50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center). Джек Лондон. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Джек Лондон
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782291082170
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is Lifeward

      8. How to Get the Results You Want

      9. How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth

      10. Your Right To Be Rich

      11. Your Subconscious Mind As A Partner In Success

      12. Scientists Use The Subconscious Mind

      13. Your Subconscious & The Wonders Of Sleep

      14. Your Subconscious Mind & Marital Problems

      15. Your Subconscious Mind & Happiness

      16. Your Subconscious Mind & Harmonious Human Relations

      17. How To Use Your Subconscious For Forgiveness

      18. How Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks

      19. How To Use Your Subconscious Mind To Remove Fear

      20. How To Stay Young In Spirit Forever

      Chapter One

      The Treasure House Within You


      nfinite Riches are all around you if you will open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity within you. There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously and abundantly. Many are sound asleep because they do not know about this gold mine of Infinite Intelligence and boundless love within themselves. Whatever you want, you can draw forth. A magnetized piece of steel will lift about twelve times its own weight, and if you demagnetize this same piece of steel, it will not even lift a feather. Similarly, there are two types of men. There is the magnetized man who is full of confidence and faith. He knows that he is born to win and to succeed. Then, there is the type of man who is demagnetized. He is full of fears and doubts. Opportunities come, and he says, “I might fail; I might lose money; people will laugh at me.” This type of man will not get very far in life because, if he is afraid to go forward, he will simply stay where he is. Become a magnetized man and discover the master secret of the ages.

       The Master Secret Of The Ages

      What, in your opinion, is the master secret of the ages? The secret of atomic energy? Thermonuclear energy? The neutron bomb? Interplanetary travel? No, not any of these. Then, what is this master secret? Where can one find it, and how can it be contacted and brought into action? The answer is extraordinarily simple. This secret is the marvelous, miracle-working power found in your own subconscious mind, the last place that most people would seek it.

       The Marvelous Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

      You can bring into your life more power, more wealth, more health, more happiness and more joy by learning to contact and release the hidden power of your subconscious mind.

      You need not acquire this power; you already possess it. But, you want to learn how to use it; you want to understand it so that you can apply it in all departments of your life.

      As you follow the simple techniques and processes set forth in this book, you can gain the necessary knowledge and understanding. You can be inspired by a new light, and you can generate a new force enabling you to realize your hopes and make all your dreams come true. Decide now to make your life grander, greater, richer and nobler than ever before.

      Within your subconscious depths lies infinite wisdom, infinite power and infinite supply of all that is necessary, which is waiting for development and expression. Begin now to recognize these potentialities of your deeper mind and they will take form in the world without.

      The Infinite Intelligence within your subconscious mind can reveal to you everything you need to know at every moment of time and point of space provided you are open minded and receptive. You can receive new thoughts and ideas enabling you to bring forth new inventions, make new discoveries or write books and plays. Moreover, the Infinite Intelligence in your subconscious can impart to you wonderful kinds of knowledge of an original nature. It can reveal to you and open the way for perfect expression and true place in your life.

      Through the wisdom of your subconscious mind you can attract the ideal companion, as well as the right business associate or partner. It can find the right buyer for your home and provide you with all the money you need and the financial freedom to be, to do, and to go as your heart desires.

      It is your right to discover this inner world of thought, feeling and power, of light, love and beauty. Though invisible, its forces are mighty. Within your subconscious mind you will find the solution for every problem and the cause for every effect. You can draw out the hidden powers; you come into actual possession of the power and wisdom necessary to move forward in abundance, security, joy and dominion.

      I have seen the power of the subconscious lift people up out of crippled states, making them whole, vital and strong once more, free to go out into the world to experience happiness, health and joyous expression. There is a miraculous healing power in your subconscious that can heal the troubled mind and the broken heart. It can open the prison door of the mind and liberate you. It can free you from all kinds of material and physical bondage.

       Necessity Of A Working Basis

      Substantial progress in any field of endeavor is impossible in the absence of a working basis, which is universal in its application. You can become skilled in the operation of your subconscious mind. You can practice its powers with a certainty of results in exact proportion to your knowledge of its principles and to your application of them for definite, specific purposes and goals you wish to achieve.

      Being a former chemist, I would like to point out that if you combine hydrogen and oxygen in the proportions of two atoms of the former to one of the latter, water will be the result. You are very familiar with the fact that one atom of oxygen and one atom of carbon will produce carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas. But, if you add another atom of oxygen, you will get carbon dioxide, a harmless gas, and so on throughout the vast realm of chemical compounds.

      You must not think that the principles of chemistry, physics and mathematics differ from the principles of your subconscious mind. Let us consider a generally accepted principle: “Water seeks its own level.” This is a universal principle, which is applicable to water everywhere.

      Consider another principle: “Matter expands when heated.” This is true everywhere, at any time, and under all circumstances. You can heat a piece of steel and it will expand regardless whether the steel is found in China, England or India. It is a universal truth that matter expands when healed. It is also a universal truth that whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of space as condition, experience and event.

      Your prayer is answered because your subconscious mind is principle, and by principle I mean the way a thing works. For example, the principle of electricity is that it works from a higher to a lower potential. You do not change the principle of electricity when you use it, but by cooperating with nature, you can bring forth marvelous inventions and discoveries which bless humanity in countless ways.