Unquenchable thirst of love…. Михаил Годов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Михаил Годов
Издательство: ИП Березина Г.Н.
Серия: Nabokov Prize Library
Жанр произведения: Поэзия
Год издания: 2020
isbn: 978-5-00153-202-6
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mist: how it wakes wishes,

      How incites passion in the chest! —

      Come to my earnest embrace:

      After all, thirsty lips are for passion flashes!

      Hurry aside impediment of costume —

      By bareness my body cool!

      О mind, do not judge the flesh as fool:

      She is weak, her deeds are sinful, I presume.

      And yet, where, hypocrite, you see a sin? —

      After all, this touches everyone's skin,

      The Lord gave us, telling us to love each other,

      And we are serving Him with my beloved…

      So why sensual blizzard is going further,

      Just a reason to be reproved?

      Sonnet 252

      Oh, how smartly you lure in the net,

      What are you drawing – a fairy mirage:

      Cheat-passion, I am your court page,

      I'm docile, as children are obedient.

      After all, it is you who dictate these words,

      Again driving me into heat and rage,

      And you give the carriage to the porch

      So that I forget with you everything in the universe…

      You torment with thirst soul, sight, hearing! —

      Because of you, I'm like a madman…

      Burn me again in your arms

      So I almost give up the spirit!

      But the body's separated from the flesh,

      And you will die… to be reborn afresh…

      Sonnet 253

      Imagination – you have forwardness:

      You are for her, as logs for a fire!

      You awaken languor and reverie

      And claiming the power of voluptuousness.

      You make the eye shameless pilfer,

      Again to hunger and thirst gratification.

      You plunge a poor mind into obsession,

      Where for nothing he risks to disappear!

      Line fluidity – bend, camber

      And nudity: a rag of teasing cloth…

      Imagination – sensuality hands

      A moan and a sob are uttered from my kisser:

      In them, and the beginning of passion and denouement…

      But the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest!

      Sonnet 266

      And your body pattern, so glamorous,

      Of fateful temptation comprised…

      I was carried away to the abyss

      By your look that was so undisguised… —

      And then my blood get into a tantrum

      So grateful to lips' gentle mugging

      And you were so mercilessly bared

      I uncovered my soul, so you dared…

      So artful was your hands caressing!

      And bodies clung to each other! —

      You made me insane, just in passing,

      And like a night bird, you flew out…

      And flying for you has no purpose,

      But I rave again loveliness.

      Sonnet 267

      I keep on live in some awaiting

      Of sunset, midnight, and the dawn,

      Of the appearance of new song,

      And I'm delirious in waking…

      I feel the grass under my feet,

      And guess I can trample on Lethe,

      And find all answers, solve all matters…

      In some awaiting still I live

      Of luck, discoveries and happiness… —

      What's time – the doctor or a headsman?!

      But anyway I'll argue with it

      As snowstorm in March is defied by swallow,

      Just like the hope defies the grief:

      Just once again, love, set me time to follow!

      Sonnet 139

      Life is like puzzle, bright and queer:

      Like carnival with no end!

      Sometimes I used to dance unwearying

      Sometimes was staggering my gate.

      But in the fit of the despair:

      When, probably, the game was lost,

      The life's sacred rite I still adhered

      And pain seemed sweet, and so it was!

      The loving fever – ardent flame

      Was burning me and burns me still:

      How strong was love and suffering!

      So recklessly I felt in love again!

      As a page so humble I serve my Love:

      Ascend its heights so above…

      The language of love…

      Sonnet 22

      The autumn evening washed off paints being colored

      In a transparent window's mirror

      And we were made our empty masks to zero:

      The soul was naked discovered…

      But if it all is tritely pretty

      What is passion, say

      Are lips' desired mystery essentiality

      What are hands' warm and power, dear anyway

      And this attraction's magic,

      And eyes' Inviting lights,

      First moment of convergence is so fragile?! —

      Hurry, come to me to finite!

      Love will open arms for us:

      Try on the dress of honey thus!

      Sonnet 31

      I can't compound these «You» and «you»:

      To say to You just «you» I do not dare again,

      And if I say, that moment I will rue —

      How did I dare!? How could I answer back You then?!

      You are on pedestal for me all time

      I see you as a woman on the Earth upbeat…

      You were hugging me today and that's not crime,

      And you were giving me your feelings heat!

      That's I'm bewitched by You, I guess

      And that was you who did awake my passion…
