The Short Cut (A Wild West Murder Mystery). Jackson Gregory. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jackson Gregory
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027232468
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       Jackson Gregory

      The Short Cut

      (A Wild West Murder Mystery)


       Published by



      Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting

       [email protected] 2017 OK Publishing ISBN 978-80-272-3246-8

      Table of Contents

       Chapter I. The Tragedy

       Chapter II. The Shadow

       Chapter III. Suspicion

       Chapter IV. The White Huntress

       Chapter V. The Home Coming of Red Reckless

       Chapter VI. The Promise of Little Saxon

       Chapter VII. The Gladness that Sings

       Chapter VIII. "A Game of Bluff and the Gambler Wins!"

       Chapter IX. The Contempt of Sledge Hume

       Chapter X. Shandon's Golden Opportunity

       Chapter XI. Wanda's Discovery

       Chapter XII. The Tales of Mr. Willie Dart

       Chapter XIII. Sledge Hume Makes a Call and Lays a Wager

       Chapter XIV. In Wanda's Cave

       Chapter XV. Willie Dart Picks a Lock

       Chapter XVI. And Solves a Fascinating Mystery

       Chapter XVII. "Where's That Twenty-five Thousand? What's the Answer?"

       Chapter XVIII. The Truth

       Chapter XIX. Shandon Takes His Stand

       Chapter XX. Hume Plays a Trump

       Chapter XXI. The Short Cut

       Chapter XXII. The Fugitive

       Chapter XXIII. Helga Strawn Plays the Game

       Chapter XXIV. Under the Surface

       Chapter XXV. Red Reckless on Little Saxon

       Chapter XXVI. The Laughter of Helga Strawn

       Chapter XXVII. Hume Rides the One Open Trail

       Chapter XXVIII. "It Is Home!"





      CHAPTER I.


       Table of Contents

      Here was a small stream of water, bright, clear and cool, running its merry way among the tall pines, hurrying to the dense shade of the lower valley. The grass on its banks stood tall, lush and faintly odorous, fresh with the newly come springtime, delicately scented with the thickly strewn field flowers. The sunlight lay bright and warm over all; the sky was blue with a depth of colour intensified by the few great white clouds drifting lazily across it.

      No moving thing within all the wide rolling landscape save the sun-flecked water, the softly stirring grass and rustling forests, the almost motionless white clouds. For two miles the hills billowed away gently to the northward, where at last they were swept up into the thickly timbered, crag-crested mountains. For twice two miles toward the west one might guess the course of the stream before here, too, the mountains shut in, leaving only Echo Cañon's narrow gap for the cool water to slip through. To the south and to the east ridges and hollows and mountains, and beyond a few fast melting patches of last winter's snow clinging to the lofty summits, looking like fragments broken away from the big white clouds and resting for a moment on the line where land and sky met.

      The stillness was too perfect to remain long unbroken. From a trail leading down into the valley from the east a shepherd dog, running eagerly, broke through the waving grass, paused a second looking back expectantly, sniffed and ran on. Then a sound from over the ridge through the trees, the sound of singing, a young voice lilting wordlessly in enraptured gladness that life was so bright this morning. And presently a horse, a dark bay saddle pony moving as lazily as the clouds above, brought its rider down to the stream.

      Surely the rider was just what the owner of the voice, half laughing, half crooning, tenderly lilting, must be. It seemed that only since the dawn of today had she become a woman having been a child until the dusk of yesterday. The wide grey eyes, looking out upon a gentle aspect of life, were inclined to be merry and musing at the same time, soft with maidenhood's day dreaming, tender with pleasant thoughts. A child of the outdoors, her skin sun-tinged to a warm golden brown, her hair sunburnt where it slipped out of the shadow of her big hat, her lips red with young health, her slender body in its easy, confident carriage showing how the muscles under the soft skin were strong and capable.

      At her saddle horn, in its case, was a camera; snapped to her belt and resting against her left hip, a pair of field glasses.

      The horse played at drinking, pretending a thirst which it did not feel, and began to paw the clear water into muddiness. The dog ran on, turned again, barked an invitation to its mistress to join in the search for adventures, and plunged into the tall grass.

      The girl's