The Chinese say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” William James, the father of American psychology, stressed the fact that the subconscious mind will bring to pass any picture held in the mind and backed by faith. Act as though I am, and I will be.
A number of years ago I was in the Middle West lecturing in several states, and I desired to have a permanent location in the general area from which I could serve those who desired help. I traveled far, but the desire did not leave my mind. One evening, while in a hotel in Spokane, Washington, I relaxed completely on a couch, immobilized my attention, and in a quiet, passive manner imagined that I was talking to a large audience, saying in effect, “I am glad to be here; I have prayed for the ideal opportunity.” I saw in my mind's eye the imaginary audience and I felt the reality of it all. I played the role of the actor, dramatized this mental movie, and felt satisfied that this picture was being conveyed to my subconscious mind, which would bring it to pass in its own way. The next morning, on awakening, I felt a great sense of peace and satisfaction and in a few days time I received a telegram asking me to take over an organization in the Midwest, which I did, and I enjoyed it immensely for several years.
The method outlined here appeals to many who have described it as “the mental movie method.” I have received numerous letters from people who listen to my radio talks and weekly public lectures, telling me of the wonderful results they get using this technique in the sale of their property. I suggest to those who have homes or property for sale that they satisfy themselves in their own mind that their price is right. Then, I claim that the Infinite Intelligence is attracting to them the buyer who really wants to have the property and who will love it and prosper in it. After having done this I suggest that they quiet their mind, relax, let go and get into a drowsy, sleepy state, which reduces all mental effort to a minimum. Then, they are to picture the check in their hands, rejoice in the check, give thanks for the check and go off to sleep feeling the naturalness of the whole mental movie created in their own mind. They must act as though it were an objective reality and the subconscious mind will take it as an impression and through the deeper currents of the mind, the buyer and the seller are brought together. A mental picture held in the mind, backed by faith, will come to pass.
The Baudoin Technique
Charles Baudoin was a professor at the Rousseau Institute in France. He was a brilliant psychotherapist and a research director of the New Nancy School of Healing, who in 1910 taught that the best way to impress the subconscious mind was to enter into a drowsy, sleepy state, or a state akin to sleep in which all effort was reduced to a minimum. Then in a quiet, passive, receptive way, by reflection, he would convey the idea to the subconscious. The following is his formula: “A very simple way of securing this (impregnation of the subconscious mind) is to condense the idea, which is to be the object of suggestion, to sum it up in a brief phase, which can be readily graven on the memory and to repeat it over and over again as a lullaby.”
Some years ago, a young lady in Los Angeles was engaged in a prolonged bitter family lawsuit over a will. Her husband had bequeathed his entire estate to her, and his sons and daughters by a previous marriage were bitterly fighting to break the will. The Baudoin technique was outlined to her, and this is what she did. She relaxed her body in an armchair, entered into the sleepy state and, as suggested, condensed the idea of her need into a phrase consisting of six words easily graven on the memory. “It is finished in divine order.” The significance to her of these words meant that Infinite Intelligence operating through the laws of her subconscious mind would bring about a harmonious adjustment through the principle of harmony. She continued this procedure every night for about ten nights. After she got into a sleepy state, she would affirm slowly, quietly and feelingly the statement: “It is finished in divine order,” over and over again, feeling a sense of inner peace and an all-pervading tranquility; then she went off into her deep normal sleep. On the morning of the eleventh day, following the use of the above technique, she awakened with a sense of well-being, a conviction that it was finished. Her attorney called her the same day saying that the opposing attorney and his clients were willing to settle. A harmonious agreement was reached and litigation was discontinued.
The Sleeping Technique
By entering into a sleepy, drowsy state, effort is reduced to a minimum. The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The reason for this is that the highest degree of outcropping of the subconscious occurs prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the negative thoughts, which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer present.
Suppose you want to get rid of a destructive habit. Assume a comfortable posture, relax your body, and be still. Get into a sleepy state, and in that sleepy state, say quietly, over and over again as a lullaby, “I am completely free from this habit; harmony and peace of mind reign supreme.” repeat the above slowly, quietly and lovingly for five or ten minutes, night and morning. Each time you repeat the words the emotional value becomes greater. When the urge comes to repeat the negative habit, repeat the above formula out loud to yourself. By this means you induce the subconscious to accept the idea and a healing follows.
The Thank You Technique
In the Bible, Paul recommends that we make known our requests with praise and thanksgiving. Some extraordinary results follow this simple method of prayer. The thankful heart is always close to the creative forces of the universe, causing countless blessings to flow toward it by the law of reciprocal relationship, based on a cosmic law of action and reaction.
For instance, a father promises his son a car for graduation; the boy has not yet received the car, but he is very thankful and happy, and is as joyous as though he had actually received the car. He knows his father will fulfill his promise and he is full of gratitude and joy even though he has not yet received the car, objectively speaking. He has, however, received it with joy and thankfulness in his mind.
I shall illustrate how Mr Broke applied this technique with excellent results. He said, “Bills are piling up, I am out of work, I have three children and no money. What shall I do?” Regularly every night and morning, for a period of about three weeks, he repeated the words, “Thank you, Father, for my wealth.” in a relaxed, peaceful manner until the feeling or mood of thankfulness dominated his mind. He imagined he was addressing the infinite power and intelligence within him knowing, of course, that he could not see the creative intelligence or infinite mind. He was seeing with the inner eye of spiritual perception, realizing that his thought-image of wealth was the first cause, relative to the money, position and food he needed. His thought-feeling was the substance of wealth untrammeled by antecedent conditions of any kind. By repeating, “Thank you, Father,” over and over again, his mind and heart were lifted up to the point of acceptance, and when fear, thoughts of lack, poverty and distress came into his mind, he would say, “Thank you, Father,” as often as necessary. He knew that as he kept up the thankful attitude he would recondition his mind to the idea of wealth, which is what happened.
The sequel to his prayer is very interesting. After praying in the above-mentioned manner, he met a former employer of his on the street whom he ha not seen for twenty years. The man offered him a very lucrative position and advanced him $500 on a temporary loan. Today, Mr Broke is vice-president of the company for which he works. His recent remark to me was, “I shall never forget the wonders of 'Thank you, Father' It has worked wonders for me.”
The Affirmative Method
The effectiveness of an affirmation is determined largely by your understanding of the truth and the meaning back of the words, “In praying use not vain repetition.” Therefore, the power of your affirmation lies in the intelligent application of definite and specific positives. For example, a boy adds three and three and puts down seven on the blackboard. The teacher affirms with mathematical certainty that three and three are six; therefore, the boy changes his figures accordingly. The teacher's statement did not make three and three equal six because the latter was already a mathematical truth. The mathematical truth caused the boy to rearrange the figures on the blackboard. It is abnormal to be sick; it is normal to be healthy. Health is the