Teleportation. Technic. Opportunities. The consequences. Nikolay Lakutin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nikolay Lakutin
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 2016
isbn: 978-5-532-08261-8
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they did not understand the question. They were asked again and again, pointed to the sky during the flight of the plane, but they did not understand anything that they want from them. The existence of the planes, the inhabitants of a remote tribe, of course, knew nothing. These people did not perceive the planes above their heads, they simply did not see them. What is not included in the picture of the world of man – does not exist for him.

      The same thing happens to the vast majority of people. Almost no one sees anything around them. People see only what their enslaved minds allow them to see. And times invisible, then and not believe in existence, this is logical.

      Requirements for the development of teleportation

      The key to teleportation, as well as to any other abilities like levitation, telekinesis, reading thoughts and transmitting them at a distance, walking through obstacles and much,much more is the three basic rules, the three whales.

      1.      Attention

      2.      Intention

      3.      Force

      In the universe, on all levels and on all planes, the Trinity manifests itself everywhere. To achieve superpowers in the same way it is necessary to master three rules.

      More about each of them.

      At the moment of transition from point "A" to point " B "it is necessary to be always "here and now". it is important. No inner dialogue, no thinking, no chatter inside the mind. Let the mind rest, turn it off during practice. No need to think about anything. Only awareness of themselves here and now.

      Start by focusing on what is happening to You and in Your immediate area, about an arm's length away. Teleportation takes place not on the borders of the body, but on the borders of the open portal. If the object moves alone, the boundary is commensurate with the size of Leonardo's cocoon. Below You will read, that this for zone, conditional support, its feet on width shoulders, hands outstretched in hand, slightly upward, on limbs fingers hands and legs can be will describe some cocoon in the form of eggs. Here is in these limits most often is happening teleportation. If you plan to teleport with someone, the zone will be correspondingly larger, Your light bodies will merge to the desired proportions of consciousness. Feel this zone around you, try to see it. This is the zone of one of the light bodies of man, feel it.

      No less important is the intention. Intention involves not just desire, not just hope or faith, but the absolute knowledge of where You will move in a few seconds. Visualization in this case plays a key role. The stronger, clearer and more specific you imagine, or rather see in front of you the area in which you will move, the easier and faster the transition will be carried out. It is important that the destination is visualized not as it was when you remembered it, but as it looks now, at a particular moment. This vision will come to You, don't worry about it. Until you can see the desired area directly in front of you, just visualize it as close to this point in time as you can, it's important.

      Ultimately, You will not even realize that the teleportation has taken place, you will simply find Yourself in the area that you saw in front of you a fraction of a second ago, being in another place. For a while You will feel like you thought you were in point "A". You will think that you just forgot about how you came here and are just here on some business, and the mind in due time will immediately find an excuse for what happened, citing partial memory loss. But two or three movements in space will restore the correct understanding, and everything will go naturally. The main thing in the intention is to feel yourself not here and now, but in the area in which you are ready to be in the blink of an eye. It is better to visualize with open eyes, it will give the fastest result. At first it will not be so easy to look at one area, and in the mind to keep the other, but pretty quickly everything will start to turn out, You will see those layers through which the actual movement will occur.

      Force. Power is energy. It's a level of spirituality, a level of consciousness and a level of willingness to do what You do. At the moment of teleportation, the energy body of a person is pierced by powerful electric waves. A powerful electromagnetic field is formed, which works in accordance with the entire body and with all seven human bodies. These currents are always present within us, but at the moment of teleportation they are activated. A field of uniform density is formed, which moves You from point " A "to point "B".

      The stronger the energy, the stronger the spirit, the word, the character of a person, the stronger and more stable the electromagnetic field.

      When you practice teleportation – keep the order of the three above rules and over time, as the consciousness sees the opportunity and fueled by knowledge, it will move you wherever you want.

      But don't get carried away. Energy is spent a lot, although it can not be felt immediately. Without the need, it is better not to move in space. At least not yet.

      Now there are about a hundred active teleports in the world. Their number is growing. Very soon, I believe, in the 22nd century, teleportation will come out of the shadows on an equal footing with other abilities. Then many technological devices can be disposed of. Many businesses will close, and this is already happening. But in General, everything is going in the right direction. The earth has several times started all over again, the Earth and burned and flooded to wash away all the dirt tripled by humanity. Here, at last there was a chance to come to the spiritual enlightened almost primordial world peacefully.

      Below You will find a confirmation of many things said and you will find the answers to your questions. And also get a recommended list of references to consolidate the material and films that reveal and show many of the moments that you look now at an unusual angle.

      Visualized, felt themselves in destination, fulfilled all three rules teleportation described below, and proved there, where wanted. On the fingers, you will agree, it is difficult to explain. That is why the question – " How do you do it?"– always should the most precise the answer – "simply I take and do, so same as go, there is, I take those or other objects and all the, that routinely for You."

      It's all about the level Of your consciousness. Once you allow yourself to acquire the ability to teleport, You will do so.

      Pay great attention to your breathing. Take 7-10 deep breaths and the same exhalations a day. In these moments, try not to think about anything. This is difficult to explain, but these exercises are firstly very effective in restoring health, and secondly, greatly raise the spiritual level, and this is necessary for the development of teleportation and expansion of consciousness. These breathing exercises are of the same nature as Hatha Yoga. "enhanced fusion" translated into our language, a technique aimed at calming the mind. A calmed mind will no longer be able to influence your consciousness with fictitious prohibitions. By freeing your mind from Intrusive thought forms and uncontrolled chatter, you will discover abilities that you hardly know exist. You will die in the old capacity, but you will be born in a completely different one (not to be confused with physical death). The world will open up to you on a completely different side, You will begin to live…

      And the last…

      I almost forgot to add to the work of very important components that expand consciousness and move You in the right direction with incredible speed. For me this is usual and normal, but for most of You the most difficult and turning point may be a five-year taboo on the list, which I will give below. Do not use all that is given in the list below in your life, exclude it for 3-5 years, after which you will be surprised to look at other people from the position of enlightened, expanded consciousness and do not understand and do not believe that You were once the same.

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