When I lecture on the futility and perils of antidepressants, I like to employ the following analogy courtesy of Dr. David Healy, an internationally respected psychiatrist based in the UK: Let’s say you’re somebody who experiences a lot of social anxiety. You have a couple glasses of wine at a party as a preemptive strike. A sense of calmness washes over you and your symptoms evaporate. Through deductive reasoning, you could say, “Well, I must have an alcohol deficiency, so I should continue to consume alcohol every time I have this symptom, and I might want to drink regularly to prevent it altogether.” This analogy is emblematic of the practice of dishing out antidepressants without any consideration of their long-term consequences.48
We’ve arrived at a place in psychiatry’s abuse of antidepressants where we have a half-baked theory in a vacuum of science that the pharmaceutical industry raced to fill. We have the illusion of short-term efficacy and assumptions about long-term safety. The potential emerging side effects are nothing short of horrifying, from suppressed libido and sexual dysfunction, abnormal bleeding, insomnia, migraine, weight gain, and blood sugar imbalances to risk of violent, irrational behavior and suicide. Before I get to the ugliest of side effects and withdrawal complications, let’s focus on how your ability to function long term in the world with depression is significantly sabotaged by treating that first episode of depression with medication. This too has been expertly explored by Robert Whitaker, whose website (www.madinamerica.com) is a virtual library of published data and thoughtful reviews of multiple long-term studies that have followed large groups of people taking antidepressants. Time and time again these studies demonstrate poor functional outcomes for people treated with antidepressants relative to those with minimal to no medication treatment.49 They are at greater risk for all the acute side effects I’ve already listed, as well as increased risk of relapse, cognitive impairment, secondary diagnosis and medication treatments (first a depression diagnosis followed by a bipolar one), and recurrent hospitalization.
A breathtaking 60 percent of patients are still diagnosed with depression one year into treatment, despite temporary improvement within the first three months.50 Two prospective studies in particular support a worse outcome in those prescribed medication. In one such British study, an unmedicated group experienced a 62 percent improvement by six months, whereas the drug-treated patients experienced only a 33 percent reduction in symptoms.51 And in another study of depressed patients conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in fifteen cities across the UK, it was found that at the end of one year, those who weren’t exposed to psychotropic medications enjoyed much better “general health,” their depressive symptoms were much “milder,” and they were less likely to still be “mentally ill”!52
Now let’s consider the more serious possible side effects of violent behavior, relapse, and crippling withdrawal among those who try to escape their grip. Antidepressants have a well-established history of causing violent side effects, including suicide and homicide. In fact, five of the top ten most violence-inducing drugs have been found to be antidepressants.53 Over the past three decades there have been hundreds of mass shootings, murders, and other violent episodes that have been committed by individuals on psychiatric drugs. Big Pharma spends around $2.4 billion a year on their direct-to-consumer television advertising for drugs like Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil. The networks can’t afford to run negative stories about prescription drugs, as they would lose tens of millions of dollars in ad revenue (no wonder the connection is habitually downplayed or ignored entirely). The Russian roulette of patients vulnerable to these “side effects” is only beginning to be known and may have something to do with how their bodies (and actions of their unique genetic code) metabolize these chemicals and preexisting allostatic (stress) load. Dr. Healy has worked tirelessly to expose data implicating antidepressants in risk of suicide and violence, maintaining a database for reporting, writing, and lecturing about cases of medication-induced death that could make your soul wince. And what about our most vulnerable: new mothers of helpless infants? I have countless patients like Kate in my practice who report never-before thoughts of suicide within weeks of starting an antidepressant for postpartum depression.
In a population where only a few randomized trials have examined the use of antidepressants for postpartum depression, I have grave concerns for women who are treated with drugs before more benign and effective interventions such as dietary modification, thyroid treatment, and addressing their sleep habits during this period when sleep deprivation runs high are explored. We already know that “low mood” is likely to resolve on its own within three months without any treatment, and upward of 70 percent of people will be free of depression without any medication whatsoever within a year.54 Yet we reflexively turn to these drugs and their unpredictable effects that can rob us of the ability to find permanent relief through the body’s own powerful systems, even though, by their own claims, they take six to eight weeks to “take effect.”
In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revised the labeling requirements for antidepressant medications with a warning that: “Antidepressants increased the risk compared to placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents, and young adults in short-term studies of major depressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders.”55 The FDA was pushed to revise the labeling following a bevy of lawsuits in which pharmaceutical companies were forced to reveal previously undisclosed drug data.
You’d think such labeling would give people—and parents—pause. But since 2004, antidepressant use has only increased among both children and adults. I am routinely helping women who want to have a baby either avoid or taper from antidepressants, despite having been “specially trained” to prescribe for this population. For many of them, the first step is simply accepting the fact that they’ve been lied to about the value of antidepressants and their alleged benefits. Meanwhile, their downsides are not only downplayed but actively concealed.
All you have to do is spend a few minutes on SurvivingAntidepressants.org, BeyondMeds.com, or SSRIstories.org to appreciate that we have created a monster. Millions of men, women, and children the world over are suffering side effects, including complicated withdrawal routinely dismissed by their prescribing clinicians. Contrary to what Big Pharma would have you believe, weaning off antidepressants is extremely difficult, so choosing to take them could be signing up for a lifetime of medication use that creates and sustains abnormal states in the brain and entire nervous system. As a clinician who once believed in these medications, I have been humbled by what they are capable of. In fact, even when I have tapered women off of Celexa at extremely low increments of .001 mg a month, it can be hard to imagine another class of substances on earth so potentially complicated to discontinue.
I first became aware of the habit-forming nature of these medications when I worked with a patient who wanted to become pregnant in the coming year to taper off of Zoloft. She experienced about six months of protracted withdrawal that began at about two months after her last dose. My training did nothing to prepare me to deal with that.
The truth is that we have very little idea about what these medications are actually doing! At the same time, though, we need to acknowledge that the complexity of neurophysiology is overwhelming. Although the appeal is to think that we’ve cracked the code on human behavior and all of its intricate physiology, we’re far from it. For example, ten years ago we didn’t even know that the brain had an immune system, and two years ago we didn’t know it had lymphatics—basic anatomy. We used to think that immune activity in the brain only happened under certain pathological circumstances. But now we’ve identified microglia—billions of cells that play a specific role in managing inflammatory responses in the brain based on perceived threats from the rest of the body.56 And it’s not just about tinkering with chemical levels in the brain or the body for that matter.
We like to cling to simple explanations, but even the categorical name of the various antidepressants, selective serotonin