The Lay of the Nibelung Men. Anonymous. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anonymous
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664588821
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      Fast bound in loyal service was he to the Fairest Fair.

      When again forth out of the minster after the mass she came,

      Again to her presence was bidden that hero of far-sung fame.

      Then the winsome-lovely maiden her thanks unto him outpoured

      That so bravely beyond all others he helped when her brethren warred:

      “Lord Siegfried, now God reward thee,” that Queen of Beauty said:

      “The good knights’ loyal homage this day hast thou merited;

      All true hearts’ love-avowal right nobly hast thou earned!”

      Then the love in the eyes of Siegfried on the eyes of Kriemhild burned.

      “For ever and aye will I serve thee!” Siegfried the hero said:

      “Never to rest or slumber will I lay down mine head

      Till thine every wish be accomplished, while life shall endure in me!

      And this do I, O Kriemhild, Kriemhild, for love of thee!”

      So it fell that through twelve days, ever as dawned each new day’s light,

      By the witchery-winsome maiden lingereth still the knight

      Oft as in kingfolk’s presence her feet through the fair halls pace,

      For mighty love hath constrained her to yield unto him this grace.

      Glad noise of jubilation and the merry tourney’s clang,

      Still as the days on-fleeted, round Gunther’s palace rang,

      Within, without, as in feast-hall and in lists the valiant vied;

      And by marvels of prowess were Ortwein and Hagen magnified.

      In what manly sport soever men strove, these twain evermore,

      These champions keen in the onset, their part to the uttermost bore.

      In the eyes of the guests of the kingdom bright made they their renown:

      Of the whole land of King Gunther the glory were they and the crown.

      They which had long lain wounded now to the sun forth came:

      They were fain with Gunther’s liegemen to share each knightly game,

      Would wield the fence of the buckler and hurl the lance afar:

      No lack had they of companions in the merry mimic war.

      And ever in the feast-hall that kingly host took heed

      That his guests should be served of the choicest, that no least word should proceed

      Of blame from the lips of any, such as smircheth the name of a king;

      And aye mid his guests was he passing with gracious welcoming.

      And he spake in the midst: “Ye good knights, or ever ye ride from my land,

      Accept ye the gifts of my giving, for so doth mine heart’s wish stand,

      And to you will I aye be beholden: then think not scorn thereof,

      For with that which I share among you is given mine heart’s whole love.”

      Then answered the lords of Daneland there as they stood in hall:

      “Or ever aback to the homeland we ride delivered from thrall,

      Assure to us peace abiding: thereof is our need full sore,

      Seeing many our friends down-stricken by your friends shall rise no more.”

      Now by this from his hurts recovered was Lüdegast the Dane,

      And the Lord of the land of the Saxons was whole from the battle again,

      Albeit some of their warriors must they leave in a strange land dead.

      Then went King Gunther to Siegfried, and drew him apart, and he said:

      “Now give me herein thy counsel”—thus spake he unto the knight—

      “Our captive guests would ride hence with the first of the morrow’s light,

      And petition for reconciling long-lasting with mine and me.

      O valiant knight, give counsel how best it seemeth to thee.

      Now what these two kings proffer, unto thee shall it now be told:

      Five hundred horses’ burden they tender of red gold.

      This willingly give they for ransom, so I will set them free.”

      Spake Siegfried the strong: “For thine honour this thing shall nowise be.

      Nay, freely, without all ransom, let them fare forth hence, these twain,

      If so be that these noble war-lords will swear henceforth to refrain

      From riding the raid of the foeman hitherward unto your land:

      And for pledge hereunto be given a king’s unsullied hand.”

      “I will do even after thy counsel,” he said. So parted they:

      And unto their adversaries was answer made straightway

      That the gold was desired of no man that was proffered of them at the first.

      Ah, sick were their hearts with longing for dear ones, and home-athirst!

      Shields many treasure-laden his henchmen thitherward bare,

      And therefrom to his friends bright silver unweighed did the knight-king share,

      Five hundred marks unto each one—unto many an one yet more:

      So was Gunther advised of Gernot, that noble counsellor.

      Then prayed all, “Let us depart hence”; for now would they fain ride home;

      And into the presence of Kriemhild did the guests for farewell come,

      And unto the foot of the high-seat whereon sat Uta the Queen.

      Ne’er in such gracious fashion were guests sped forth, I ween.

      Now void were the city’s hostels, as forth of the gates they rode;

      Yet still in the land Burgundian in royal state abode

      The King with all his kinsfolk in the midst of a knightly train,

      And each day in the presence of Kriemhild appeared each noble thane.

      Then Siegfried the hero petitioned, “I pray you, let me depart”;

      For his hope waxed faint of winning her who was queen of his heart:

      And the King heard tell of his purpose, that thence he would fare straightway.

      But the young lad Giselher pleaded, and wrought on him to delay:

      “Whither away, O Siegfried, is thine heart on journeying set?

      Nay, hearken to my petition, abide with the good knights yet;

      Abide thou with King Gunther and his loyal liegemen still.

      Lo, here be lovely ladies: thou mayst see them at thy will.”

      Made answer Siegfried the mighty: “Nay then, let the steeds abide.

      Lo, I have foregone my purpose, and hence not yet will I ride.

      Bear hence the shields and uphang them—albeit I long for mine home,

      Lord Giselher’s love true-hearted hath turned my mind therefrom.”

      So tarried the valiant warrior there