The Complete Short Stories. O. Hooper Henry. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: O. Hooper Henry
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027237005
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Table of Contents


      Worn and weary, a man enters a room where a fire burns upon the hearth.

      Throwing himself into a chair, he glances at the vacant rug at his feet, and, with a sob in his voice, says:

      “Old Boy! No slippers for me tonight by my old faithful.”

      No sound breaks the stillness, and he gazes forelornly towards his room.

      Then he sits erect — rigid, for through the door comes a dearly loved figure, head high and banner waving in anticipation of “Well done, good and faithful servant,” and love shining in his eyes, and in his mouth — a slipper!

      With suspended breath the man watches, and even at the touch of cold nose upon his hand, remains rigid. Then, with a cry, he throws out his arms to encircle his comrade — only empty air greets him.

      But at his feet lies — a slipper!

      In stupefaction he looks at it, and then around the room.


      Nothing? No! surely something is still in the familiar place — something which is faithful always and remains where love keeps the place!

      A light of understanding breaks over the man’s face as he takes the slipper.

      “Oh! ye of little faith!”



      Just outside of a walled city there is a field of white — little, delicate, slim emissaries of peace, wafting their messages of healing broadcast. With a ringing of delicate musical bells, they say: “Come with me! Here is joy and peace.”

      Within the walls a lonely watcher in a tower looks and listens.

      Hidden from view are the tools of trade.

      Gazing on the field, he muses on the infallibility of the law, which with undeviating regularity brings forth the thousands of tiny Heralds. Surely they are a symbol of some part of that Great Whole — some plan is back of their being!

      He looks over the walled city which he guards, and nowhere is there anything which is as wonderful as what lies outside.

      Ah! now he knows!

      Outside is Freedom — with all its loveliness and fragrance.

      Outside is God’s World with only bells, orchestra of rustling leaves and the waving baton of the trees.

      Outside all is Peace — Harmony.

      And what is within?

      Envy, Vice. Hatred, and stalking ever at the head Fear — as Leader — whose orchestra is made up of glittering instruments of torture, deafening batteries, and with Triumph as the theme.

      With gold, jewels and honors he lures to his band all within the walls, murmuring:

      “My lands shall include all things. Nothing shall exist which is as perfect as my Empire.”

      But Outside — are dainty, delicate, slim bits of loveliness, which, with gentle nods and soft waves of perfume bring the message that, Outside, ail is as God intended, for “Consider the lilies! They toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

       Table of Contents

      Within the darkest recesses there is a vast multitude I seeking expression — ris- ‘ ing with each multitude a little higher.

      Rubies, who gather to themselves the fading glory of the sun, secretly desire the millions of rays which the diamond has secured, — while Sapphires, holding the blue winged lights of the moon, — seek in vain to acquire the rustling of trees and grasses, the running of water, — within their form.


      Round and round the spiral they travel, — ever spurred, by the force lying within each and every one, to be more than they are and to express All!

      I recall my youth, in fancy, as so many jewels tied to dark recesses while aspiring; — The desire to voice the Rubies of Multitudes, in Dislike and Hatred — reveling in the Emeralds of wealth, and desire for honors — while ever knocking at my door was the Sapphire, laden with gifts of Aspiration.

      In vain the Diamond beckoned, — in vain sought to convince me that within that recess was all I desired — that there was to be found, mingled together All as One.


      The Multitudes hurry past, unconscious that in their path lies the Diamond. Hurrying, scurrying, they push and jostle in a vain endeavor to amass Rubies, Emeralds and Sapphires. little realizing that in their own door yard lies the most priceless jewel of all:

      The Diamond of Love. I was of the Multitude: —

      Reason said:

      “Seek Emeralds. What matter if you borrow Rubies of Hatred to gain! Seek Emeralds!”

      Mind said:

      “What are Emeralds? It is Sapphires you desire. Sapphires — which lead you by a radiant path to the sky — to starry realms — to lands where Inspiration dwells. “Seek!

      “Seek Sapphires!”

      Spirit said:

      “You are wrong. It is none of these you desire. Seek the Diamond. Search for it high and low. Do not be beguiled by colors which lure. Seek the purest of all.


      “Search for Diamonds!” Alas! the colors of the rainbow caught me and I bathed in its rays.

      Now I go seeking! Seeking everywhere — Diamonds — only Diamonds.



      The Sentinels:

      Uniforms of green — hardy and erect, they wait until mustered — keeping watch throughout the seasons.


      The Army:

      In glittering array the army stands for inspection.

      Russet, gold and green are their uniforms, with trimmings of scarlet.

      Unmoved they will stand and receive all onslaughts — and if some fall in the battle, those remaining will still be firm of purpose — turning ever a smile of welcome and holding out arms to those who seek them.

      Red and russet and gold

      Green and bronze and scarlet

      How brave in all their glory — how steadfast to their purpose — how gratefully do they bend their heads when a wave of love goes to them!

      Majestic — serene — content to fill their allotted place — asking not the perfume of lilies, nor scent of roses — seeking not the sparkling splendor of jewels — content with the Emerald, Ruby and Topaz, which they hold within their own domain.

      So muses the recruit, as with head high and shoulders back he wanders through the woods — saying farewell to all the friends of his boyhood.

      The Sentinels!

      How they have guarded the old home from the blasts!

      “ How joyfully have the regiment given of their life, in order that others might revel in their force, and uniting to protect all who sought their shelter. This was what he must keep ever in mind — to follow his army friends