl’d in the ditch:

       There, groaning, dying, she did lie,

      “O thou, whose lamentable face

       Appears to mourn my woefu’ case!

       My dying words attentive hear,

       An’ bear them to my master dear.

      “Tell him, if e’er again he keep

       As muckle gear as buy a sheep,

       O bid him never tie them mair

       Wi’ wicked strings o’ hemp or hair!

      “Tell him he was a master kin’

       An’ ay was gude to me an’ mine;

       An’ now my dying charge I gie him,

       My helpless lambs, I trust them wi’ him.

      “O, bid him save their harmless lives

       Frae dogs, and tods, an’ butchers’ knives!

       But gie them guid cow-milk their fill,

       Till they be fit to fend themsel;

       An’ tent them duly, e’en an’ morn,

       Wi’ teats o’ hay, an’ ripps o’ corn.

      “An’ may they never learn the gaets

       Of ither vile, wanrestfu’ pets!

       To sink thro’ slaps, an’ reave an’ steal

       At stacks o’ pease, or stocks o’ kail.

       So may they, like their great forbears,

       For monie a year come thro’ the sheers;

       So wives will gie them bits o’ bread,

       An’ bairns greet for them when they’re dead.

      “My poor toop-lamb, my son an’ heir,

       O, bid him breed him up wi’ care;

       An’ if he live to be a beast,

       To pit some havins in his breast!

       An’ warn him what I winna name,

       To stay content wi’ yowes at hame

       An’ no to rin an’ wear his cloots,

       Like ither menseless, graceless brutes.

      “An’ niest my yowie, silly thing,

       Gude keep thee frae a tether string!

       O, may thou ne’er forgather up

       Wi’ ony blastit, moorland toop,

       But ay keep mind to moop an’ mell

       Wi’ sheep o’ credit like thysel!

      “And now, my bairns, wi’ my last breath

       I lea’e my blessin wi’ you baith:

       An’ when you think upo’ your mither,

       Mind to be kind to ane anither.

      “Now, honest Hughoc, dinna fail

       To tell my master a’ my tale;

       An’ bid him burn this cursed tether,

       An’, for thy pains, thou’se get my blather.”

      This said, poor Mailie turn’d her head,

       And clos’d her een amang the dead.


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      [2] A neibor herd-callan.

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      [Burns, when he calls on the bards of Ayr and Doon to join in the lament for Mailie, intimates that he regards himself as a poet. Hogg calls it a very elegant morsel: but says that it resembles too closely “The Ewie and the Crooked Horn,” to be admired as original: the shepherd might have remembered that they both resemble Sempill’s “Life and death of the Piper of Kilbarchan.”]

      Lament in rhyme, lament in prose,

       Wi’ saut tears trickling down your nose;

       Our bardie’s fate is at a close,

       Past a’ remead;

       The last sad cape-stane of his woes;

       Poor Mailie’s dead.

      It’s no the loss o’ warl’s gear,

       That could sae bitter draw the tear,

       Or mak our bardie, dowie, wear