The Setons. O. Douglas. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: O. Douglas
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066053550
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      James Seton, who dearly loved his tea, was already seated at the table and was playing with the little green-handled knife which lay on his plate as he talked to Elizabeth's friend, Christina Christie. Thomas and Billy sat on the rug listening large-eyed to Buff, who was telling them an entirely apocryphal tale of how he had found an elephant's nest in the garden.

      Launcelot lay on a cushion fast asleep.

      "Elizabeth is late," said Mr. Seton.

      "I think I hear her now," said Miss Christie; and a moment later the drawing-room door opened and Elizabeth put her head in.

      "Have I kept you all waiting for tea? Ah! Kirsty bless you, my dear. No, I can't come in as I am. Just give me one minute to remove these odious garments—positively one minute, Father. Yes, Ellen, bring tea, please."

      The door closed again.

      "And the egg was as big as a roc's egg," went on Buff.

      "You never saw a roc's egg," Thomas reminded him, "so how can you know how big they are?"

      "I just know," said Buff, with dignity. "Father, how big is a roc's egg?"

      "A roc's egg," said Mr. Seton thoughtfully. "A great white thing, Sindbad called it, 'fifty good paces round.' As large as this room, Buff, anyway. Ah! here's your sister."

      "Now for tea," said Elizabeth, seating herself behind the teacups. "Sit on this side, Kirsty; you'll be too hot there. What a splendid fire Ellen has given us. Well, Thomas, my son, what do you want first? Bread-and-butter? That's right! Pass Billy some butter, Buff. I wouldn't begin with a cookie if I were you. No, not jam with the first bit, extravagant youth. Now, Kirsty, do put out your hand, as Marget would say, because, as you know, we have no manners in this house."

      "I am having an excellent tea," said Miss Christie. "Ellen said you were collecting this afternoon, Elizabeth."

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