Basque Legends; With an Essay on the Basque Language. Wentworth Webster. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Wentworth Webster
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664637550
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“Both, both.”

      And then he beats the servant maid almost to pieces. He goes then to the master, taking with him the spade and the hoe, and he sets to beating him with the spade and the hoe, until he can no longer defend himself, and then he thrashes the skin off his back, and takes his pig and goes off home to his father and mother; and as he lived well he died well too.

      Pierre Bertrand

       learnt it from his Grandmother, who died a few years since, aged 82.

       Table of Contents

      We have several variations of this tale, some like the above, very similar to Grimm’s “Valiant Little Tailor,” others like Campbell’s “Highland Tales.” In one tale there are two brothers, an idiot and a fool (Enuchenta eta Ergela). The idiot goes out to service first, and gets sent back for his stupidity. Then the fool goes, and outwits both his master and the Tartaro, whose eye he burns out with a red-hot spit, as in the first instance. In another the servant frightens the Tartaro at the outset by cracking two walnuts, and saying that they were bones of Christians he was cracking. Another wager is as to which shall carry most water from a fountain. The Tartaro fills two hogsheads to carry, but the lad says to him, “Only that; I will take the whole fountain;” and he begins to stir the water about with a stick. But the Tartaro cries out, “No! No! No! I give up. Where shall I go and drink if you carry away all my water?” Another variation is as follows:—

       Table of Contents

      Like many others in the world, there lived a mother with her three sons. They were not rich, but lived by their work. The eldest son said one day to his mother—

      “It would be better for us if I should go out to service.”

      The mother did not like it, but at last she let him go. He goes off, far, far, far away, and comes to a house, and asks if they want a servant. They say “Yes,” and they make their agreement.

      The servant said to him,

      “All right; I am strong, and I will work.”

      On the morrow the master gives him a great deal of work, but he does it easily. The last months of the year the master presses him much more, and one day he sends him into a field to sow fourteen bushels of wheat in the day. The lad goes sadly, taking with him a pair of oxen. He returns to the house very late in the evening. The master says to him,

      “Have you done your work?”

      He says, “No.”

      “Do you remember the agreement we made? I must tear the skin off your back: that is your salary.”

      He tears the skin off, as he had said, and sends him away home without anything. His mother was in great grief at seeing him come home so thin and weak, and without any money.

      He tells what has happened, and the second brother wishes to start off at once, saying that he is strong, and that he will do more work. The mother did not like it, but she was obliged to let him go.

      He goes to the same house as his brother, and makes the same terms with the master. When he had almost finished his year, his master sends him too to sow fourteen bushels of wheat. He starts very early in the morning, with two pair of oxen; but the night came before he had sown it all. The master was very glad at the sight of that. He strips his skin off his back also, and sends him away without any money. Think of the vexation of this mother in seeing both her sons return in this fashion.

      The third wishes to start off at once. He assures his mother that he will bring back both the money and the skin of his back. He goes to this same gentleman. He tells this one, too, that he will give him a high salary, on condition that he will do all that he shall tell him to do, otherwise he shall have the skin torn off his back, and be sent away without anything, at the end of the year.

      He had made him work hard and well for ten months, and then wished to try him. He sent him to the field, and told him to sow fourteen bushels of wheat before night. He answers, “Yes.”

      He takes two pairs of oxen, and goes off to the field. He ploughs a furrow all round the field, and throws his fourteen bushels of wheat into it. He then makes another furrow, to cover it up, and at night time he goes home to the house. The master is astonished. He asks him if he has sown it.

      “Yes, it is all under ground; you may be sure of it.”

      The master was not pleased; he had his fears.

      The next day he sends him with sixteen head of cattle to such a field, and says to him,

      “You must take all these cattle into the field without unlocking the gate or making a gap.”

      Our lad takes a hatchet, a hoe, and a fork. Off he goes, and when he gets to the field he kills them all, one by one. He cuts them up with the hatchet, and throws them with the fork into the field.

      He comes home at nightfall, and says to his master that all the cattle are in the field as he had told him. The master was not pleased, but he said nothing.

      The next day he told him to go to such a forest and to bring a load of wood from there, but all the sticks quite, quite straight. Our lad goes off and cuts down in the chestnut copse all the young chestnut trees which his master had planted, and which were very fine ones; and he comes home. When the master saw that, he was not pleased, and said to him,

      “To-morrow you shall go again with the oxen; and you must bring a load of wood quite crooked, all quite crooked; if you bring only one straight, so much the worse for you.”

      The lad goes off, and pulls up a fine vineyard. After he had loaded his cart, he comes home. When the master saw that, he could not say anything; but he did not know what to think of it.

      He sends him into a forest. There was a Tartaro there; and all the persons, and all the animals who went there, he ate them all. The master gives him ten pigs, and also food for ten days, telling him that the hogs would fatten themselves well there, because there were plenty of acorns, and that he must return at the end of ten days.

      Our lad begins, and he goes on, and on, and on. He meets an old woman, who says to him:

      “Where are you going to, lad?”

      “To such a forest, to fatten these pigs.”

      The woman says to him:

      “If you are not a fool, you will not go there. That horrible Tartaro will eat you.”

      This woman was carrying a basket of walnuts on her head, and he said to her:

      “If you will give me two of these walnuts I will beat the Tartaro.”

      She willingly gives them to him, and he goes on, and on, and on. He meets another old woman, who was winding thread. She says to him:

      “Where are you going, lad?”

      “To such a forest.”

      “Don’t go there. There is a horrible Tartaro there, who will be sure to eat you, and your pigs as well.”

      “I must go there all the same, and I will conquer him, if you will give me two of your balls of thread.”

      She gives him them, willingly; and he goes