The Light of Asia. Sir Edwin Arnold. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sir Edwin Arnold
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664645975
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       Table of Contents

      Now, when our Lord was come to eighteen years,

       The King commanded that there should be built

       Three stately houses, one of hewn square beams

       With cedar lining, warm for winter days;

       One of veined marbles, cool for summer heat;

       And one of burned bricks, with blue tiles bedecked,

       Pleasant at seed-time, when the champaks bud—

       Subha, Suramma, Ramma, were their names.

       Delicious gardens round about them bloomed,

       Streams wandered wild and musky thickets stretched,

       With many a bright pavilion and fair lawn

       In midst of which Siddartha strayed at will,

       Some new delight provided every hour;

       And happy hours he knew, for life was rich,

       With youthful blood at quickest; yet still came

       The shadows of his meditation back,

       As the lake's silver dulls with driving clouds.

       Which the King marking, called his Ministers:

       "Bethink ye, sirs I how the old Rishi spake,"

       He said, "and what my dream-readers foretold.

       This boy, more dear to me than mine heart's blood,

       Shall be of universal dominance,

       Trampling the neck of all his enemies,

       A King of kings—and this is in my heart;—

       Or he shall tread the sad and lowly path

       Of self-denial and of pious pains,

       Gaining who knows what good, when all is lost

       Worth keeping; and to this his wistful eyes

       Do still incline amid my palaces.

       But ye are sage, and ye will counsel me;

       How may his feet be turned to that proud road

       Where they should walk, and all fair signs come true

       Which gave him Earth to rule, if he would rule?"

       The eldest answered, "Maharaja! love

       Will cure these thin distempers; weave the spell

       Of woman's wiles about his idle heart.

       What knows this noble boy of beauty yet,

       Eyes that make heaven forgot, and lips of balm?

       Find him soft wives and pretty playfellows;

       The thoughts ye cannot stay with brazen chains

       A girl's hair lightly binds."

       And all thought good,

       But the King answered, "if we seek him wives,

       Love chooseth ofttimes with another eye;

       And if we bid range Beauty's garden round,

       To pluck what blossom pleases, he will smile

       And sweetly shun the joy he knows not of."

       Then said another, "Roams the barasingh

       Until the fated arrow flies; for him,

       As for less lordly spirits, some one charms,

       Some face will seem a Paradise, some form

       Fairer than pale Dawn when she wakes the world.

       This do, my King! Command a festival

       Where the realm's maids shall be competitors

       In youth and grace, and sports that Sakyas use.

       Let the Prince give the prizes to the fair,

       And, when the lovely victors pass his seat,

       There shall be those who mark if one or two

       Change the fixed sadness of his tender cheek;

       So we may choose for Love with Love's own eyes,

       And cheat his Highness into happiness."

       This thing seemed good; wherefore upon a day

       The criers bade the young and beautiful

       Pass to the palace, for 't was in command

       To hold a court of pleasure, and the Prince

       Would give the prizes, something rich for all,

       The richest for the fairest judged. So flocked

       Kapilavastu's maidens to the gate,

       Each with her dark hair newly smoothed and bound,

       Eyelashes lustred with the soorma-stick,

       Fresh-bathed and scented; all in shawls and cloths

       Of gayest; slender hands and feet new-stained

       With crimson, and the tilka-spots stamped bright.

       Fair show it was of all those Indian girls

       Slow-pacing past the throne with large black eyes

       Fixed on the ground, for when they saw the Prince

       More than the awe of Majesty made beat

       Their fluttering hearts, he sate so passionless,

       Gentle, but so beyond them. Each maid took

       With down-dropped lids her gift, afraid to gaze;

       And if the people hailed some lovelier one

       Beyond her rivals worthy royal smiles,

       She stood like a scared antelope to touch

       The gracious hand, then fled to join her mates

       Trembling at favour, so divine he seemed,

       So high and saint-like and above her world.

       Thus filed they, one bright maid after another,

       The city's flowers, and all this beauteous march

       Was ending and the prizes spent, when last

       Came young Yasodhara, and they that stood

       Nearest Siddartha saw the princely boy

       Start, as the radiant girl approached. A form

       Of heavenly mould; a gait like Parvati's; the

       Eyes like a hind's in love-time, face so fair

       Words cannot paint its spell; and she alone

       Gazed full-folding her palms across her breasts

       On the boy's gaze, her stately neck unbent.

       "Is there a gift for me?" she asked, and smiled.

       "The gifts are gone," the Prince replied, "yet take

       This for amends, dear sister, of whose grace

       Our happy city boasts;" therewith he loosed

       The emerald necklet from his throat, and clasped

       Its green beads round her dark and silk-soft waist;

       And their eyes mixed, and from the look sprang love.

       Long after—when enlightenment was full—

       Lord Buddha—being prayed why thus his heart

       Took fire at first glance of the Sakya girl,

       Answered, "We were not strangers, as to us

       And all it seemed; in ages long gone by

       A hunter's son, playing