ANTONY & CLEOPATRA. Sidney Lee. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sidney Lee
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027236695
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To bring bad news: give to a gracious message

       An host of tongues; but let ill tidings tell

       Themselves when they be felt.


       I have done my duty.


       Is he married?

       I cannot hate thee worser than I do

       If thou again say ‘Yes.’


       He’s married, madam.


       The gods confound thee! dost thou hold there still!


       Should I lie, madam?


       O, I would thou didst,

       So half my Egypt were submerg’d, and made

       A cistern for scal’d snakes! Go, get thee hence:

       Hadst thou Narcissus in thy face, to me

       Thou wouldst appear most ugly. He is married?


       I crave your highness’ pardon.


       He is married?


       Take no offence that I would not offend you:

       To punish me for what you make me do

       Seems much unequal: he’s married to Octavia.


       O, that his fault should make a knave of thee

       That art not what tho’rt sure of!—Get thee hence:

       The merchandise which thou hast brought from Rome

       Are all too dear for me: lie they upon thy hand,

       And be undone by ‘em!

       [Exit Messenger.]


       Good your highness, patience.


       In praising Antony I have disprais’d Caesar.


       Many times, madam.


       I am paid for’t now.

       Lead me from hence;

       I faint:—O Iras, Charmian!—‘tis no matter.—

       Go to the fellow, good Alexas; bid him

       Report the feature of Octavia, her years,

       Her inclination; let him not leave out

       The colour of her hair:—bring me word quickly.

       [Exit ALEXAS.]

       Let him for ever go:—let him not, Charmian—

       Though he be painted one way like a Gorgon,

       T’other way he’s a Mars.—[To MARDIAN] Bid you Alexas

       Bring me word how tall she is.—Pity me, Charmian,

       But do not speak to me.—Lead me to my chamber.


      SCENE VI. Near Misenum.

       [Flourish. Enter POMPEY and MENAS at one side, with drum and trumpet; at the other, CAESAR, ANTONY, LEPIDUS, ENOBARBUS, MAECENAS, with Soldiers marching.]


       Your hostages I have, so have you mine;

       And we shall talk before we fight.


       Most meet

       That first we come to words; and therefore have we

       Our written purposes before us sent;

       Which, if thou hast consider’d, let us know

       If ‘twill tie up thy discontented sword,

       And carry back to Sicily much tall youth

       That else must perish here.


       To you all three,

       The senators alone of this great world,

       Chief factors for the gods,—I do not know

       Wherefore my father should revengers want,

       Having a son and friends; since Julius Caesar,

       Who at Philippi the good Brutus ghosted,

       There saw you labouring for him. What was’t

       That mov’d pale Cassius to conspire; and what

       Made the all-honour’d, honest Roman, Brutus,

       With the arm’d rest, courtiers of beauteous freedom,

       To drench the Capitol, but that they would

       Have one man but a man? And that is it

       Hath made me rig my navy; at whose burden

       The anger’d ocean foams; with which I meant

       To scourge the ingratitude that despiteful Rome

       Cast on my noble father.


       Take your time.


       Thou canst not fear us, Pompey, with thy sails;

       We’ll speak with thee at sea: at land thou know’st

       How much we do o’er-count thee.


       At land, indeed,

       Thou dost o’er-count me of my father’s house:

       But, since the cuckoo builds not for himself,

       Remain in’t as thou mayst.


       Be pleas’d to tell us,—

       For this is from the present,—how you take

       The offers we have sent you.


       There’s the point.


       Which do not be entreated to, but weigh

       What it is worth embrac’d.


       And what may follow,

       To try a larger fortune.


       You have made me offer

       Of Sicily, Sardinia; and I must

       Rid all the sea of pirates; then to send

       Measures of wheat to Rome; this ‘greed upon,

       To part with unhack’d edges and bear back

       Our targes undinted.


       That’s our offer.


       Know, then,

       I came before you here a man prepar’d

       To take this offer: but Mark Antony

       Put me to some impatience:—though I lose

       The praise of it by telling, you must know,

       When Caesar and your brother were at blows,

       Your mother came to Sicily, and did find

       Her welcome friendly.


       I have heard it, Pompey,

       And am well studied for a liberal thanks