My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 2019
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find it, and it is imagination. Nobody will look for absolutely the stranger especially in others city, and to help it with it, without the benefit, nobody will become. Emmanuel having addressed Grigory Ivanovich told:

      – Je vous suis reconnaissante pour votre les le vouloirs à moi aider, mais moi-même.

      – Que, comme voulez. J'ai beaucoup de liens, et je peux vous aider trouver celui-là qui cherchez. Je sans toutes arrière-pensées veux vous aider.

      – Je venais à bout toujours, et cette fois-ci aussi. – then she sharply added. – Je regrette déjà que chez vous est venu.

      – Vous êtes venus parce que ma fille vous an invité.

      – Cela ainsi.

      – Et vous avez accepté son invitation. Ainsi?

      – Ainsi, et non ainsi.

      – Que vous pensez?

      – Votre fille avait besoin de l'aide, et je lui ai dit pour que… Eh bien, vous comprenez.

      – Oui, je vous comprends.

      – Voici moi ici. De sorte que je suis venue chez vous seulement à cause de Ljudy. – Emmanuel having made a pause, added. – l'aide Féminine, si comprenez?

      – Oui, je vous comprends.

      – Oui, je vous comprends bien. Les hommes ont aussi une amitié solide et la solidarité.

      – Je connais cela, mais je veux ne pas accepter avec vous.

      – Pourquoi?

      – Les hommes ne connaissent pas, qu'est-ce que c'est l'amitié et la solidarité.

      Grigory Ivanovich with interest listened Emmanuel.

      – L'affaire dans celui-là, que les hommes peuvent être liés seulement avec les hommes, et cela jusqu'à ce moment-là ils ne se disputeront pas, ou entre eux la femme deviendra. Ici à toute l'amitié et la solidarité la fin, et jusqu'à la fin de la vie vient, vous-hommes ne vous réconciliez jamais.

      – Et vous-femmes non tels?

      – Non. Nous trouvons toujours le compromis.

      – Quel compromis?

      – Nous-femme est toujours trouvé ce fil de notre amitié qui nous lie, et nous fait détruire tout cela cher à nous que chez nous est. Certes nous nous disputons parfois, et cela sans cela. Mais nous trouvons toujours le compromis, et nous pardonnons l'un l'autre même pour ce qu'une chez l'autre an emmené le garçon. Et vous-hommes. Que dites à la réponse?

      – Moi? Peut – être? – Lui ayant fait la pause, continué. – vous êtes droits seulement dans un.

      – Dans quoi?

      – Les hommes luttent pour la femme, d'ailleurs ainsi que les femmes luttent pour les hommes. Cela se passera le monde se trouve. – then he kind of with a smile added – Si la sélection connaissez. – it having made a pause, added. – Est se passe du siècle aux siècles, et sera. – it having again made a pause, asked. – Signifie vous ne voulez pas pour que nous vous ayons aidé?

      Emmanuel carefully asked:

      – Et où vous travaillez?

      – Je maintenant en retraite, mais chez moi suis les connaissances qui peuvent contribuer.

      – Et où vos connaissances travaillent?

      – Dans les organismes du droit juridique.


      – I am grateful to you for yours volitions me to help, but I am.

      – Well, as you want. I have many communications, and I can help you to find the one whom you look for. I without all ulterior motives want to help you.

      – I always coped itself, and this time too. I already regret that I arrived to you.

      – You arrived because my daughter invited you.

      – It so.

      – And you accepted her invitation. So?

      – So, and not so.

      – What do you mean?

      – Your daughter needed the help, and I told it that it… well you understand.

      – Yes, I understand you.

      – Here I here. So I arrived to you only because of Luda. The women's help whether you understand?

      – Yes, I understand you.

      – Yes, I well understand you. Men have a firm friendship and solidarity too.

      – I know it, but I want not to agree with you.

      – Why?

      – Men do not know what is friendship and solidarity.

      Grigory Ivanovich:

      – Business is in that – continued Emmanuel. – that men can be on friendly terms only with men, and that until they do not swear, or between them will become the woman. Here to all friendship and solidarity the end, and until the end of life comes, you men never reconcile.

      – And you are a female not such?

      – No. We always reach compromise.

      – What compromise?

      – We are women always we find that thread of our friendship which connects us – women, and does not allow us to destroy all that expensive to us that we have. Of course We sometimes swear, and it without it. But we always reach compromise, and we forgive each other even for the fact that one at another took away the guy. And you are men, – these words were precisely intended not to Grigory Ivanovich, but all men of the world, and now he had to answer this question. – what tell in reply?

      – I – thought Grigory Ivanovich. He understood that this question was addressed to it personally, and to all men of the world in his face. – Perhaps? – it having made a pause, continued. – You are right only in one.

      – In what?

      – Men fight for the woman, however, as well as women fight for men. It will occur so far the world stands. – then he kind of with a smile added. – Whether you know natural selection. – it having made a pause, added. – It comes from a century never, and will be. – it having again made a pause, asked. – Means you do not want that we helped you?

      Emmanuel carefully asked:

      – And where you work?

      – I now on pension, but at me am acquaintances who can promote.

      – And where your acquaintances work?

      – In law enforcement bodies.

      Emmanuel thought. She, was obviously right. All this was not casual. Waited for it in this country. Waited, and here it here. In this apartment. From which in the apartment it is obvious to it not vyt. What was necessary for people from it? Who are they such? She did not know it, and could not know. In hope to explain a situation, Emmanuel addressed Luda. She told:

      – I would like to walk whether you will keep me the company. "I would like to walk whether you will keep me the company".

      Luda immediately hurried to answer:

      – Of course I will make! that for a question. "Of course I will make! that for a question".

      Then Luda told the father that Emmanuel wants to walk, and she will keep her the company. Grigory Ivanovich agreed, at the same time asked:

      – Où vous vous êtes arrêtés? "Where you stopped?".

      – Encore nulle part. "Still anywhere".

      – J'ai à Moscou un appartement, vous pouvez to lodge là. Cela au center de Moscou. Je ne prendrai pas le paiement de vous. "I have in Moscow an apartment, you can lodge there. It in the center of Moscow. From you I will not charge a fee".
