The Extant Odes of Pindar. Pindar. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pindar
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664186393
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that the chief of these will be already known to most readers of Pindar, yet so profusely allusive is this poet that to understand his allusions will very often require knowledge which would not have been derived from a study of the more commonly read Hellenic writers.

      Nor have I attempted to trace in detail the connection of the parts in each ode which binds them into one harmonious whole with many meanings—a connection so consummately contrived where we can trace it that we may suppose it no less exquisite where we cannot. Study and thought will generally suggest explanations, though these will sometimes approve themselves differently to different minds. Too often we must acknowledge, as elsewhere in ancient literature, that the key is lost beyond all certain hope of recovery.

      Still less have I attempted to discuss questions of critical scholarship. Sometimes where there are more than one plausible reading I have signified which I adopt; once only (Ol. 2. 56.) I have ventured on an emendation of my own. For the most part I have, as was natural, followed the text of Böckh and Dissen.

      In the spelling of names I remain in that inconsistency which at present attaches to most modern writers who deal with them. Olympus, Athens, Corinth, Syracuse, and the like are naturalized among us by long familiarity; it seems at present at least pedantic to change them. In the case of other less familiar names I have concurred with the desire, which seems in the main a reasonable one, that the names of Hellenic persons and places should be reproduced, as far as possible, without Latin mediation.

      Of the Fragments I have translated six of the longest and most interesting. They are 289 in all, but the greater part are not longer than a line or two, and very many even shorter.

      The odes are unequal in poetical merit, and many readers may not unreasonably wish to have those pointed out which, in the judgement of one acquainted with all, are among the best worth reading; though of course the choice of individual readers will not always be the same. To those therefore who would wish to begin with a selection, the following may be recommended as at any rate among those of preeminent merit: Pyth. 4, 9, 1, 10, 3; Ol. 7, 6, 2, 3, 13, 8, 1; Nem. 5, 10; Isthm. 2, 7; all the Fragments translated.

      In the arrangement of the odes I have adhered to the traditional order. I should much have liked to place them in what must always be the most interesting and rational arrangement of a poet's works, that is, in chronological order. This would have been approximately possible, as we know the dates of the greater part of them. But convenience of reference and of comparison with the Greek text seems to supply a balance of reasons on the other side. Subjoined however is a list of the odes in their probable chronological order so far as it can be obtained.

      Pythian 10——————B.C. 502.

       " 6—————— " 494.

       " 12—————— " 494 or 490.

       " 7—————— " 490.

       " 3—————— " 486 or 482.

       Olympian 10 }—————" 484.

       " 11 }—————" 484.

       Isthmian 5

       Nemean 5

       Isthmian 7—————— " 480.

       Isthmian 3

       Pythian 8———————" 478.

       " 9———————" 478.

       " 11———————" 478.

       " 2———————" 477.

       Olympian 14———————" 476.

       " }———————— " 476.

       " }———————— " 476.

       Pythian 1

       Nemean 1——————— " 473.

       Olympian 1——————— " 472.

       " 12———————" 472.

       Nemean 9

       Isthmian 2

       Olympian 6———————" 468.

       Pythian 4 }—————— " 466.

       " 5 }

       Olympian 7———————" 464.

       " 13———————" 464.

       Nemean 7

       " 3

       " 4

       " 6

       " 8

       Olympian 9———————" 456.

       Isthmian 6

       Olympian 4 }—————— " 452.

       " 5 }

      The Olympic games were held once in four years, in honour of Zeus. The prize was a wreath of wild olive.

      The Pythian games were held once in four years, in honour of Apollo.

       The prize was a wreath of bay.

      The Nemean games were held once in two years, in honour of Zeus. The prize was a wreath of wild parsley.

      The Isthmian games were held once in two years, in honour of Poseidon.

       The prize was a wreath of wild parsley or of pine.

      [Footnote 1: The importance and interest to a student in Hellenic literature of a collateral study of whatever remains to us of Hellenic plastic art—statues, vases, gems, and coins—can hardly be too strongly insisted on.]

      [Footnote 2: In Mr. J.A. Symonds' 'Studies of the Greek Poets' there is an essay on Pindar which dwells with much appreciative eloquence upon the poets literary characteristics.]

      [Footnote 3: In thus touching on the obligations of our morality to the Hebrew and to the Hellene respectively, I have insisted more exclusively on the weak points of the former than I should have done in a fuller discussion of the subject: here I am merely concerned to question in passing what seems to be a popular one-sided estimate.]

      * * * * *

       Table of Contents




      * * * * *

      This ode seems to owe its position at the head of Pindar's extant works to Aristophanes the grammarian, who placed it there on account of its being specially occupied with the glorification of the Olympic games in comparison with others, and with the story of Pelops, who was their founder.

      Hieron won this race B.C. 472, while at the height of his power at Syracuse. Probably the ode was sung at Syracuse, perhaps, as has been suggested, at a banquet.

      * * * * *

      Best is Water of all, and Gold as a flaming fire in the night shineth eminent amid lordly wealth; but if of prizes in the games thou art fain, O my soul, to tell, then, as for no bright star more quickening than the sun must thou search in the void firmament by day, so neither shall we find any games greater than the Olympic whereof to utter our voice: for hence cometh the glorious hymn and entereth into the minds of the skilled in song, so that they celebrate the son[1] of Kronos, when to the rich and happy hearth of Hieron they are come; for he wieldeth the sceptre of justice in Sicily of many flocks, culling the choice fruits of all kinds of excellence: and with the flower of music is he made splendid, even such strains as we sing blithely at the table of a friend.

      Take from the peg the Dorian lute, if in any wise the glory of Pherenikos[2] at Pisa hath swayed thy soul unto glad thoughts, when by the banks of Alpheos