Developments to Mid-September 1947
Directive No. 35 (6 September 1941)
The Situation at the End of September 1941
Military-Economic Survey (2 October 1941)
The Muddy Period and Its Effect on Operations (October 1941)
Hitler's Plan for the Seizure of Moscow (12 October 1941)
Chapter 6 The German Attack on Moscow
Last-Minute Planning and Operations to 13 November 1941
The Course of the Offensive (14 November-5 December 1941)
The Personnel Situation (End of November 1941)
Chapter 7 The Russian Counteroffensive (December 1941 - February 1942)
Hitler's Directive No. 39 (8 December 1941)
The Army High Command Order of 8 December 1941
The Mission of the Army Groups
The Red Army Seizes the Initiative
Developments to 25 December 1941
The German Crisis in Mid-January 1942
The Crisis Reaches Its Climax (Beginning of February 1942)
The Russian Offensive Is Halted (20 February 1942)
Chapter 8 Preliminary Planning for a German Offensive in the Caucasus, 1942
Exploratory Steps (July 1940-September 1941)
The First Plan for a Caucasus Operation (October 1941)
Caucasus Planning in November 1941
Effects of the Moscow Setback (January 1942)
The First Preparatory Orders (February 1942)
The Navy's Role (February 1942)
Intelligence Estimate (20 February 1942)
Hitler's Preoccupations in Early March 1942
The Situation at the End of March 1942
Chapter 9 Preparations for the German Summer Offensive
Directive No. 41 (5 April 1942)
Estimates, Delays, and Disappointments in April 1942
Delay in the Preliminary Operations