Destiny. Red overall. Marina Russina. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Marina Russina
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449854810
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Such a strain! I thought my seams would rip up! – related the lilac overall.

      The response in the wardrobe:

      – What a horror!

      – What a terribly dangerous kind of sport!

      – How brave he is! To withstand the accident without tearing apart!

      “Yeah! Right! What a hero! Wouldn’t he be so sweet and tender, and would he instead be made of special fabric as I am, nothing would get stuck where it doesn’t belong. Loser! – thought the red overall. – Maybe the owner has noticed, that he is less practical, and chooses me the next time.”

      But the next time as well as the ensuing ones she took skiing the new lilac overall. And the red one, now the old one, stayed behind in the wardrobe… That’s it… The old one… He has heard her saying to someone: “I’ll take the new lilac overall with me and leave the old one at home.”

      From time to time the owner would carry out a comb out of the wardrobe. She would look through the things on the shelves and the hangers, pick out some of them, sometimes she would try them on, muse and put them back, sometimes she would sort them out right away. Mostly those were the clothes, she put rarely on or has not put on at all for a while, or has mistakenly bought, or just didn’t like. She would stuff them into the pink plastic bags, and those things would disappear from the life of the wardrobe forever. The red overall never before gave much thought to what happened to those clothes later. It never concerned him. Surprisingly now, during one of the comb-outs, he found himself holding his breath back all the time, something inside of him getting tight, being able to breathe out only, when the procedure of sorting out the unneeded things was through, and the door of the wardrobe closed. He could not comprehend his own reaction… Just because the owner has bought one more ski overall didn’t mean she stopped liking him. Actually, she possessed a lot of favorite things, and numerous of them were interchangeable. But a fear crept inside of him… The fear that now, once he was not new and modern anymore, he will be got rid off…

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