The Rough Road. William John Locke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William John Locke
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664639349
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day, walking with Peggy and Marmaduke in the garden, he said: “I wish I could get hold of that confounded fellow, Chipmunk!”

      Partly through deference to the good Dean’s delicately hinted distaste for that upsetter of decorous households, and partly to allow his follower to attend to his own domestic affairs, he had left Chipmunk in London. Fifteen years ago Chipmunk had parted from a wife somewhere in the neighbourhood of the East India Docks. Both being illiterate, neither had since communicated with the other. As he had left her earning good money in a factory, his fifteen years’ separation had been relieved from anxiety as to her material welfare. A prudent, although a beer-loving man, he had amassed considerable savings, and it was the dual motive of sharing these with his wife and of protecting his patron from the ever-lurking perils of London, that had brought him across the seas. When Oliver had set him free in town, he was going in quest of his wife. But as he had forgotten the name of the street near the East India Docks where his wife lived, and the name of the factory in which she worked, the successful issue of the quest, in Oliver’s opinion, seemed problematical. The simple Chipmunk, however, was quite sanguine. He would run into her all right. As soon as he had found her he would let the Captain know. Up to the present he had not communicated with the Captain. He could give the Captain no definite address, so the Captain could not communicate with him. Chipmunk had disappeared into the unknown.

      “Isn’t he quite capable of taking care of himself?” asked Peggy.

      “I’m not so sure,” replied Oliver. “Besides, he’s hanging me up. I’m kind of responsible for him, and I’ve got sixty pounds of his money. It’s all I could do to persuade him not to stow the lot in his pocket, so as to divide it with Mrs. Chipmunk as soon as he saw her. I must find out what has become of the beggar before I move.”

      “I suppose,” said Doggie, “you’re anxious now to get back to the South Seas?”

      Oliver stared at him. “No, sonny, not till the war’s over.”

      “Why, you wouldn’t be in any great danger out there, would you?”

      Oliver laughed. “You’re the funniest duck that ever was, Doggie. I’ll never get to the end of you.” And he strolled away.

      “What does he mean?” asked the bewildered Doggie.

      “I think,” replied Peggy, smiling, “that he means he’s going to fight.”

      “Oh,” said Doggie. Then after a pause he added, “He’s just the sort of chap for a soldier, isn’t he?”

      The next day Oliver’s anxiety as to Chipmunk was relieved by the appearance of the man himself, incredibly dirty and dusty and thirsty. Having found no trace of his wife, and having been robbed of the money he carried about him, he had tramped to Durdlebury, where he reported himself to his master as if nothing out of the way had happened.

      “You silly blighter,” said Oliver. “Suppose I had let you go with your other sixty pounds, you would have been pretty well in the soup, wouldn’t you?”

      “Yes, Cap’en,” said Chipmunk.

      “And you’re not going on any blethering idiot wild-goose chases after wives and such-like truck again, are you?”

      “No, Cap’en,” said Chipmunk.

      This was in the stable-yard, after Chipmunk had shaken some of the dust out of his hair and clothes and had eaten and drunk voraciously. He was now sitting on an upturned bucket and smoking his clay pipe with an air of solid content. Oliver, lean and supple, his hands in his pockets, looked humorously down upon him.

      “And you’ve got to stick to me for the future, like a roseate leech.”

      “Yes, Cap’en.”

      “You’re going to ride a horse.”

      “A wot?” roared Chipmunk.

      “A thing on four legs, that kicks like hell.”

      “Wotever for? I ain’t never ridden no ’osses.”

      “You’re going to learn, you unmilitary-looking, worm-eaten scab. You’ve got to be a ruddy soldier.”

      “Gorblime!” said Chipmunk, “that’s the first I ’eard of it. A ’oss soldier? You’re not kiddin’, are you, Cap’en?”

      “Certainly not.”

      “Gorblime! Who would ha’ thought it?” Then he spat lustily and sucked at his pipe.

      “You’ve nothing to say against it, have you?”

      “No, Cap’en.”

      “All right. And look here, when we’re in the army you must chuck calling me Cap’en.”

      “What shall I have to call yer? Gineral?” Chipmunk asked simply.

      “Mate, Bill, Joe—any old name.”

      “Ker-ist!” said Chipmunk.

      “Do you know why we’re going to enlist?”

      “Can’t say as ’ow I does, Cap’en.”

      “You chuckle-headed swab! Don’t you know we’re at war?”

      “I did ’ear some talk about it in a pub one night,” Chipmunk admitted. “ ’Oo are we fighting? Dutchmen or Dagoes?”


      Chipmunk spat in his horny hands, rubbed them together and smiled. As each individual hair on his face seemed to enter into the smile, the result was sinister.

      “Do you remember that Dutchman at Samoa, Cap’en?”

      Oliver smiled back. He remembered the hulking, truculent German merchant whom Chipmunk, having half strangled, threw into the sea. He also remembered the amount of accomplished lying he had to practise in order to save Chipmunk from the clutches of the law and get away with the schooner.

      “We leave here to-morrow,” said Oliver. “In the meanwhile you’ll have to shave your ugly face.”

      For the first time Chipmunk was really staggered. He gaped at Oliver’s retiring figure. Even his limited and time-worn vocabulary failed him. The desperate meaning of the war has flashed suddenly on millions of men in millions of different ways. This is the way in which it flashed on Chipmunk.

      He sat on his bucket pondering over the awfulness of it and sucking his pipe long after it had been smoked out. The Dean’s car drove into the yard and the chauffeur, stripping off his coat, prepared to clean it down.

      “Say, guv’nor,” said Chipmunk hoarsely, “what do you think of this ’ere war?”

      “Same as most people,” replied the chauffeur tersely. He shared in the general disapproval of Chipmunk.

      “But see ’ere. Cap’en he tells me I must shave me face and be a ’oss soldier. I never shaved me face in me life, and I dunno ’ow to do it, just as I dunno ’ow to ride a ’oss. I’m a sailorman, I am, and sailormen don’t shave their faces and ride ’osses. That’s why I arsked yer what yer thought of this ’ere war.”

      The chauffeur struggled into his jeans and adjusted them before replying.

      “If you’re a sailor, the place for you is the navy,” he remarked in a superior manner. “As for the cavalry, the Cap’en, as you call him, ought to have more sense——”

      Chipmunk rose and swung his long arms threateningly.

      “Look ’ere, young feller, do you want to have your blinkin’ ’ead knocked orf? Where the Cap’en goes, I goes, and don’t you make any mistake about it!”

      “I didn’t say anything,” the chauffeur expostulated.

      “Then don’t say it. See? Keep your blinkin’ ’ead shut and mind your own business.”

      And, scowling fiercely