The North Indian city of Varanasi (the name Var is mentioned in the name of the city, appeared around the 7th century BC), also known as Benares, is still the place of pilgrimage of the Hindus, there is also a mass cremation of the dead. The corpses of believers are burned in plain sight. In antiquity it was also in the vars: priests with horns on their heads and with wings behind their backs burned the dead people – that’s the prototype of hell. The deceased themselves wanted this, since it was believed that with fire they would immediately go to heaven to the gods.
The oldest books of the Veda and Avesta (compare: the Slavic words “to know” and “news”) are actually the primary basis for most of the religions that exist today. The oldest part of the Avesta Ghats are also called (Ghats) – mountains on the Hindustan Peninsula in India (Western and Eastern Ghats), as well as the old Russian word “ghat” – flooring made of logs for passage, passage through a swamp, swamp. Ghats – the steps of the embankment in Varanasi, descending to the Ganges, where the bodies of the dead are burned. All these words are of the same origin.
The cross was revered in pre-Christian cults. His images were discovered during archaeological excavations in different parts of the globe, in particular, in South America and New Zealand. It was established that he served as an object of worship of other nations as a symbol of fire, which was originally mined by the friction of two crossed sticks, a symbol of the sun and eternal life. Already in antiquity, in order to reduce the melting point of metallurgists, they began to use fluorites (fluorspar, fluorites come in different colors: violet, yellow, green, rarely colorless) and could receive steel at a temperature of 1100 – 1200 degrees, instead of 1530—1700 degrees, which allowed to spend less fuel (wood or coal) during steelmaking, getting very durable iron products.
According to “The Tale of Bygone Years”, Kiev was founded by the brothers Kiy, Schek and Horeb, and their sister Lybed. Kuyavia is a historical region in Poland, in the upper reaches of the Notets River and the middle reaches of the Vistula River, in the 1st millennium, the main population of Kuyavia was Kuyavians, from them the name of the region, Kuyavia is one of the Western Slavic tribal groups involved in the formation of the Polish nationality. Cuiabia or Kuyavia – the name of the city of Kiev in the Arabic sources of the X century (Ceyhani and others). The cheek is Czech (Czech. Čech, compare the pike to the Slovak. Šťuka, read “pike”), the legendary ancestor of the Czechs. Khoriv is Horvat (Croatian. “Horvat”, Polish. “Horvath”), the legendary ancestor of the Croats, the “white Croats” originally lived in the upper Dniester. Lybed (Ukrainian: “Lebed”, Belorussian. “Lebed”, Polish. “Łabędź”, Czech. “Labuť”) is a historical region in the southeast of modern Ukraine, where, perhaps, a woman bearing the totemic name Lebed, led the Slavic tribes, this area is mentioned in the Hungarian epos.
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