William Bates, jobbing gardener, who was brought up in custody, was cautioned, but elected to give evidence. Witness, who appeared to be much agitated, admitted having been in the garden of Ivy Cottage at four in the morning, but said that he had only gone to attend to certain plants, and knew absolutely nothing of the murder. He however admitted that he had no order for work beyond what he had done the day before. Being further pressed, witness made various contradictory statements, and finally said that he had gone to take certain plants away.
The inquest was then adjourned.
This was the cast as it stood — apparently not a case presenting any very striking feature, although there seemed to me to be doubtful peculiarities in many parts of it. I asked Hewitt what he thought.
“Quite impossible to think anything, my boy, just yet; wait till we see the place. There are any number of possibilities. Kingscote’s friend, Campbell, may have come in again, you know, by way of the window — or he may not. Campbell may have owed him money or something — or he may not. The anticipated wedding may have something to do with it — or, again, that may not. There is no limit to the possibilities, as far as we see from this report — a mere dry husk of the affair. When we get closer we shall examine the possibilities by the light of more detailed information. One probability is that the wretched gardener is innocent. It seems to me that his was only a comparatively blameless manoeuvre not unheard of at other times in his trade. He came at four in the morning to steal away the flowers he had planted the day before, and felt rather bashful when questioned on the point. Why should he trample on the beds, else? I wonder if the police thought to examine the beds for traces of rooting up, or questioned the housekeeper as to any plants being missing? But we shall see.”
We chatted at random as the train drew near Finchley, and I mentioned inter alia the wanton piece of destruction perpetrated at Kingscote’s late lodgings. Hewitt was interested.
“That was curious,” he said, “very curious. Was anything else damaged? Furniture and so forth?”
“I don’t know. Mrs Clayton said nothing of it, and I didn’t ask her. But it was quite bad enough as it was. The decoration was really good, and I can’t conceive a meaner piece of tomfoolery than such an attack on a decent woman’s property.”
Then Hewitt talked of other cases of similar stupid damage by creatures inspired by a defective sense of humour, or mere love of mischief. He had several curious and sometimes funny anecdotes of such affairs at museums and picture exhibitions, where the damage had been so great as to induce the authorities to call him in to discover the offender. The work was not always easy, chiefly from the mere absence of intelligible motive; not, indeed, always successful. One of the anecdotes related to a case of malicious damage to a picture — the outcome of blind artistic jealousy — a case which had been hushed up by a large expenditure in compensation. It would considerably startle most people, could it be printed here, with the actual names of the parties concerned.
Ivy Cottage, Finchley, was a compact little house, standing in a compact little square of garden, little more than a third of an acre, or perhaps no more at all. The front door was but a dozen yards or so back from the road, but the intervening space was well treed and shrubbed. Mr Douglas Kingscote had not yet returned from town, but the housekeeper, an intelligent, matronly woman, who knew of his intention to call in Martin Hewitt, was ready to show us the house.
“First,” Hewitt said, when we stood in the smoking-room, “I observe that somebody has shut the drawers and the bureau. That is unfortunate. Also, the floor has been washed and the carpet taken up, which is much worse. That, I suppose, was because the police had finished their examination, but it doesn’t help me to make one at all. Has anything — anything at all — been left as it was on Tuesday morning?”
“Well, sir, you see everything was in such a muddle,” the housekeeper began, “and when the police had done —”
“Just so. I know. You ‘set it to rights’, eh? Oh, that setting to rights! It has lost me a fortune at one time and another. As to the other rooms, now, have they been set to rights?”
“Such as was disturbed have been put right, sir, of course.”
“Which were disturbed? Let me see them. But wait a moment.”
He opened the French windows, and closely examined the catch and bolts. He knelt and inspected the holes whereinto the bolts fell, and then glanced casually at the folding shutters. He opened a drawer or two, and tried the working of the locks with the keys the housekeeper carried. They were, the housekeeper explained, Mr Kingscote’s own keys. All through the lower floors Hewitt examined some things attentively and closely, and others with scarcely a glance, on a system unaccountable to me. Presently, he asked to be shown Mr Kingscote’s bedroom, which had not been disturbed, “set to rights”, or slept in since the crime. Here, the housekeeper said, all drawers were kept unlocked but two — one in the wardrobe and one in the dressing — table, which Mr Kingscote had always been careful to keep locked. Hewitt immediately pulled both drawers open without difficulty. Within, in addition to a few odds and ends, were papers. All the contents of these drawers had been turned over confusedly, while those of the unlocked drawers were in perfect order.
“The police,” Hewitt remarked, “may not have observed these matters. Any more than such an ordinary thing as this,” he added, picking up a bent nail lying at the edge of a rug.
The housekeeper doubtless took the remark as a reference to the entire unimportance of a bent nail, but I noticed that Hewitt dropped the article quietly into his pocket.
We came away. At the front gate we met Mr Douglas Kingscote, who had just returned from town. He introduced himself, and expressed surprise at our promptitude both of coming and going.
“You can’t have got anything like a clue in this short time, Mr Hewitt?” he asked.
“Well, no,” Hewitt replied, with a certain dryness, “perhaps not. But I doubt whether a month’s visit would have helped me to get anything very striking out of a washed floor and a houseful of carefully cleaned-up and ‘set-to-rights’ rooms. Candidly, I don’t think you can reasonably expect much of me. The police have a much better chance — they had the scene of the crime to examine. I have seen just such a few rooms as anyone might see in the first well-furnished house he might enter. The trail of the housemaid has overlaid all the others.”
“I’m very sorry for that; the fact was, I expected rather more of the police; and, indeed, I wasn’t here in time entirely to prevent the clearing up. But still, I thought your well-known powers —”
“My dear sir, my ‘well-known powers’ are nothing but common sense assiduously applied and made quick by habit. That won’t enable me to see the invisible.”
“But can’t we have the rooms put back into something of the state they were in? The cook will remember —”
“No, no. That would be worse and worse: that would only be the housemaid’s trail in turn overlaid by the cook’s. You must leave things with me for a little, I think.”
“Then you don’t give the case up?” Mr Kingscote asked anxiously.
“Oh, no! I don’t give it up just yet. Do you know anything of your brother’s private papers — as they were before his death?”
“I never knew anything till after that. I have gone over them, but they are all very ordinary letters. Do you suspect a theft of papers?”
Martin Hewitt, with his hands on his stick behind him, looked sharply at the other, and shook his head. “No,” he said, “I can’t quite say that.”
We bade Mr