The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. Allan Cunningham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Allan Cunningham
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664156792
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To the same. With “How can my poor heart be glad” 480 CCC. To the same. With “Ca’ the yowes to the knowes” 481 CCCI. To the same. With “Sae flaxen were her ringlets.” Epigram to Dr. Maxwell. 481 CCCII. To the same. The charms of Miss Lorimer. “O saw ye my dear, my Phely,” &c. 482 CCCIII. To the same. Ritson’s Scottish Songs. Love and song 483 CCCIV. To the same. English songs. The air of “Ye banks and braes o’ bonnie Doon” 484 CCCV. To the same. With “O Philly, happy be the day,” and “Contented wi’ little” 485 CCCVI. To the same. With “Canst thou leave me thus, my Katy” 486 CCCVII. To Peter Miller, jun., Esq. Excise. Perry’s offer to write for the Morning Chronicle 487 CCCVIII. To Mr. Samuel Clarke, jun. A political and personal quarrel. Regret 487 CCCIX. To Mr. Thomson. With “Now in her green mantle blithe nature arrays” 487 1795. CCCX. To Mr. Thomson. With “For a’ that and a’ that” 488 CCCXI. To the same. Abuse of Ecclefechan 488 CCCXII. To the same. With “O stay, sweet warbling woodlark, stay,” and “The groves of sweet myrtle” 488 CCCXIII. To the same. With “How cruel are the parents” and “Mark yonder pomp of costly fashion” 489 CCCXIV. To the same. Praise of David Allan’s “Cotter’s Saturday Night” 489 CCCXV. To the same. With “This is no my ain Lassie.” Mrs. Riddel 489 CCCXVI. To Mr. Thomson. With “Forlorn, my love, no comfort near” 490 CCCXVII. To the same. With “Last May a braw wooer,” and “Why tell thy lover” 490 CCCXVIII. To Mrs. Riddel. A letter from the grave 490 CCCXIX. To the same. A letter of compliment. “Anacharsis’ Travels” 491 CCCXX. To Miss Louisa Fontenelle. With a Prologue for her benefit-night 491 CCCXXI. To Mrs. Dunlop. His family. Miss Fontenelle. Cowper’s “Task” 492 CCCXXII. To Mr. Alexander Findlater. Excise schemes 492 CCCXXIII. To the Editor of the